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The Best Episodes Written By Maxwell Atoms

Every TV Episode Written by Maxwell Atoms Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  1. 10.0/10(1 votes)

    #1 - Teenage Idol


    Hector begins another plan to rule the world, by recruiting the help of a giant stone idol that is alive. The idol isn't exactly what he expected; it's only 15 in idol years! He says that he'll only help Hector if he gets a date with Major Doctor Ghastly. Ghastly refuses, so Hector dresses up as Ghastly and seduces the idol to help him, but the idol's parents come and forbid him from helping Hector or dating Ghastly.

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  2. 10.0/10(1 votes)

    #2 - Hector, King of the Britons


    Hector wants to rule Britain so he goes to Great Britain to find Excalibur, but the Lady of the Lake won't give it to him even after he does many things to prove himself worthy. When he finally steals Excalibur he finds out that the King has no power in Britain. In the Amusing ending, the "Lady of the Lake" steals the sword back by banging him over the head two times after Hector asked for "two lumps" {of sugar} in his tea.

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  3. 9.0/10(1 votes)

    #3 - Mumkey Business


    When Chester is tired of Bunnicula's ghoulish mischief he decides to lock him back in the cellar. But this proves to be a mistake when a mummy monkey attacks the apartment.

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  4. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #4 - Meet the Reaper


    Billy's pet hamster, Mr. Snuggles, celebrates his 10th birthday, so the Grim Reaper comes for him. However, Mandy, Billy's friend, is reluctant in allowing it, so she proposes a deal to the Grim Reaper: if he beats the kids in a game, he can take the hamster, but if he loses, he will spare the hamster's life and become their "best friend forever". The Grim Reaper transports the kids to limbo, where he challenges them to a game of limbo. Despite his best effort, Grim ends up losing because he is attacked by Mr. Snuggles at Mandy’s command.

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  5. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #5 - Get Out of My Head!


    After watching a movie, Grim teaches Billy to possess people by jumping into their heads. Billy possesses Mandy and makes her do assorted things like flirting with Irwin, kissing Mandy's mother, going into both men's and women's restrooms and eating earthworms. In the end, Billy leaves Mandy's head, but later that night, Mandy possesses Billy's cat, Milkshakes, to maul him as a form of revenge.

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    Director:Dave Brain
  6. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #6 - The Crawling Niceness


    Billy hatches a giant spider.

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  7. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #7 - Billy and Mandy's Jacked Up Halloween


    A headless man from Grim's past uses Billy to steal Grim's scythe.

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  8. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #8 - Wishbones


    After Grim's robe comes out of the washing machine, Billy and Mandy find Thromnambular, a talking skull with ruby eyes and a number nine imprinted on his forehead. Grim tells them that the skull is a magical artifact imprisoned on Earth that must grant his nine wishes to be free. When Mandy asks Grim why he has not used any of the wishes, Grim tells her that the skull will corrupt the wishes and end up affecting the wisher.

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    Director:Juli Murphy
  9. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #9 - Jeffy's Web


    When Billy gets under his house's foundation, he encounters again his "son", Jeff the Spider, who has just laid eggs. Jeff tries to make things right with Billy so he can take care of the baby spiders, as he is going to die after the eggs hatch. Naturally terrified of seeing Jeff, Billy runs away and a wild car chase ensues. The eggs hatch, and Grim decides to refill Jeff's hourglass that represents his lifetime so he does not die and can continue to scare Billy.

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  10. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #10 - Duck!


    After Grim has a nice dream, a nightmare escapes the back of his head in the shape of a supernatural, invisible duck that makes farting noises. The duck follows Grim everywhere, causing him embarrassment with the non-existent farts, and to end up in jail. The duck repeats the strategy, following other citizens, including Irwin and Billy's dad, resulting in all of them going to jail too. The duck tries to annoy Mandy, but she remains imperturbable by its presence. The duck disappears and Principal Goodvibes is really angry, and he gives Mandy 75 days of detention.

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    Director:Juli Murphy
  11. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #11 - Zip Your Fly


    Billy and Mandy find a supernatural zipper from Grim's robe, and while Billy uses it to create mischief, Mandy gets herself in a sticky situation.

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    Director:Juli Murphy
  12. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #12 - Runaway Pants


    At school it is time for the "Presidents Fitness Test", but Billy is absolutely unfit for exercise. On the other hand, Nergal Junior uses his shape-shifting powers to become fit at will and excel in every test. Billy asks Junior to transform into a pair of pants that he can wear, so he can run fast and win the 50-meter race. Since Junior has never attempted to transform into inanimate objects he cannot stop running and cannot revert to his human form. Billy keeps running forever while he becomes a national sensation known as the "Fitness Lad". It is revealed that the story was just all a fabrication created by the narrator, who parodies The Twilight Zone.

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  13. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #13 - One Crazy Summoner


    When Billy's parents are attacked by an anaconda, Billy suggest visiting boy wizard Nigel Planter, because he can talk to snakes. Planter in fact does not speak to snakes, but to snacks, and instead he asks for Billy, Mandy and Grim's help to win the affections of Huffefnie Pfefferpfeffer, a beautiful witch in the School of Sorcery (and having a striking resemblance to Gladys). Planter tries using a romantic love potion and enchanted chocolates, but they do not work. The guys end up completely forgetting about Billy's parents.

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    Director:Juli Murphy
  14. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #14 - Ecto Cooler


    As Billy desires to be "cool" like Sperg, he has an ectoplasmic manifestation coming out of his mouth. The ectoplasm grows full size and turns out to be the ghost of nineteenth-century British poet Lord Byron, who tries to teach Billy to be cool, using elaborate poetry instead of bare muscles. Billy uses a poem to insult Sperg's mother, and Sperg challenges Billy to a duel. Billy and Lord Byron fight Sperg and his gang, but are badly beaten. Byron tells Billy he has been trained in the arts of coolness, and disappears.

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  15. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #15 - Prank Call of Cthulu


    When Billy and Irwin start making prank calls, everybody knows that Billy is behind the calls because every telephone has a caller ID. While Billy searches in Grim's trunk in the basement for something to defeat the caller ID, he finds a skull-shaped phone with no caller ID. Grim warns him to not use the phone, because it is used to call the ancient demon Cthulhu, whose sole appearance makes people go mad, and if awakened will cause the destruction of the world. Despite Grim's warning, Billy and Irwin use the phone anyway, and they are sucked into it by tentacles.

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    Director:Juli Murphy
  16. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #16 - Billy & Mandy Save Christmas


    The day before Christmas, Billy, Mandy and Grim go to the shopping mall, where Mandy complains that Santa Claus is just an invention from corporations. Grim assures Mandy that Santa is real, and they even went to college together. They decide to travel to the North Pole and meet Santa, but when they arrive Mrs. Claus tells them that Santa Claus has been transformed into a vicious vampire.

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    Director:Juli Murphy
  17. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #17 - Modern Primitives


    When Billy digs his front yard he finds a frozen caveman, who is actually Fred Flintstone (from The Flintstones), but whom Billy names Jake Steele. Billy tries to acclimate Fred to the modern life but the job is not easy. When Fred is taken to school, he predictably goes out of control, kidnapping Miss Butterbean and running away in Principal Goodvibes' car. The ensuing chase results in Fred crashing into an ice cream truck, becoming frozen again. Instead of reaping him, Billy decides to bury Fred in the yard again. A future is shown where both Billy and Fred are defrosted by brain-eating creatures.

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  18. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #18 - Billy and Mandy vs. the Martians


    When Billy destroys Grim's favorite childhood toy, Fancy Jake, Grim feels devastated and wishes he had never lost the limbo game that made him become Billy and Mandy's best friend forever and ever. A lawyer appears saying that although the game is legally binding while all parties remain on Earth, it is not if Grim leaves Earth. In consequence, Grim follows the lawyer's advice, opens a mystical portal, and leaves. With Grim traveling aboard his spaceship, the lawyer takes off his disguise and introduces himself as Morg, the Martian Grim Reaper, who is also Emperor of Mars and commands an army of Martian, brain-eating zombies.

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    Director:Juli Murphy
  19. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #19 - Dumb-Dumbs and Dragons


    As Billy sees Hoss Delgado's manliness is action again, Billy wishes to grow up to be a hero like him. Grim tells Billy that in older times an evident way to become a hero was to slay a dragon. They travel to the Middle Ages so Billy can train under the supervision of the best dragon slayer, Sir Boss Del Guapo, who resembles the present time Delgado. Billy becomes friends with the dragon he was supposed to kill and spares his life, becoming the dragon's hero. Del Guapo finds himself transported to the present, where he has a brief encounter with Delgado.

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  20. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #20 - Spidermandy


    When Billy finds his "son" Jeff the Spider lying in his bed with "Spider Pox", he goes to Mandy for help to get rid of the giant spider. While ignoring Billy, the next morning Mandy awakens afflicted by Spider Pox too, developing four additional arms and the ability to produce spider web. Mandy's condition progresses and she completely turns into a giant spider, who captures Billy's parents and Grim. Grim tells Billy that, to cure Mandy, he must use the venom of the spider that infected her. While Billy successfully gives Mandy Jeff's venom, he also carried the virus and infected the people of the city, who have all turned into spiders.

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  21. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #21 - The Crass Unicorn


    As Billy notices Mandy and Grim's usual negative attitude, he wishes they were in a magical land of happiness, so Grim transports them to an enchanted forest. Billy enjoys the relaxed surroundings until he meets a cantankerous and sour unicorn named Mary-Frances. Billy tries to change Mary-Frances attitude, but she is reluctant due to an earlier trauma of not being able to swim and follow the other unicorns into the sea. After Billy teaches Mary-Frances to swim, she feels happy and finally can join the other unicorns, but they turn out to be bullies, the real reason she never joined them in the first place. Billy stays with the unicorns and Mary-Frances goes back with Mandy and Grim to watch TV.

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  22. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #22 - Company Halt


    As General Skarr is once again annoyed by Billy, Hector Con Carne and Major Dr. Ghastly arrive in his house with the intention of luring him back to the recently relaunched Evil Con Carne world domination organization. Although initially refusing to rejoin, Skarr later accepts with the condition that Billy and the other neighbors be destroyed. After a few weeks of living together and preparations, Evil Con Carne's ultimate weapon is revealed to be an army of tanks that shoot giant rubber bands. Skarr's all-out attack over the neighborhood is foiled when Billy tricks Hector into shooting Skarr's garden and they get into a fight.

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  23. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #23 - Waking Nightmare


    When Mandy finds Billy playing with Grim's gigantic dog, Cerberus, she tells Grim to keep Billy under tight control because she needs a good night of sleep to be ready for the next day's test. With a little persuasion from his own dad, Billy tries to wake up Mandy at night, so she will fail the test and he can score higher than her for the first time. After Grim spends the night guarding Mandy's house from Billy, the latter succeeds in waking up Mandy. It is revealed that this Mandy is in fact Irwin, used as a decoy by the real Mandy, who slept in her dog's house. Mandy passes the test, and Grim is punished for not guarding her properly.

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    Director:Juli Murphy
  24. 7.0/10(2 votes)

    #24 - Billy and Mandy Moon the Moon


    When Billy is sent to bed after playing with his Dr. Brainiac action figure, he wishes he had an adventure. He notices a strange light outside and wanders into a corn field to investigate; he encounters Sperg, and both of them got caught by a UFO's tractor beam. Inside the extraterrestrials decide to experiment on them.

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    Director:Juli Murphy
  25. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #25 - El Dia De Los Muertos Estupidos


    When Billy's dad drives Billy, Mandy and Grim to the hamburger restaurant, they somehow end up in Mexico. There, the people are celebrating Dia de los Muertos, but local kids say it may be the last celebration ever, because Del Uglio, a masked and ugly luchador, is set on stealing the "Golden Nose of Chipotle", a prehispanic relic on which the festivity is based. To get to the nose, Del Uglio has one half of the map, while the other half is held by his lost twin brother, who turns out to be Billy. Grim defeats Del Uglio, but it is Mandy who keeps the golden nose for herself, which makes her rich.

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Maxwell Atoms Ratings Summary

"Teenage Idol" is the best rated episode written by Maxwell Atoms. It scored 10/10 based on 1 votes. It was directed by Robert Hughes. It aired on 10/1/2004 and is rated 0.0 points higher than their second-best episode, "Hector, King of the Britons".