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#1 - Angry Waves
Season 1 Episode 31
Aired 11/8/2008
A gang of thugs hijack an oil tanker and are prepared to kill the crew who are taken hostage. Among the hijackers is an expert marksman and in hurricane conditions the authorities are not confident that the local coastguard marksmen have the ability to take out the hijackers. With the tanker about to leave US waters, where their jurisdiction ends and the hostages will no longer be needed, they hire Golgo 13 to take clean house.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#2 - Casting
Season 1 Episode 29
Aired 10/25/2008
A movie director is hired to film Golgo 13 in action in a bid to expose him to the public and thus end his career. He uses un unknown actress whose life story is similar to the scripted events as a way of appearing genuine to hire the hit-man. During the job Duke notices an inconsistency and realizes what is happening and he sets about cleaning up the mess.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#3 - The Lost Request
Season 1 Episode 43
Aired 2/7/2009
A group of terrorists, whose aim is to kill the king, try to prevent their leader from being assassinated by Golgo 13 by blowing him up. However he escapes but crashes his car. Krista, a woman at the crash scene, takes him back to her place as he refused to go to hospital and realizes that he is a criminal. Golgo is left with amnesia but his instincts saves them from death on more than one occasion and as he slowly regains his memory they make their way to a small village in the country where the king is due to visit soon. As the king arrives Golgo shoots in the air to alert security to his presence as he tries to pressurize himself to remember the target. He remembers that a priest hired him to kill the terrorist leader, Father Vernon, who is also a priest due to lok after the king on his visit. He takes aim and kills Father Vernon but Krista witnessed the job. Before Golgo can kill her, she is shot by a terrorist thug as Golgo dodges out the way and shoot the terrorist. The security forces only find Krista's body as they reach the shooting point.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#4 - The Law of Pedigree
Season 1 Episode 35
Aired 12/6/2008
The chairman of the Jockey Club hires Golgo 13 to kill a racehorse that is fraudulently labeled a thoroughbred. Shamed by his fraud he had tried to get his niece, Celia, to kill the animal. However as she had raised it and the horse is winning race after race she becomes fiercely protective. Sensing that she will try to put her own life on the line to protect the horse, he decides to tell her that he employed Golgo 13 to kill it, in the knowledge that the assassin would come after him. After failing to persuade Duke to stop, Celia tries to snipe Golgo before he can kill the horse, but his skill easily outmatches hers. Once the horse is dead and knowing that his job was revealed he goes after the chairman.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#5 - Expired Fineries
Season 1 Episode 36
Aired 12/13/2008
Golgo is hired to kill a man named Berne Shulze, a wealthy and influential businessman who has disappeared following accusations of swindling. The moment he accepts the job, the client is suddenly shot dead, but as he had accepted he continues. Schulze being a rich man is thought to have had plastic surgery to change his appearance, but his mistress is prominent in the Monte Carlo casino scene. Leaving the casino Duke notices the mistress accompanied by another woman and whilst following them home, he is ambushed but kills his attackers. Approaching the house he deduces that the other woman is actually Berne Schulze in disguise and at a rally event successfully shoots his target.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#6 - Young Sarah
Season 1 Episode 38
Aired 12/27/2008
A boy, Patric, picks a man's pocket on the Paris metro and drops off the wallet in his accomplice Sara's hands in front of Golgo 13. Minutes later the man whose pocket was picked, Henri Bazaine, is found dead. Later, just before Patric meets up with Sara he notices a man who he suspects is a detective and so he slips away unnoticed. The man follows Sara and it turns out he is an assassin who killed Bazaine and knows that Sara saw him sitting next to Bazaine. Suddenly Golgo shows up and saves Sara and beats up the assassin. Patric is found by the assassin and is beaten into revealing Sara's location as the wallet contained a memo. Having located Sara, he chases after her but once again she is saved by Golgo. The assassin contacts his client, Carnac, but Golgo kills the assassin having let Carnac know where Sara will be. Golgo takes Sara to a hotel and Carnac appears, and Golgo kills him. Carnac had belonged to a group of biologists working on a project and had stolen the funds for his own purposes. Bazaine was to deliver the memo containing the key to the project that could turn it into a contagion but as he was unable to he was killed. Golgo had been hired by the biologists to ensure Carnac failed.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
The 20 BEST Episodes of Golgo 13
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#7 - At Pin-Hole!
Season 1 Episode 1
Aired 4/11/2008
Duke Togo, aka Golgo 13, gets out of jail with assistance from the FBI and the CIA in Texas. Jake Quade, a gangster turned CIA informant, hijacked a domestic flight after killing a sky marshal and stealing his side arm with the threat of blowing it up with smuggled C-4 explosives. Golgo 13 snipes him in the aircraft's cockpit from a long distance from a nearby airfield after getting a highly modified .308 Winchester bolt action sniper rifle.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#8 - Catherine The Cold-Blooded
Season 1 Episode 26
Aired 10/4/2008
MI5 hire Golgo to assassinate Pamela, a woman from a radical PIRA faction against the cease of the armed campaign. Catherine, a friend of Pamela's and was once an infamous cold-hearted terrorist who once hired Golgo 13, now follows the pacifist ideals following the death of her son. When Pamela kills a friend of Catherine's she also hires Golgo 13 to assassinate Pamela to prevent more widespread bloodshed but she has no means to pay for his service. He still accepts but, due to Pamela's paranoia, will have to snipe her blind as she will be behind a blackout curtain. Catherine will lure Pamela to a specified spot and give Golgo a signal to shoot. During the meeting an argument breaks out and Pamela shoots Catherine. Acting blindly Golgo calculates Pamela's position from the bullet hole in the window and successfully snipes her.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#9 - Garimpeiro
Season 1 Episode 21
Aired 8/30/2008
Golgo is hired by a man from the rural part of Brazil, seeking revenge on a man named Falcon a leader of the Garimpeiro and his minions for the death of his family and the Brazilian Military Police for letting it slide. He performs this task by hijacking a plane and asking three million in ransom to lure the Garimpiero and the police into chasing him by jumping down to the amazon.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#10 - Fearless
Season 1 Episode 27
Aired 10/11/2008
An ex-KGB agent who has a grudge against Golgo tries to kill him with his army of soldiers - people who have survived near-death accidents and have been drugged and trained to be fearless. Golgo defeats the fearless army and then goes after the former agent.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#11 - Love is a Knife
Season 1 Episode 30
Aired 11/1/2008
A former circus knife-thrower, who can only get well-paid jobs by posing as the real Golgo 13, decides that he should be his own man by killing the real Golgo 13 in order to prove he is the best. He tracks down a target and plans to kill Duke during a job but ultimately ends up biting off more than he can chew.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#12 - The Brutes` Banquet
Season 1 Episode 40
Aired 1/17/2009
Two millionaires who bet on human bloodsports hire a top assassin, Spartacus, to duel with Golgo 13 under the guise of protecting themselves from him. They have the Colosseum rigged with cameras and microphones in order to watch. Golgo 13 emerges from the duel the winner and reveals to Spartacus the recording equipment. Angry that he was used, he hires Golgo 13 to kill the millionaires right before he dies. The millionaires use their influence to fly to South Africa to a safe place whilst being guarded by the Sicilian mafia and theirs being the first plane out of Rome. However they are shot dead upon arrival from another plane on the tarmac that had overtaken them from Rome whilst they had refueled in Nairobi.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#13 - Action: 4/24
Season 1 Episode 8
Aired 5/30/2008
Golgo 13 is hired by a mafia boss to kill another heavy-handed mafia boss. The targeted boss learns of Golgo's attempt and installs bulletproof glass and sends emissaries to analyze Golgo's handgun response time. Golgo 13 must now find a way to defeat the bulletproof glass and overcome research of his own abilities while avoiding three assassins sent to kill him.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#14 - Jet Stream
Season 1 Episode 23
Aired 9/13/2008
The plane that Golgo travels on has been hijacked by terrorists demanding money, who intend to escape with it before blowing it up. Looking at the passenger list, SIS decided to hire Golgo and gave him a message to him to take out the hijackers.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#15 - Congestion of Murderous Intent
Season 1 Episode 32
Aired 11/15/2008
Jonathan Earp, a company executive hires Golgo to assassinate one of the owners of the company. The plan is already laid out with no witnesses or physical evidence, all Duke has to do is pull the trigger, while Earp controls the plane. However a disgruntled employee has switched Earp's lucky bowling ball with a bomb and Earp takes his lucky charm everywhere he goes. The assassination goes off without a hitch but the remaining owner has already worked out what Earp will do and fires him. With Golgo leaving the employee celebrates when the bomb detonates killing Earp and the other owner. Having nearly been blown up Golgo murders the employee.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#16 - Deadly Shadow of the Setting Sun
Season 1 Episode 14
Aired 7/11/2008
The American government hires Golgo 13 to eliminate a Syndicate-established hideout where poisons from various animals are weaponized by the CIA. However, another assassin named AX-3 is also hired out to do the same thing Golgo was suppose to do. AX-3 is eventually killed when his handler informs him of his orders to eliminate Golgo 13.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#17 - Melancholy Summer
Season 1 Episode 20
Aired 8/23/2008
Golgo is sent to Malta on a secret mission on an assignment from the British government after a Foreign and Commonwealth Office employee named Arnold Glaston went rogue and was said to have sold national secrets to Russian companies, forcing him to escape overseas by marrying a girl named Stella in Malta. The mercenary follows Stella everyday to determine Arnold's location despite being told that he had escaped to America. Even with persistence from MI:6, Golgo was able to determine that Arnold had planned to return back to Malta, which enabled the assassin to complete his mission with success.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#18 - Florida Chase
Season 1 Episode 25
Aired 9/27/2008
The aide to the US minister of foreign affairs hires Golgo to kill Jose Campos, an immigrant drug distributor who is in custody but is still organizing the smuggling of drugs into Florida. Meanwhile a new type of armored van is stolen and used in springing Campos from a prison bus. In order for the US to save face and with the authorities unable to stop the armored van, the aide requires that Golgo completes the job before Campos makes it to Mexico. Duke acquires the schematics to the van and a specialized gun with armor piercing bullets and masquerades as a SWAT team member at a roadblock and successfully shoots Campos through the van's weak point.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#19 - Ebony Eyes
Season 1 Episode 48
Aired 3/14/2009
Mafia boss, Thomas Grebbick has annoyed his superiors who send their three hit-men to kill him. To protect himself he sends his own, Ron, who kills them. In retaliation the bosses hire Golgo 13 to kill Grebbick. Whilst Golgo evades Grebbick's goons, Ron's girlfriend recognizes Golgo as her child's father from a previous sexual encounter. and she begs him to just take a glance at their child. Grebbick uses this arranges to meet Golgo to persuade him to switch sides or the child will be killed. Instead Golgo completes his contract and shoots Grebbick and Ron accidentally shoots his girlfriend whilst trying to kill Golgo. All the goons are killed leaving only Golgo and the child. After glancing at the child Golgo leaves.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#20 - Pretty Woman
Season 1 Episode 4
Aired 5/2/2008
Linda, the wife of a mafia leader in New York City hires Golgo 13 for the purpose of assassinating him so as to start another life all over again in Florida. Things gets complicated when the mafia boss kills one of his henchmen after being accused of trying to be in an affair with Linda, resulting in a small gang war fight before Golgo 13 was able to get rid of his targets and unfortunately Linda when she decides to kill him.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#21 - The Saint of the Putrid Smell of a Corpse
Season 1 Episode 16
Aired 7/26/2008
Fueled by the murder of his fiancée by the new underground cult the NYPD had been investigating, a NYPD Officer hires Golgo 13 to assassinate the cult's masked leader, Michael. However, the cult's members, fearless of death, go to any lengths to protect its leader, a self-proclaimed saint. As Golgo 13 infiltrated the cult, he is quickly recognized as a threat and ordered to be killed. Though, he thwarted their plans and escaped while being pursued by the cult's extremist followers.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#22 - Afterglow
Season 1 Episode 17
Aired 8/2/2008
On a routine assassination job in Hawaii, Golgo 13 spots an old FBI detective named Leon Goldman, who had tried to charge him with a previous assassination in San Francisco. At the scene of the current assassination, Goldman automatically knew that Golgo 13 was the sniper, but kept quiet because he did not wish to deal with such a trivial case any longer and tries to convince Golgo 13 to leave. At the end of episode Golgo 13 kills Leon himself.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#23 - Ash's Best Day
Season 1 Episode 39
Aired 1/10/2009
Golgo 13 is hired to kill Hewitt, the number 2 in a crime syndicate. The head of the syndicate died in an accident and all signs point to Hewitt being responsible. The previous number 1 had placed a large amount of gold bullion in a bank vault and Hewitt becoming paranoid will only be vulnerable on the ceremony day when he visits the vault in the morning. However the location of the bank plus the small army of goons as security make the shot impossible. Opposite lives a struggling artist named Ash who is behind in his rent payments and is the only one in the apartment block. One day Golgo 13 shows up at his door and buys Ash's entire art works making him a rich man. Ash pays off his rent and flies off to Florida to start a new life. Meanwhile Golgo buys the apartment block in cash from the landlord. As Hewitt gets out of the car towards the bank, the client's henchman demolishes the apartment and Golgo 13 from the building behind snipes Hewitt before the dust cloud obstructs his and the goons view. Meanwhile Ash is enjoying his new life in Florida grateful to the man that gave him the means to live this new lifestyle.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#24 - On Large Mouth Lake
Season 1 Episode 42
Aired 1/31/2009
Duke kills two moose with one shot whilst hunting in Canada with a custom powerful rifle and is arrested by two park rangers for going over the allowed quota. Whilst in custody at the ranger station some thugs try to kill him but he shoots them first and escapes kidnapping the female thug. It is revealed that the CIA have hired Duke to kill McCord a double agent before he can defect and the woman he kidnapped works for McCord. Golgo burns her clothes so she cannot escape the log cabin as she would freeze to death outside and gives a local girl an expensive coat to look after her. The woman promptly escapes, stealing her clothes, and meets up with McCord to take him to a helicopter to escape. As they travel on a snowmobile she realizes too late that the escape was too easy and that against the white backdrop, the red coat she stole sticks out and that Golgo 13 has a rifle powerful enough to shoot through multiple targets. Using the red coat as a target, Golgo kills both the woman and McCord.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#25 - Rockford's Ambition
Season 1 Episode 44
Aired 2/14/2009
David Rockford, the most powerful and influential man in the world, attempts to hire Golgo 13 on a permanent basis but is refused. Using his vast wealth and connections he has Golgo's secret bank accounts and cards frozen. Golgo finds out about a man named Ou Kyouson, the leader of a group of Chinese ex-pats in Taiwan who have an extensive intelligence network who can find Rockford. Ou Kyouson hires Golgo 13 to kill Rockford as the ex-pats are being squeezed by Rockford for their resources. Rockford flees to his villa in Switzerland and calls the US president. In return for ensuring his rigged re-election the president calls Golgo 13 and warns him to leave Switzerland or face every law enforcement agency in the world. Golgo shoots Rockford from a boat outside the Swiss border.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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Worst Episodes Summary
"Angry Waves" is the worst rated episode of "Golgo 13". It scored 6.2/10 based on 12 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 11/8/2008. This episode scored 0.2 points lower than the second lowest rated, "Casting".