The Best Episodes Directed By Vondie Curtis Hall

Every TV Episode Directed by Vondie Curtis Hall Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

Vondie Curtis-Hall Ratings Summary

The best episode directed by Vondie Curtis-Hall is "Insurgents", rated 8.4/10 from 5 user votes. It was "written by Sarah Fain". "Insurgents" aired on 4/19/2005 and is rated 0.1 point(s) higher than their second highest rated, "Our Mrs. Reynolds".

  • Insurgents
    8.4/10 5 votes

    #1 - Insurgents

    Season 4 Episode 6 - Aired 4/19/2005

    Vic and Monica stake a deal with the DEA to shut down Mitchell's tar heroin operation. When the bust comes up empty, Vic's suspicions of Shane grow, until Shane proves himself by coming up with a key piece of evidence that reveals a large stash of tar being stored at a local church. Meanwhile, Dutch and Claudette's friendship continues to feel strain as they try to tie a young woman's murder to a suspected serial killer. Plus, Julien takes a stand against Monica's policy, then goes to David for support when she suggests he consider transferring out of Farmington.

    Director: Vondie Curtis-Hall

    Writer: Sarah Fain

  • Our Mrs. Reynolds
    8.3/10 49 votes

    #2 - Our Mrs. Reynolds

    Season 1 Episode 3 - Aired 10/4/2002

    As an unexpected reward for an unpaid job, Mal finds himself married to a naïve, subservient young woman named Saffron. The crew are amused at his discomfort and Book lectures him on propriety, but things aren't as smoothly straightforward as they thought them to be.

    Director: Vondie Curtis-Hall

    Writer: Joss Whedon

  • It's All in Your Head
    8.0/10 4 votes

    #3 - It's All in Your Head

    Season 8 Episode 15 - Aired 2/28/2002

    After Dr. Corday moves out, Dr. Green fights loneliness and pain by immersing himself into his work. He is treating a father in the ER who severely burned himself while experimenting with illegal drugs. Abby fumes when the man who beat her is released and moves back in next door; the returning Jerry clashes with fellow desk jockey Frank.

    Director: Vondie Curtis-Hall

    Writer: R. Scott Gemmill

  • Start All Over Again
    7.8/10 4 votes

    #4 - Start All Over Again

    Season 8 Episode 5 - Aired 10/25/2001

    Lewis faces a hectic first day back at County General. Benton and Roger become frantic when they can't locate Reese. Carter's grandmother is brought to the emergency room. Carter and Abby deal with inept medical students.

    Director: Vondie Curtis-Hall

    Writer: Joe Sachs

  • Pret-a-Poor J
    6.8/10 5 votes

    #5 - Pret-a-Poor J

    Season 2 Episode 8 - Aired 10/27/2008

    Jenny has a new young model friend, named Agnes, who encourages Jenny to explore her wild side, and also to confront Eleanor Waldorf who is planning to steal Jenny's designs in order to pass them off as her own. Meanwhile, Serena and Dan attend Rufus' latest art opening as friends, but then Serena meets an artist, named Aaron Rose, and the evening gets a little uncomfortable for Dan. Elsewhere, Blair attempts to seduce Chuck, but he proves to be tougher than she ever imagined. Also, Jenny begins to have a mutual feelings with Nate as he's staying with her, Dan, and Rufus while searching for a place to live.

    Director: Vondie Curtis-Hall

    Writer: Amanda Lasher

  • Torture
    3.7/10 3 votes

    #6 - Torture

    Season 2 Episode 3 - Aired 12/12/2006

    Ordered by the terrorist network to acquire a powerful weapon, Darwyn finds the FBI unwilling to cooperate. Ilija faces a heartbreaking decision as he prepares to flee for Europe. Farik is expatriated to Saudi Arabia, where he can be tortured.

    Director: Vondie Curtis-Hall

    Writer: N/A