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The Best Episodes Written By Eva Zahn

Every TV Episode Written by Eva Zahn Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  • Seventh Floor

    #1 - Seventh Floor

    Season 55 Episode 27

    Aired 11/24/2024

    When the janitor of one of Cologne's largest brothels falls to his death from the seventh floor, detectives Ballauf and Schenk are called to the scene. Evidence quickly mounts that the victim was pushed and other people's lives might be in danger.

    Director: Hüseyin Tabak

    Writer: Eva Zahn


  • Demolition edge

    #2 - Demolition edge

    Season 54 Episode 10

    Aired 3/26/2023

    Almost all of Alt-Bützenich is deserted and boarded up. At night a security service checks on everything. It was decided that the houses and the church would have to give way to open-cast mining. Then the climate change brings new hope: the old village can stay. But the once close-knit village community has long since disappeared with the move to Neu-Bützenich. As Dr. When Christian Franzen, the local doctor, is informed that his empty house has been broken into, he immediately sets off - but never returns home. His wife Betje turns to the police, who find her husband - shot dead in the old village. Even though everyone here was a patient of the doctor, he was still not particularly popular. During their investigation, detectives Max Ballauf and Freddy Schenk uncover a torn community. Time cannot simply be turned back here in the lignite mining area.

    Director: Torsten C. Fischer

    Writer: Eva Zahn


  • Episode 29

    #3 - Episode 29

    Season 41 Episode 29

    Aired 11/14/2010

  • Episode 9

    #4 - Episode 9

    Season 43 Episode 9

    Aired 3/4/2012

  • Borowski and the Children of Gaarden

    #5 - Borowski and the Children of Gaarden

    Season 46 Episode 13

    Aired 3/29/2015

    The 60-year-old alcoholic Onno Steinhaus is found dead in a working-class district of Kiel. Steinhaus had a criminal record for pedophilia and, as Borowski and Brandt quickly find out, lived in complete isolation. Ironically, however, a group of children seemed to have gone in and out of the dead man. Apparently they exploited the dead man's desires, but - as they claim at least - never complied with his wishes. The police officer responsible for the district, Thorsten Rausch, seems to have capitulated in view of the social neglect in his area. Sarah Brandt's investigations bring to light a video that shows a boy - Timo Scholz - in a catchy situation with Onno Steinhaus. Timo denies having been abused. Borowski has to observe that Sarah Brandt is conspicuously often trying to get close to her police colleague Rausch.

    Director: Florian Gärtner

    Writer: Eva Zahn


  • Borowski and the Curse of the White Gull

    #6 - Borowski and the Curse of the White Gull

    Season 51 Episode 17

    Aired 5/10/2020

    In the middle of an event at the police college, a young student freaks out and stabs her buddy. He still dies at the scene in the arms of the helpless main commissioner.

    Director: Hüseyin Tabak

    Writer: Eva Zahn


  • Borowski and the Great Rage

    #7 - Borowski and the Great Rage

    Season 54 Episode 17

    Aired 5/7/2023

    A passerby is pushed in front of a moving truck at the Kiel Fjord: an outbreak of violence from nowhere. Commissioner Borowski is listening to a nearby vocational school. A little later, the main commissioner lands in the intensive care unit with a serious head injury. Mila Sahin is of the greatest concern. Why wasn't she with him when her colleague needed her? She suspects a connection between the senseless act and the attack on Borowski. And then there are these strange calls that reach the main commissioner on the bedside: a girl named Finja claims to have been kidnapped by his sister Celina. Celina Lübbert is one of the girls Borowski interrogated at the vocational school.

    Director: Friederike Jehn

    Writer: Eva Zahn



Eva Zahn Ratings Summary

"Seventh Floor" is the best rated episode written by Eva Zahn. It scored 6.5/10 based on 4 votes. It was directed by Hüseyin Tabak. It aired on 11/24/2024 and is rated 0.2 points higher than their second-best episode, "Demolition edge".