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The Best Episodes Written By Patty Lin

Every TV Episode Written by Patty Lin Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  1. 8.2/10(9 votes)

    #1 - The Garage Door


    Neal learns his father is cheating on his mother. Ken develops a crush on the tuba player in the school's marching band and Lindsay helps set them up.

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    Director:Bryan Gordon
    Writer:Patty Lin
  2. 8.1/10(184 votes)

    #2 - Gray Matter


    Walter and Skyler attend a former colleague's party. Jesse tries to free himself from the drugs, while Skyler organizes an intervention.

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    Director:Tricia Brock
    Writer:Patty Lin
  3. 8.0/10(42 votes)

    #3 - The One with the Engagement Picture


    While taking an engagement picture for himself and Monica, Chandler cannot make anything but a weird face. Meanwhile, Rachel enlists Joey to take Tag out for a night on the town. Also, Phoebe and Ross date a couple in the middle of a divorce.

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    Writer:Patty Lin
  4. 8.0/10(43 votes)

    #4 - The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs


    Ross drives himself insane when he can't name all 50 states in a simple game. Tag joins the gang for Thanksgiving dinner, where Joey accidentally spills the beans about Rachel's crush on him. Phoebe sneaks a dog into the apartment, making Chandler extremely nervous.

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    Writer:Patty Lin
  5. 8.0/10(1 votes)

    #5 - Take Out


    A friend of Sammo's owns a restaurant. He refuses to sell to Nathan Babbott, a big businessman, and then gets attacked. To help his friend Sammo begins an investigation into Babbott. Sammo has problems trying to open a checking account at the local bank.

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  6. 8.0/10(1 votes)

    #6 - Substitutes


    Sammo discovers that a legendary gangster and drugs dealer has left Colombia and come back to Los Angeles, looking for his ex-wife and son.

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    Director:D.J. Caruso
    Writer:Patty Lin
  7. 7.9/10(16 votes)

    #7 - Move On


    Edie organizes a neighborhood search for the missing Mrs. Huber, just as the absent busybody's sister Felicia Tilman arrives on Wisteria Lane. Meanwhile, Bree resigns herself to her marital state and asks an attractive pharmacist on a date. Susan's ex Karl suddenly reappears in her life, and Lynette fears that Tom is attracted to the new nanny. Lastly, Gabrielle sinks to new depths.. she gets a job.

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  8. 7.9/10(9 votes)

    #8 - Girlfriends and Boyfriends


    Lindsay reluctantly agrees to come over to Nick's house while his parents are out of town. Sam hopes to become lab partners with Cindy, but becomes jealous when Bill is named Cindy's lab partner.

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  9. 7.7/10(17 votes)

    #9 - Come Back to Me


    Uber mom Maisy Gibbons returns, and her secret life intersects with Bree's. Meanwhile Gabrielle's predicament worsens as she gets a taste of her own medicine, courtesy of Carlos's jailhouse confession. Susan plans to take her relationship with Mike to the next level, and Lynette, suspicious (and a little jealous) of her new nanny decides to secretly videotape her. Lastly, Susan sends Zach Young back home to his father, who makes a startling admission of his own.

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    Director:Larry Shaw
    Writer:Patty Lin

Patty Lin Ratings Summary

"The Garage Door" is the best rated episode written by Patty Lin. It scored 8.2/10 based on 9 votes. It was directed by Bryan Gordon. It aired on 3/13/2000 and is rated 0.1 points higher than their second-best episode, "Gray Matter".