- 10.0/10(1)
#1 - Larry Loses Interest
Season 2 Episode 9
Aired 7/21/1993
As the show's traditional anniversary show approaches, Larry finds it all boring and tedious, so he plays with the idea of writing a book while rumors spread about a film role.
Director: Todd Holland
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 10.0/10(1)
#2 - Hank's Wedding
Season 2 Episode 15
Aired 9/8/1993
Larry tries to decide about warning an elated Hank about his new bride when the ""Hey now!"" guy announces he's going to marry a younger woman he has just recently met.
Director: Ken Kwapis
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 10.0/10(1)
#3 - Next Stop...Bottom
Season 3 Episode 15
Aired 9/28/1994
A depressed and unhappy Hank hits on all the female guests before retreating to a hotel room for a boozy marathon with a series of prostitutes.
Director: Judd Apatow
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 10.0/10(1)
#4 - The Bump
Season 4 Episode 4
Aired 8/9/1995
Larry promises not to bump comic Jeff Cesario again, then finds the show overbooked and Hank needing four minutes for a tribute to his late father.
Director: Todd Holland
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 10.0/10(1)
#5 - Ellen, or Isn't She?
Season 5 Episode 4
Aired 12/11/1996
Artie pushes Larry to get Ellen Degeneres to come out of the closet on their show, but Larry pursues some personal research first. Beverly spoils Artie's birthday by circulating the show's budget, with everyone's salary, amongst the staff.
Director: Judd Apatow
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 10.0/10(1)
#6 - I Buried Sid
Season 6 Episode 8
Aired 5/3/1998
Everyone takes Sid's death hard, especially Hank who thinks he may have pushed Sid over the edge.
Director: Judd Apatow
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 8.9/10(8)
#7 - Chokin' and Tokin'
Season 1 Episode 12
Aired 3/20/2000
When Bill talks about being allergic to peanuts in class, Alan tries to prove he's lying but Bill ends up in the hospital after an allergic reaction. Lindsay smokes weed for the first time.
Director: Miguel Arteta
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 8.6/10(8)
#8 - Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers
Season 1 Episode 17
Aired 10/10/2000
Lindsay tries to convince Harold to let her join her friends at a Who concert. Kim and Lindsay accidentally run over Millie's dog. Kim starts hanging out with Millie. Lindsay wants to tell Millie the truth about her dog, but Kim doesn't. Meanwhile, Nick teaches himself to play guitar and writes a love ballad for Lindsay and decides to play it for her despite Kens' objections. Ms. Haverchuck stuns Bill with the news that she has been dating Coach Fredricks.
Director: Judd Apatow
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 8.3/10(9)
#9 - The Diary
Season 1 Episode 9
Aired 1/31/2000
Lindsay's parents forbid her from hanging out with Kim, as they see her as a bad influence. Bill grows tired of being picked last for teams for baseball in P.E. class, and not being allowed to really participate.
Director: Ken Olin
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 8.3/10(11)
#10 - Beers and Weirs
Season 1 Episode 2
Aired 10/2/1999
Lindsay's friends learn that her parents are going away for the weekend and suggest having a kegger. Sam and Neal become worried after a school assembly focusing on alcohol-related deaths and they decide to switch the real beer with non-alcoholic beer. Daniel and Kim get back together and despite the lack of alcohol, the party quickly gets out of hand.
Director: Jake Kasdan
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 8.2/10(9)
#11 - Carded and Discarded
Season 1 Episode 6
Aired 1/10/2000
Sam, Neal, and Bill befriend a pretty new transfer student, but soon fear of losing her to the popular crowd and try to win her over with a series of fun things they plan for her. Lindsay, Nick, Daniel, and Ken decide to get fake IDs so they can see a hot local band perform at a bar. However, after they go through the trouble of getting their IDs and getting into the bar, the group is stunned to find out who the hot local bands lead singer is.
Director: Judd Apatow
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 8.0/10(2)
#12 - Conflict of Interest
Season 4 Episode 10
Aired 9/27/1995
Paula's dating Larry's agent, but Larry fears he's just using her to book his clients on the show. The network objects to Larry's ethnic guest spots. Hank tries to stiff Phil on a $20 loan.
Director: Judd Apatow
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 8.0/10(1)
#13 - Addicts
Season 1 Episode 3
Aired 10/9/2001
Ron and Lloyd invest in a stock that rises then quickly drops. Steven, Lizzie and Rachel pay a druggie to do their papers, but he fails to deliver.
Director: Greg Mottola
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 8.0/10(1)
#14 - Truth or Dare
Season 1 Episode 12
Aired 1/29/2002
Ron has a crush on a campus tour guide, Kelly, and she ends up getting invited up to the guys dorm for a rousing game of "Truth or Dare". Lloyd and Marshall compete for Rachel's affection, and Ron tries to impress Kelly.
Director: Greg Mottola
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 7.8/10(4)
#15 - The Atheist
Season 2 Episode 1
Aired 1/14/2018
Pete has a chance encounter with famed magician Penn Jillette, who shakes his faith and inspires a questioning Pete to try living with abandon for one night.
Director: Ryan McFaul
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 7.4/10(14)
#16 - Tested
Season 1 Episode 3
Aired 2/19/2016
Gus faces a make-or-break situation at work, while Mickey navigates a dicey new dynamic with her boss.
Director: John Slattery
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 7.0/10(1)
#17 - Parents' Weekend
Season 1 Episode 11
Aired 1/22/2002
Marshall is reluctant to let his parents know that he isn't a business major. Ron gets propositioned by Lloyd's sister, Amanda. Rachel has to face the wrath of her control freak mother. Hal meets up with his estranged wife, Debra.
Director: John Hamburg
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 6.6/10(24)
#19 - Bart's New Friend
Season 26 Episode 11
Aired 1/11/2015
Bart has a new accomplice and best friend when Homer is hypnotized at the circus and believes he is a young boy again.
Director: Bob Anderson
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 6.3/10(3)
#21 - Prototype
Season 1 Episode 1
Aired 9/25/2001
Steven Karp is a young man going off to college for the first time, he wasn't very popular in high school so looks forward to wiping the slate clean and starting over in college. The day he gets to school, he is dispatched by his handsome roommate, Lloyd to go invite girls to the party they're having on their dorm floor that night.
Director: Jake Kasdan
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 6.3/10(3)
#22 - Eric Visits
Season 1 Episode 2
Aired 10/2/2001
Lizzie's boyfriend visits her at UNEC. Steven convinces her to break up with Eric, but feels guilty and helps Eric win her back. Meanwhile, Ron brings up a whole keg of beer and urges his suitemates to help him finish it.
Director: John Hamburg
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 6.2/10(5)
#23 - Together
Season 2 Episode 10
Aired 3/17/2013
In the Season 2 finale, Hannah attempts to write her book in one day so her publisher doesn't sue her. Meanwhile, Ray tries to impress Shoshanna with a bold career move; and Marnie gets the wrong idea about Charlie.
Director: Lena Dunham
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 6.1/10(8)
#24 - The Return
Season 1 Episode 6
Aired 5/20/2012
Hannah visits her parents in Michigan for their 30th anniversary, and winds up going on a date to a fund-raiser for a local family who suffered a tragic loss.
Director: Lena Dunham
Writer: Judd Apatow
0 - 5.5/10(2)
#25 - Eric Visits Again
Season 1 Episode 6
Aired 11/20/2001
Eric discovers that Lizzie cheated on him with Steven, and heads to UNEC to get his revenge. Lloyd helps Steven prepare for a fistfight.
Director: Greg Mottola
Writer: Judd Apatow