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Browse all episodes of Band of Brothers
All Episodes of Band of Brothers
Browse all episodes of Band of Brothers
Season 1
- 8.6/1012,949 votesLoading...
Season 1 Episode 1 - Aired 9/9/2001
Easy Company is introduced to Captain Sobel, who has the group undergo hard and unfair training. As a result, Sobel comes into conflict with his men, including Richard Winters, his executive officer. The company is shipped to England to prepare for D-Day.
Director: Phil Alden Robinson
Writer: Erik Jendresen, Tom Hanks
- 9.1/1011,971 votesLoading...
Day of Days
Season 1 Episode 2 - Aired 9/9/2001
Easy Company lands in Normandy, scattered all across and away from their drop zone. 1st Lt. Meehan, commander of Easy, is killed when his plane suffers a direct hit and 1st Lt. Winters must take command and 1st Lt. Speirs is introduced.
Director: Richard Loncraine
Writer: John Orloff
- 9.0/1010,836 votesLoading...
Season 1 Episode 3 - Aired 9/16/2001
Easy Company are sent to liberate the French village of Carentan, where they lose several men in heavy fighting. The episode focuses on Private Albert Blithe, who struggles with crippling anxiety following the battle.
Director: Mikael Salomon
Writer: E. Max Frye
- 8.8/1010,179 votesLoading...
Season 1 Episode 4 - Aired 9/23/2001
With the addition of many new men, Easy Company heads to Holland to participate in Operation Market Garden and prepare an Allied route into Germany, but they meet stiff German resistance.
Director: David Nutter
Writer: Graham Yost, Bruce C. McKenna
- 8.8/109,973 votesLoading...
Season 1 Episode 5 - Aired 9/30/2001
Winters writes a report on the challenge of an unexpected resistance to a German attack, and is haunted by his conscience after shooting a teenage German soldier. Operation Pegasus is depicted. Easy Company is called to Bastogne to repel the sudden German counterattack.
Director: Tom Hanks
Writer: Erik Jendresen
- 9.2/1011,377 votesLoading...
Season 1 Episode 6 - Aired 10/7/2001
Easy Company experiences the Battle of the Bulge and have to hold ground near Bastogne while running low on ammunition and other supplies. The episode focuses on medic Eugene "Doc" Roe as he helps out his fellow soldiers where he can, while also scrounging for medical supplies, of which the Company is dangerously low.
Director: David Leland
Writer: Bruce C. McKenna
- 9.4/1010,962 votesLoading...
The Breaking Point
Season 1 Episode 7 - Aired 10/14/2001
Easy Company battles near Foy, Belgium, losing numerous men. In the episode, the actions of 1st Lt. Norman Dike, the Company's commander, are examined and questioned. Serving as narrator is 1st Sgt. Carwood Lipton, who attempts to keep the morale of the men up as they endure their trials in the forest near Foy.
Director: David Frankel
Writer: Graham Yost
- 8.7/109,220 votesLoading...
The Last Patrol
Season 1 Episode 8 - Aired 10/21/2001
Easy Company is in Hagenau in Feburary, 1945, where they prepare for a night patrol mission to capture German prisoners. The patrol includes one veteran who is despised for missing Bastogne and a new lieutenant fresh out of West Point.
Director: Tony To
Writer: Erik Bork, Bruce C. McKenna
- 9.5/1012,221 votesLoading...
Why We Fight
Season 1 Episode 9 - Aired 10/28/2001
As the Allies move into Germany and the war comes closer to an end, disillusionment and anger set in for Easy Company--until they stumble onto a concentration camp abandoned by the German military.
Director: David Frankel
Writer: John Orloff
- 9.2/109,482 votesLoading...
Season 1 Episode 10 - Aired 11/4/2001
As the Germans surrender, it appears that that the hard days for Easy Company are over as they are stationed in Austria. But they soon learn that those solders without enough service points will be sent to fight in Japan.
Director: Mikael Salomon
Writer: Erik Bork, Erik Jendresen