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The Best Episodes Written By Philip K. dick

Every TV Episode Written by Philip K. dick Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  1. 7.9/10(23 votes)

    #1 - Autofac


    Despite society and the world as we know it having collapsed, a massive, automatic product-manufacturing factory continues to operate according to the principles of consumerism - humans consume products to be happy, and in order to consume continuously, they must be denied freedom of choice and free will. When a small band of rebels decide to shut down the factory, they discover they may actually be the perfect consumers after all.

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  2. 7.1/10(33 votes)

    #2 - Real Life


    Sarah, a policewoman living in the future, shares headspace with George, a brilliant game designer. In a race against time, sharing a bond that no one else can see, they learn the very thing that connects them can also destroy them.

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  3. 6.9/10(22 votes)

    #3 - Safe & Sound


    A small-town girl, already gripped with social anxiety, moves to a big futuristic city with her mother. Exposed for the first time to urban society’s emphasis on security and terrorist prevention, it isn’t long before her school days are consumed by fear and paranoia. She soon finds guidance and companionship in the most unexpected of places.

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  4. 6.8/10(20 votes)

    #4 - Kill All Others


    A man hangs dead from a lamppost, apparently murdered and inexplicably ignored by passersby, after a politician makes a shocking statement encouraging violence. When one man dares to question the situation he becomes an instant target.

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    Director:Dee Rees
  5. 6.6/10(30 votes)

    #5 - The Commuter


    Ed Jacobson, an unassuming employee at a train station, is alarmed to discover that a number of daily commuters are taking the train to a town that shouldn’t exist.

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    Director:Tom Harper
  6. 6.4/10(34 votes)

    #6 - Impossible Planet


    Two disillusioned, disenchanted and indifferent space tourism employees take up an elderly woman’s request for a trip back to Earth… the existence of which is a long-debunked myth.

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    Director:David Farr
  7. 6.3/10(39 votes)

    #7 - The Hood Maker


    The world is without advanced technology and mutant telepaths have become humanity’s only mechanism for long distance communication. But their powers have unintended implications and when the public begin to embrace mysterious, telepath-blocking hoods, two detectives with an entangled past are brought in to investigate.

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  8. 6.2/10(21 votes)

    #8 - The Father Thing


    The world is under attack as aliens quietly invade our homes. Charlie, our young hero, must make the most difficult decisions imaginable, to protect his Mother and the human race, as he is among the first to realize that humans are being replaced by dangerous monsters.

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Philip K. Dick Ratings Summary

"Autofac" is the best rated episode written by Philip K. Dick. It scored 7.9/10 based on 23 votes. It was directed by Peter Horton. It aired on 3/5/2018 and is rated 0.8 points higher than their second-best episode, "Real Life".