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The Best Episodes Directed By Judd Apatow

Every TV Episode Directed by Judd Apatow Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  • Next Stop...Bottom

    #1 - Next Stop...Bottom

    Season 3 Episode 15

    Aired 9/28/1994

    A depressed and unhappy Hank hits on all the female guests before retreating to a hotel room for a boozy marathon with a series of prostitutes.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: Judd Apatow


  • Ellen, or Isn't She?

    #2 - Ellen, or Isn't She?

    Season 5 Episode 4

    Aired 12/11/1996

    Artie pushes Larry to get Ellen Degeneres to come out of the closet on their show, but Larry pursues some personal research first. Beverly spoils Artie's birthday by circulating the show's budget, with everyone's salary, amongst the staff.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: Judd Apatow


  • I Buried Sid

    #3 - I Buried Sid

    Season 6 Episode 8

    Aired 5/3/1998

    Everyone takes Sid's death hard, especially Hank who thinks he may have pushed Sid over the edge.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: Adam Resnick


  • Part 1

    #4 - Part 1

    Season 1 Episode 1

    Aired 5/20/2022

    In the 1960s, young George Carlin cuts his teeth in comedy – but stifles his rebellious instincts to achieve mainstream success. As the counterculture emerges, Carlin reinvents himself, shocking and delighting 1970s audiences with sets like "The Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television," while battling personal demons.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: N/A


  • Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers

    #5 - Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers

    Season 1 Episode 17

    Aired 10/10/2000

    Lindsay tries to convince Harold to let her join her friends at a Who concert. Kim and Lindsay accidentally run over Millie's dog. Kim starts hanging out with Millie. Lindsay wants to tell Millie the truth about her dog, but Kim doesn't. Meanwhile, Nick teaches himself to play guitar and writes a love ballad for Lindsay and decides to play it for her despite Kens' objections. Ms. Haverchuck stuns Bill with the news that she has been dating Coach Fredricks.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: Judd Apatow


  • Carded and Discarded

    #6 - Carded and Discarded

    Season 1 Episode 6

    Aired 1/10/2000

    Sam, Neal, and Bill befriend a pretty new transfer student, but soon fear of losing her to the popular crowd and try to win her over with a series of fun things they plan for her. Lindsay, Nick, Daniel, and Ken decide to get fake IDs so they can see a hot local band perform at a bar. However, after they go through the trouble of getting their IDs and getting into the bar, the group is stunned to find out who the hot local bands lead singer is.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: Paul Feig


  • I'm With the Band

    #7 - I'm With the Band

    Season 1 Episode 5

    Aired 11/13/1999

    Lindsay encourages Nick to pursue a career in music. Nick continues to practice with his current band, but quickly decides he's better than them. Lindsay encourages Nick to audition for a bigger local band. When things don't go well in the audition, Lindsay is there to comfort Nick. After learning they have to shower in gym class, Sam, Bill, and Neal refuse to do it.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: Gabe Sachs


  • Conflict of Interest

    #8 - Conflict of Interest

    Season 4 Episode 10

    Aired 9/27/1995

    Paula's dating Larry's agent, but Larry fears he's just using her to book his clients on the show. The network objects to Larry's ethnic guest spots. Hank tries to stiff Phil on a $20 loan.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: Judd Apatow


  • Part 2

    #9 - Part 2

    Season 1 Episode 2

    Aired 5/21/2022

    After a slump in the ‘80s, Carlin comes back with a vengeance, reaching new heights – and new audiences – with another reinvention that highlights his prescient political commentary and sharply honed observations about the state of America and the world. Following his death in 2008, fellow comics reflect on his enduring legacy.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: N/A


  • Arya and Greg

    #10 - Arya and Greg

    Season 3 Episode 3

    Aired 3/9/2018

    Gus helps a stressed-out Arya gear up for a big scene, while Mickey tries to salvage Dr. Greg's disastrous book-signing event.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: N/A


  • The Baptism

    #11 - The Baptism

    Season 1 Episode 8

    Aired 4/9/2017

  • Artie Lange

    #12 - Artie Lange

    Season 1 Episode 1

    Aired 2/19/2017

    Aspiring comedian Pete finds himself without a home after he catches his wife, Jessica, in a compromising position. As Pete attempts to find solace at a New York comedy club, he befriends cynical comedy legend Artie Lange, who reluctantly offers him some pizza, some advice and a couch.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: N/A


  • Eric Visits Again

    #13 - Eric Visits Again

    Season 1 Episode 6

    Aired 11/20/2001

    Eric discovers that Lizzie cheated on him with Steven, and heads to UNEC to get his revenge. Lloyd helps Steven prepare for a fistfight.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: Judd Apatow


  • Putting the "Gay" Back in Litigation

    #14 - Putting the "Gay" Back in Litigation

    Season 6 Episode 10

    Aired 5/17/1998

    Larry begins to date Illeana Douglas, but feels compelled to rehearse her through her segment. Meanwhile, Brian brings a sexual harassment suit against Phil for all his gay jokes.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: Richard Day


  • The Assistant

    #15 - The Assistant

    Season 1 Episode 5

    Aired 11/13/2001

    Adam Sandler stops by the campus to perform, and the whole group goes to see him, including Steven's dad, Hal, who was invited by Lloyd. Sandler's assistant, Jonathan Loughran, ends up falling in love with Rachel and decides to stay on campus living in Rachel's room.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: Judd Apatow


  • The Day After

    #16 - The Day After

    Season 1 Episode 13

    Aired 2/12/2002

    Steven is unsure of where he stands with Lizzie, and Lloyd's ideas are not helping him any. They spend their Saturday apart, but come to a revelation.

    Director: Judd Apatow

    Writer: Judd Apatow



Judd Apatow Ratings Summary

"Next Stop...Bottom" is the best rated episode directed by Judd Apatow. It scored 10/10 based on 1 votes. It was written by Judd Apatow. It aired on 9/28/1994 and is rated 0.0 points higher than their second-best episode, "Ellen, or Isn't She?".