- 10.0/10(1)
#1 - Betrayal
Season 2 Episode 2
Aired 9/23/1997
The firm defends Joey Heric, a colorful client on trial for the murder of his lover. Jimmy is tried on solicitation charges by a vengeful district attorney.
Director: Thomas Schlamme
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 10.0/10(1)
#2 - Hide and Seek
Season 2 Episode 11
Aired 11/29/1997
Bobby and Lindsay second-chair Bobby's old mentor, Raymond Oz, when Oz fears he's losing his memory. Eugene struggles with his conscience when he defends a man on trial for raping and murdering two boys. Jimmy's fantasies come true when a childhood sex symbol seeks his legal counsel.
Director: Steve Miner
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 10.0/10(1)
#3 - Over the Rainbow
Season 1 Episode 2
Aired 9/22/1994
Jeffrey runs afoul of the trustees when a grieving husband has second thoughts after allowing him to test an artificial heart on the body of the man's newly deceased wife; Alan comes to the rescue when a patient's HMO refuses to cover Aaron's operating on her very complicated and potentially fatal brain tumor; Jeffrey visits his wife Laurie, a straitjacketed patient in a mental hospital who apologizes for drowning their son Joey; Arthur's refusal to remove his wagging finger from Jeffrey's face during an argument leaves him with a bitten digit, and enables Jeffrey to diagnose the curable medical condition that's causing Arthur's resting tremor.
Director: Michael Dinner
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.5/10(2)
#4 - Closet Justice
Season 3 Episode 19
Aired 3/28/1999
Judge Hiller assigns Lindsay the repugnant task of defending nun-killer Michael Kingston. Lindsay discovers that the police search that found the body was unconstitutional and, against all her morals, moves that Kingston be released. Helen delivers an impassioned argument, stating that the constitution was designed to protect the innocent, a category that doesn't include Kingston. In the end, Judge Hiller has no choice but to strike the body from evidence and dismiss the charges. Meanwhile, Jimmy and Rebecca defend a man on solicitation charges, claiming that the undercover officer aroused the man, then announced she was a prostitute. Jimmy and Judge Kittleson arrange a private meeting.
Director: Alex Graves
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.0/10(1)
#5 - Chapter One
Season 1 Episode 1
Aired 10/23/2000
Another school year is off to a booming start at Winslow High School -- an urban high school outside of Boston. Principal Steven Harper spends his days putting out fires, defending his faculty and just trying to keep it together. Lauren Davis, the idealistic head of the social studies department, and Harry Senate, a geology teacher with buried secrets, are embroiled in controversy for failing the star running back before a huge game with the cross-town rivals. But they both have bigger personal problems. Lauren has been asked out on a date by the icy vice principal and Harry has been put on probation for wielding a gun in one of his classes. When he's not dodging the star running back's lawyer or pulling a bully off the class geek, Principal Harper is trying to calm Ms. Hendricks. She left her class after scrawling ""Gone to kill myself, hope you're happy"" on the chalkboard. Meanwhile, English teacher Milton Buttle has become the star attraction on student Sheryl Holt's Web site. His un
Director: Thomas Schlamme
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.0/10(4)
#6 - Part I (Pilot)
Season 1 Episode 1
Aired 3/4/1997
Bobby defends Rachel Reynolds, a young woman facing drug charges. She is not a drug dealer, but was trying to cover for her brother. Lindsay represents Emerson Ray, who is suing a tobacco company in a wrongful death suit. Lindsay's favourite law professor, Anderson Pearson, represents the defence. Eugene represents "Free Willy", a man who exposes himself in public.
Director: Mick Jackson
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.0/10(2)
#7 - The Blessing
Season 2 Episode 3
Aired 9/27/1997
Bobby and Gamble clash in and out of the courtroom when an emotional assisted-suicide case forces them to confront painful memories. Meanwhile, Lindsay goes head-to-head with her ex-boyfriend when she defends an elderly bookie.
Director: N/A
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.0/10(2)
#8 - Dog Bite
Season 2 Episode 4
Aired 10/4/1997
Jimmy finally gets his first case, that of a little girl bitten by a dog. A juror approaches Lindsay with inside information on a case. Eugene defends a one-legged mugger.
Director: Steve Miner
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.0/10(2)
#9 - In Deep
Season 2 Episode 21
Aired 3/2/1998
The Luis Moreno case finally comes to trial with Rebecca more determined than ever to testify. Ellenor rushes off to defend Cruikshank again, leaving Lindsay to defend a man being cited for using too much water in his toilet. Eugene faces his own prejudices during an altercation with a dry cleaner.
Director: Oz Scott
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.0/10(1)
#10 - End Games
Season 3 Episode 16
Aired 2/28/1999
The office is thrown into turmoil when Ellenor's client Leonard Sowers rushes through the door with policemen giving chase and throws a bag of heroin onto her desk. Ellenor is arrested for possession of the heroin. A proximity search of her desk turns up a bloodied knife which turns out to be the weapon used to murder Susan Robins. The firm is dealt a surprise when Dickie Flood charges Ellenor with first degree murder. Lindsay & Ellenor bury the hatchet when Lindsay takes over her defense. The police, hoping to make another case for the murder, arrest George Vogelman for concealing a murder weapon and perjury. Meanwhile, Bobby defends Judge Kittleson when she's sued by a former clerk claiming sexual harassment. Jimmy is mesmerized by Judge Kittleson's frank sexual discussion.
Director: Keith Samples
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.0/10(1)
#11 - Happily Ever After
Season 3 Episode 23
Aired 5/9/1999
Lindsay is stabbed by an unknown assailant wearing a nun's outfit during a late night at the office. Lindsay manages to utter the word 'nun' to Bobby before she passes out. Based on the information, Helen drags nuns into the courthouse for interrogation, reasoning that a nun upset over Michael (the nun killer) Kingston's acquittal may have committed the crime. Jimmy finds a photo of Lindsay with her image defaced in Judge Kittleson's office, bring a fleet of police to her home. Other suspects include Kingston himself and Joey Heric.
Director: Dwight H. Little
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.0/10(1)
#12 - Liberty Bells (2)
Season 4 Episode 20
Aired 5/7/2000
Ellenor continues the Donovan case, following up on the various leads to exonerate her client.
Director: Michael Schultz
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.0/10(1)
#13 - The Thin Line
Season 5 Episode 13
Aired 2/4/2001
Tensions at the firm are at an all-time high when Bobby is tried for the murder of William Hinks. Bobby is acquitted, though there is little to celebrate when a mysterious cassette recorder is sent to the office. Lucy and Rebecca hear Hinks' voice on the recorder, just before it triggers an explosion.
Director: Dennis Smith
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.0/10(2)
#14 - Hope and Gory
Season 4 Episode 5
Aired 10/30/2007
A woman asks for Alan's advice on how to kill the man who murdered her daughter but was acquitted by reason of temporary insanity; Katie and Jerry try to overturn a child-molester-registry law to save a falsely accused client; and Lorraine tries to help Alan overcome deep-rooted childhood fears that cause him to speak gibberish whenever she's around.
Director: N/A
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 9.0/10(2)
#15 - The Court Supreme
Season 4 Episode 17
Aired 4/22/2008
It's a lawyer's dream come true for Alan when he presents an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court in a case involving a mentally challenged man who was convicted of statutory rape. Meanwhile, Lorraine shares startling news with Katie about Jerry's girlfriend.
Director: N/A
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 8.7/10(3)
#16 - Angels & Blimps
Season 2 Episode 13
Aired 2/8/1999
The lawyers are shocked to discover Ling has been keeping a secret. Ally visits Dr. Butters at the hospital one day and sees he's treating a terminally ill little boy. The little boy, Eric Stall, sees Ally in the doorway and finds out that she is a lawyer. He asks if he can retain her services because he wants to sue God. Ally tries to tell him it's not possible, but Ling, who was at the hospital at the same time, overhears and tells the boy not to listen to Ally.
Director: Mel Damski
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 8.7/10(3)
#17 - Only The Lonely
Season 2 Episode 20
Aired 5/3/1999
In a land where everyone has the opportunity to make a fortune, it seems that now it's Elaine's turn - it appears that her invention, the "Face Bra", might be a hit. Unfortunately, Elaine's family sues her for royalties claiming that Elaine stole the idea from her cousin Martha just before Martha's untimely death. Ally agrees to represent Elaine but when depositions appear to nail Elaine, Georgia is the first to suggest they settle. Elaine is crushed: first her family turns on her, now her colleagues are ready to abandon her. Billy and Ling are defending a computer software firm on sexual harassment charges emanating from the company's "Day at the Beach" casual days at the office. Even though participation is voluntary, Vicky Sharpe, a slightly overweight employee felt she had no choice but to participate or risk being singled out as a non-participant. John Cage remains a man transformed by his thirty-fifth birthday.
Director: Vincent Misiano
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 8.7/10(3)
#18 - Tortured Souls
Season 1 Episode 15
Aired 2/20/2005
Shirley asks Alan Shore to use his odious lawyering to help her defend a police officer accused of torture. Donny Crane returns and is the opposing counsel in Denny's case, with Chelina Hall as second chair, where a woman wants to sue her former boyfriend for saying no to her at the alter. For Denny, this is an easy case, for Donny this is to settle a score with Denny for letting him believe for 25 years that he was his father. Meanwhile, Bernard Ferrion is befriended by Catherine and Alan finds variance with that.
Director: Jeff Bleckner
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 8.7/10(3)
#19 - Race Ipsa
Season 2 Episode 23
Aired 4/25/2006
When Denny shoots his therapist in self-defense, the senior partners, fed up with his rogue behavior, begin to enact plans to remove him from the firm. Meanwhile, Alan enlists the help of Chelina in a racially-charged case involving a black man being arrested for being in a white neighborhood, and Brad asks Denise to teach him to be a better kisser.
Director: Lou Antonio
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 8.7/10(10)
#20 - Citizens United
Season 1 Episode 8
Aired 10/13/2016
The trial concludes as former partners and old friends have their final showdown in court.
Director: Lawrence Trilling
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 8.6/10(10)
#21 - Beauty and the Beast
Season 1 Episode 7
Aired 10/13/2016
With danger mounting around every corner, Billy has to decide whether to head directly to trial or take his chances with a continuance.
Director: Lawrence Trilling
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 8.6/10(12)
#22 - Line of Fire
Season 1 Episode 6
Aired 10/13/2016
Billy has to go to great lengths to secure his physical evidence's safety and preserve his witnesses' credibility.
Director: Lawrence Trilling
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 8.5/10(2)
#23 - These Are The Days
Season 1 Episode 23
Aired 5/18/1998
Cage must represent his second cousin, a harmless but eccentric man with a Cupid Complex. His cousin was brought up on assault charges for swatting couples in the head with a paddle to goose them into realizing they're in love. On the way out of the courthouse, the client swats Ally and Bobby Donnell, who have grown considerably closer over a case they are co-counseling. The matter entails two men who want the court to order/force a hospital to perform a heart-swap surgery. The judge turns the tables on the lawyers and asks Ally to role-play by pretending she's the judge who must render the ruling. Billy and Georgia realize their relationship is in a rut. They resolve to be less predictable, and spontaneously decide to have sex in the conference room. Ally who always seems to be at the wrong place at the wrong time inadvertently walks in on Georgia and Billy.
Director: Jonathan Pontell
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 8.5/10(2)
#24 - They Eat Horses Don't They?
Season 2 Episode 2
Aired 9/21/1998
Ally is feeling increasingly antipathetic towards Nelle Porter. She thinks Nelle brings out the darker side of the firm. Nelle represents a First Amendment case about a popular radio talk show host, ala Howard Stern, who is accused of inciting a hostile work atmosphere through his vulgar discourse. Nelle triumphs by implying that the talk show host has certain sexual dysfunctions, then promptly drops the case as a legal tactic. Ally becomes disgusted. Cage takes on the case of a restaurant owner being sued by a man claiming intentional infliction of emotional distress for serving horse meat to patrons. During the course of the case, Cage finds it increasingly difficult to do his job due to a preponderance of empathy for the horse in question.
Director: Mel Damski
Writer: David E. Kelley
0 - 8.5/10(2)
#25 - It's My Party
Season 2 Episode 4
Aired 10/19/1998
Elaine refers a client, George Madison, to the firm who is suing a prominent feminist magazine for wrongful dismissal. The new editor in chief decided to disqualify him for the job because of his religion's views on women. George is confident in the firm and retains the services of Cage. Ally finds herself unmistakably moved by and attracted to their new client. Elaine lets Ally believe she and George are 'involved' and Ally tries to back off accordingly. Ally tries to keep her fantasies about George under control until she and Renee throw a dinner party and Elaine shows up with George as her date.
Director: Jace Alexander
Writer: David E. Kelley