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The Best Episodes of Pingu

Network:SRF 1

Every episode of Pingu ranked from best to worst. Let's dive into the Best Episodes of Pingu!

Playful penguin Pingu lives with his family in Antarctica, where he often finds himself caught up in mischievous high jinks with his pal Robby.
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  • Pingu's Parents Go to a Concert

    #1 - Pingu's Parents Go to a Concert

    Season 1 Episode 23

    Aired 10/6/1990

    Pingu’s parents are off to a concert for a change leaving Pingu and Pinga in charge of taking care of the house and promise to good, as Pingu and Pinga started to cry. As their parents leave, Pingu and Pinga perform antics such as jumping on their beds and asking Pinga to turn on a radio (as the music blares) while Pingu makes a pancake. Mother and Father had arrive at the concert. Pingu flips the pancake into the air many times, much to Pinga's delight and it ends up getting stuck to the roof! Pinga tells him to look up, Pingu does so just as the pancake falls on his head making him look like an elephant then he trumpets . Meanwhile, Mother and Father have a small talk while at the concert hall (as the Orchestra plays classical tune in piece). Then, Pingu bounces his red ball and he and Pinga play catch making a big mess in the process. At the concert, Father has fallen asleep and Mother wakes him up and they are a little bit worried about Pingu and Pinga. Afterwards, Pingu rifles through a dresser strewing a top hat at Pinga. He then puts on a women's hat and throws it at Pinga who is stuck in a blue box then Pingu pushes her as Pingu convinces Pinga (with the box she was stuck in now on her head) to come back to where he is standing then Pingu pretends to be a monster and is devouring Pinga. Meanwhile, Pingu’s parents are worried about what Pingu and Pinga might be doing as they have a look at the photo of Pingu and Pinga. Then Pinga turns on the bathtub and adds bubble bath to the bath water as Pingu jumps into the bathtub and play messily and then they tip over leaving a mess on the floor. Meanwhile, the concert is finished, and Pingu and Pinga try desperately to clean things up and Pinga shuts off the radio while Pingu shoves every single pair of clothes he has all strewn about into the dresser by jumping on the clothes. When Pingu's parents come home, Mother find out that the dresser had clothes completely shoved in. They are not amused and Mother asks if Pingu and Pinga did this. They say yes. They are afraid that they are angry at him, but they are not, and they forgive Pingu and Pinga. Mother cleans out the dresser, and they congratulate Pingu and Pinga for watching the house.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu and the Abominable Snowman

    #2 - Pingu and the Abominable Snowman

    Season 6 Episode 26

    Aired 3/3/2006

    Pingu is quietly reading his comic when he comes across a picture of a monstrous abominable snowman. He draws his own version, and scares Pinga with it. Pingu then draws a three-toed footprint and he and Pinga rush around the igloo playing at being chased until they run full tilt into Mother, knocking her over. Outside, Pingu creates some abominable snowman footprints made from a pair of snowshoes with spoons tied to them. He then goes off, pretending to be an abominable snowman, leaving a trail of footprints behind him. Pinga comes out to look for him, sees the trail of footprints, and follows them. Meanwhile Pingu, who has found an old blanket and put it over his head, continues to make footprints. He hears Pinga following and hides behind a block of ice. When Pinga stops by the block, Pingu scares her and chases her round the block. Pingu then trips and loses one of his snowshoes. While he’s putting it back on Pinga comes up behind him, realises what’s going on and, as Pingu gets up, pulls the blanket away, scaring Pinga. They both laugh, and then continue together. Later, they’re on their way home when they get back to the spot where Pingu ambushed Pinga, and Pingu spots some large footprints that weren’t made by him. Then they hear crunching in the snow, and see a huge shadow on the ice. Terrified, Pingu runs away, leaving Pinga, who covers her eyes and trembles in terror. She hears a sneeze, and looks. From behind a block of ice comes a real abominable snowman named Bajoo, but he’s not much bigger than she is. Pinga and Bajoo then go to find Pingu, and the snowman explains that he’s also been following the footprints. Bajoo quickly hides when Father comes on the motorised sledge to take them home, but as they’re leaving, he pops out to wave goodbye.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu's Lavatory Story

    #3 - Pingu's Lavatory Story

    Season 1 Episode 18

    Aired 4/21/1990

    Pingu and his family are eating lunch. Pinga opens her mouth for Pingu to put a piece of fish in her mouth, but Pingu ends up eating it himself, much to Pinga's annoyance. Pingu then heads off to go to a bar type shop to get a drink. Pinga follows him and wants a drink too. Pingu buys her two, but when she drinks them, she tinkles on the ground and Pingu hurriedly sends her home; she makes it to her potty just in time. Pingu then finds he needs to go to the toilet, and rushes home just in time to see his dad go into the bathroom. He pushes Pinga off her potty so he can use that instead, and is sent outside, and he then in a rage plays doorbell ditch so that dad has to rush out of the bathroom to get it and Pingu can run in and use the toilet. He urinates on the floor because it is too high, however, father angrily tells him to clean it up. While finished and walking away thinking of an idea, he then attempts to go to the toilet on stilts, but Mother comes in and tells him that he can't go in the toilet with them, Pingu explains to her that he can't reach the toilet. Mother thinks of an idea and suggests they build some steps out of ice. They do so, and Pingu is finally able to go to the toilet in peace..

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu and the Organ Grinder

    #4 - Pingu and the Organ Grinder

    Season 1 Episode 25

    Aired 10/20/1990

    Pingu is spending time with a stranger who is busking by playing a barrel organ, which makes him feel upset because of how poor he is. He is more upset when arrogant penguins just walk past refusing to give money. First, a male penguin just walks around the organ. Secondly, a female Penguin walks past the organ. Pingu tries to stop her, but she pushes him away with her belly. Pingu asks another male penguin for some money, but he gets a fish instead. Pingu gives the fish to the busker and tries the organ. Pingu asks another penguin for some money. They both look up and the penguin walks away. Seething with rage, Pingu turns the organ's handle quickly. The penguin doesn't look where he's going and falls into a fishing hole. Pingu is even more upset when he follows him home to find it an old, broken down, messy ruin. Feeling sorry for the busker, he borrows the barrel organ and goes around town playing it in front of a tailor, bakery, tavern and a fishmonger, the pleased owners of which give him free supplies. He then goes back to the busker's place and sets out for him a nice meal with the supplies, and goes outside to make some repairs to the house. The pleased busker then rewards him with a harmonica.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu as a Chef

    #5 - Pingu as a Chef

    Season 2 Episode 8

    Aired 2/9/1992

    Mother and Father go out, leaving the children at home. Pingu puts a pan on the stove and Pinga brings him a cob of corn. Pingu puts the corn kernels into the pan and puts the lid on, and they soon have a pan of popcorn. The both gobble down the popcorn until there are only a few pieces left. Pinga distracts Pingu, and gobbles down the last of the popcorn while Pingu isn’t looking! Pingu goes to the cupboard, which is full of corn, and fills a big box with the corn kernels. He then loads all this corn into the boiler and puts on the lid. The corn starts popping, and soon there’s a big pile of it. They wonder what to do with it, and then Pinga starts filling boxes with the popcorn while Pingu gets the sledge. Pingu loads the sledge and sets off round the neighbours to give it away. He gives away three of the boxes, one to the post office attendant, one to a mother with three babies, and one to a neighbour. He goes back and tries to give his last box to the mother with three children but she curtly refuses it; the babies have made a terrible mess in the igloo with the box they’ve already had. He tries at the post office, but the attendant is full. Pinga then spots some empty boxes outside the post office, and they fill one of the boxes, put on the lid, and address and stamp it. They hand it in, and the postman delivers it to the neighbour, who is still struggling to eat what Pingu had brought him before. The postman leaves the box on the floor. It starts to rumble and expand, and then bursts scattering popcorn in a pile around it. The neighbour is not pleased! By now Pingu and Pinga are at home sharing a large plateful of popcorn. They realise that Mother and Father are soon due back, and rush to finish before they get home. When Mother and Father arrive the children are snuggled up in bed, pretending to be asleep. Mother pulls off the covers and greets them, not noticing how bloated they are, and then she and Father offer them the gifts they’ve brought home for them – a bag of popcorn each! Pingu and Pinga however refuse and quickly put the covers back over them!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu and the Lost Ball

    #6 - Pingu and the Lost Ball

    Season 3 Episode 26

    Aired 9/5/1996

    Pingu is building a tower with wooden blocks when Pinga comes along and picks up her ball, which is nearby. Pingu’s tower falls down and Pinga laughs. In revenge, Pingu takes Pinga’s ball and won’t let her have it back. Pinga wants it, and chases him round the igloo. Pingu then puts the ball up on to a high shelf out of Pinga’s reach and goes out to play. He meets up with three of his friends, who are skating. After playing he goes home, and is annoyed to find that the ball is not where he’d left it. He asks Pinga if she knows where it is, but she says she doesn’t. He then asks Mother, who is ironing, but she also says she doesn’t know where it is. He looks around the igloo, but doesn’t find it, so he goes to look outside. A stranger walks by, pulling a sledge laden with boxes. The sledge bumps on a small block of ice, the lid on one of the boxes bounces up and Pingu sees what he thinks is the ball in the box. He confronts the stranger, who invites him to look in all the boxes. It was actually a Piggy Bank. The ball isn’t there, and Pingu apologizes to the stranger and trudges home. The family sit down to tea, but Pingu is still worrying about where the ball has gone and doesn’t want his. He goes into the bedroom and finds the ball under the blanket on Pinga’s bed, where she had hidden it! Pinga goes to the bedroom and sees what's going on and laughs, but she becomes dismayed when she finds out what he's going to do with it. Pinga chases Pingu around the house to get the ball back, while Pingu gets happy that he found the ball, to Mother and Father's amusement!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


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    The 20 WORST Episodes of Pingu

  • Pingu's Grandfather Is Sick

    #7 - Pingu's Grandfather Is Sick

    Season 1 Episode 22

    Aired 5/26/1990

    Pingu is painting a painting while his mom is ironing clothes, but then the telephone rings and Pinga answers the phone, Pingu's mom rushes Pinga off the phone - it is Grandpa who's suffering measles. Pingu tells Pinga not to mess up his painting but Pinga throws red on it. Pingu gets really angry at Pinga and she runs away from Pingu. They go to Grandpa's house, but Pinga blocks the door so Pingu can't get out. Pingu backs up and rushes the door, but Pinga has moved away and he falls flat on the ground. They all go to Grandpa’s house and while Mother tries treatments, Pingu and Pinga run around babbling and dancing, possibly to entertain Grandpa, but end up annoying him. Mother lectures them and tells them to be quiet, but they pretend to cook something in a pot and the lid falls off. Mom tells them to stop messing about and again tells them to be quiet, but they play dress-up while Pingu is on a sled and they crash into the drawer. Pingu's mom, exasperated, makes them go outside, where Pingu finds a board and puts it above a giant wad of snow to play seesaw. Mother, exasperated again, tells them to stop. Pingu then kicks snowballs into the door and kicks one into Mother. She finally has had enough of their behavior and tells them to go home. They then use markers to make fake spots and then call Mother. She comes home, lifts the bed sheets and finds them all spotty, like the measles. When Mother rubs their heads she finds out they have used crayon and they try it on Mother. When she jumps on the bed in the ending, she breaks it (much to Pingu's surprise). They then laugh.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu and Pinga Play Circus

    #8 - Pingu and Pinga Play Circus

    Season 1 Episode 26

    Aired 10/27/1990

    Pingu, Pinga and Robby put up signs announcing a circus and lots of penguins start to go see the circus, and during the performance, Pingu plays the drum, Pinga plays the trumpet and Robby plays the accordion, Robby does roly-polies, Pinga juggles balls (which failed when Robby laughed when she dropped them, though she threw one at Robby's hat flattening it.), Pinga and Robby do a "lion-tamer's act" and Robby does dog acts. Pingu does a bunch of dances and actions during Robby's accordion performance and he lifts a big faux dumbbell, drops it (to make it look heavy) and Pinga takes it away with no effort at all. In the next performance, Pingu and Pinga jump on top of a board and Pingu lands in a bucket of blue paint which splatters all over Pingu and Robby, Pinga arrives and scolds Pingu to be more careful and jeers at him by laughing. After this, Pingu decides to spit blue paint onto Pinga, covering her in paint too.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu Pretends to be Ill

    #9 - Pingu Pretends to be Ill

    Season 3 Episode 5

    Aired 7/13/1995

    Pingu wakes, gets up sleepily, goes to the toilet, and is about to go back to bed when he notices that Pinga is already up, and realises he should be too. He decides that he’ll go back to bed anyway, and snuggles down again. Mother calls to him to get up, but all he does is go completely under the blanket. Pinga leaves for the nursery with Father, and Mother calls again to Pingu to get up, as it’s getting late. When nothing seems to be happening she goes to see what Pingu is doing. When Mother asks Pingu why he hasn’t got up he says he’s not feeling very well. Mother feels his forehead, and goes to get the thermometer. Pingu chortles to himself. Mother brings back the thermometer and a hot drink, puts the thermometer into Pingu’s mouth, and goes away again. Pingu takes the thermometer out, puts it into the hot drink to get the temperature up and then puts it back into his mouth. Mother comes back, sees that Pingu apparently has a temperature and calls the doctor. The doctor rushes over, Mother shows him the thermometer and he examines Pingu. The doctor ponders for a moment, and then calls Mother out of the room to consult. Mother is worried, but the Doctor reassures her that there’s nothing much wrong! Pingu goes over to the door and looks through the keyhole to find out what is going on, and sees the doctor pull a large syringe out of his bag. Pingu is rather worried by what this might mean, and when Mother and the Doctor return to the bedroom Pingu is nowhere to be seen as he has hidden under the bed. Mother and the Doctor go to the bathroom to see if Pingu is there, and Pingu takes the opportunity to sneak out of the bedroom. Mother spots him, and the doctor explains that the syringe was just a way of getting him to admit that he's fine, so they both let Pingu go. He grabs his satchel and rushes off to school, getting there just as the bell rings for the first lesson.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu And The Message In A Bottle

    #10 - Pingu And The Message In A Bottle

    Season 3 Episode 10

    Aired 8/17/1995

    Pingo is fishing, and Pingu meets up with him by the water. Pingu spots a bottle bobbing up and down in the water, and throws snowballs into the water to float the bottle to the shore. He smashes the bottle, and finds a mysterious map inside. This shows a route from the water into the hills, with a big “X” at the end point. Pingu and Pingo follow the route, which is quite hazardous in parts, to a boarded up cave. Pingu goes into the cave and discovers a padlocked chest. He brings it out and breaks into it, but he and Pingo are both disappointed to find that the chest is empty except for a shell. They then have a difference of opinion over who gets what, as they both want the chest; Pingo eventually takes the chest and Pingu the shell. When Pingu gets home with the shell Pinga is quite keen to have it, but Pingu won’t give it to her. Mother comes over and he gives it to her, but Pinga tries to grab it and it falls to the floor, breaking open. They’re all surprised to see a pearl drop out and roll across the floor. Pinga rushes to get it and gives it to Pingu, and they’re all pleased at their good fortune.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu and the Broken Vase

    #11 - Pingu and the Broken Vase

    Season 3 Episode 12

    Aired 8/31/1995

    Mother goes out, leaving Pingu and Pinga alone at home. They make themselves a makeshift house indoors, using the chairs as walls with a blanket on top as the roof. They take some toys and cushions into the makeshift house, but it collapses on them, much to Pingu’s annoyance. They then have an argument, and Pinga throws a cushion at Pingu, hitting him on the head. Pingu chases Pinga around the room, and throws the cushion back at Pinga. He misses, but hits a vase on the sideboard. The vase falls off the sideboard and shatters on the floor. They then realise that their parents are due back shortly, and rush to tidy everything up. Pingu wraps the pieces of the vase in a cloth and puts it in the cupboard, and tells Pinga not to say anything. Father then arrives with a bunch of flowers for Mother, and is surprised when he can’t find the vase. Pingu and Pinga deny any knowledge of the vase’s whereabouts, but Father becomes worried after he finds a piece on the floor! To Pingu’s dismay, Pinga tells Father what happened and shows him the bag where the pieces of the vase are hidden. Father looks furiously at Pingu, who bursts into tears. Father spots a jar on the dresser and puts it onto the table with the flowers in it, which cheers everyone up. Mother then arrives back and is rather pleased with the flowers, but Pingu is still dismayed when Pinga tells her everything that has happened.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu Seeks Revenge

    #12 - Pingu Seeks Revenge

    Season 3 Episode 14

    Aired 6/13/1996

    Pingu has been out with Pingi, and kisses her goodbye. Pingg spots them and, while Pingu is waving to Pingi as she walks away, throws a snowball at Pingu which hits him on the back of the head. Pingg is amused; Pingu is annoyed. Pingu throws a snowball back that Pingg avoids. After again being hit on the head by a snowball thrown by Pingg, Pingu chases him home, throwing several snowballs at him on the way, but none of the snowballs hit their target. Pingu and Pingg end up with Pingu on the wooden bridge over the water in front of Pingg’s igloo, exchanging words with Pingg who is by the front door. Pingu is still annoyed, but then has an idea. He goes home, gets a saw, returns and cuts partway through the bridge. He then stands at the edge of the bridge and taunts Pingg, who comes out of the igloo and shouts back. Just then Grandfather comes to use the bridge, and starts across. Pingu tries to stop him crossing by going onto the bridge and shouting, and jumping up and down. The bridge breaks as Pingu had planned but he, rather than Pingg, ends up in the water! Pingu is rescued, but is completely frozen in a block of ice. Once home Mother, aided by Pinga, and a lot of hot-water bottles, thaws him out. Pinga then laughs at him.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu Clears the Snow

    #13 - Pingu Clears the Snow

    Season 4 Episode 6

    Aired 1/9/1998

    When Pingu and Pinga get up and go outside, they discover that it’s snowed during the night, and everything outside is covered in snow. Father is clearing off the motorised sledge, and finding it heavy going. Pingu gets the snow shovel and starts to clear the snow away from around the sledge, as Father continues trying to clear the snow off it. Pingu also finds it heavy going, stops clearing the snow and thinks, and then goes inside the igloo. He returns brandishing the hair dryer. He starts to blow the snow off the front of the scooter, and has some success, but it’s not long before the dryer stops working and bursts apart. Pinga, who has been watching all this, calls excitedly to Mother, who rushes out. Mother is dismayed to see what has happened to the hair dryer. A bit later, Pingu is pondering the problem and goes out for a walk. He comes across a derelict abandoned igloo, and looks around. He has an idea, and starts to make repairs to the igloo. Robby comes along and offers to help, and it doesn’t take the two of them long to patch the igloo up, turning it into a weatherproof garage. Pingu and Robby are waiting when Father arrives home on the sledge that evening, and Pingu tells Father what they’ve done. Pingu and Robby get on the back of the sledge and Father drives to see the garage. Father is impressed and drives the sledge inside. It fits nicely. As Father comes out of the garage it starts to snow, and they congratulate themselves on a job well done.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu and the Hose

    #14 - Pingu and the Hose

    Season 6 Episode 2

    Aired 1/4/2005

    Pingu comes out of the igloo to play, sees a hose lying on the ground and then hears voices coming out of the end of it. He follows the hose to its other end and finds Father and Grandfather in the shed doing some bottling. They are talking, and it’s their voices that Pingu heard coming through the hose. He shows them what is happening, and they’re surprised. He then takes the hose, and plays a trick on Pinga by making her believe that the snowman is speaking to her, and a similar trick on Robby by making him believe that a fish is speaking to him. Then he puts the end of the hose into the shed and attempts to fool Father and Grandfather as well. Their initial surprise soon turns to suspicion, and they find the hose and track it back to the source. Pingu is oblivious to this, and continues making noises into the hose. Father and Grandfather have an idea and place the end of another hose just behind Pingu and they, together with Pinga and Robby, shout into it, startling Pingu. After Pingu has calmed down they all have a good laugh.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu is Introduced

    #15 - Pingu is Introduced

    Season 1 Episode 1

    Aired 5/28/1986

    The episode begins as the family is enjoying their lunch. Pingu tries to scoop up his potatoes but is having great difficulty, so he smashes his fork which makes it easier to swallow them whole. Father scolds him, but then ends up showing how difficult it is for him to keep his potatoes on his fork too. Pingu laughs and blows bubbles into his drink, with Mother telling him off for it. He then moves on to his fish which he puts into his mouth and pulls up again to reveal the bones. He does not want to eat his greens, but Father tells him he must if he wants to leave the table. Once finally eaten through his straw, Pingu rushes to the bathroom and spits the greens into the toilet. Pingu exits the bathroom and the table is cleared, so he slides under the table and sneaks into the toybox, to find his red rubber ball. He asks Father to inflate it for him, so he fetches the pump and does so. While he waits, Mother lets Pingu have a lick of her ice lolly. Pingu finally goes outside with his ball, sets it down and goes back in to blow his nose. While Pingu is gone, two bullies named Pingo and Pingg come along and steal the ball. Pingu soon returns and a big fight ensues to rescue his ball, resulting with Pingg hitting Pingu on the head and Pingo tripping Pingu up onto the ball, causing it to burst. Pingu runs back to his igloo, chased by snowballs thrown at him by Pingo. Father blows up the ball again while Mother puts a plaster on Pingu's head. Father also plasters up the damage that the ball suffered too. Pingu then finishes off the day with a sleep in his hammock.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu and Pinga Stay Up

    #16 - Pingu and Pinga Stay Up

    Season 1 Episode 16

    Aired 4/7/1990

    It is time for Pingu and Pinga to go to bed but they have other ideas. First they play with their blocks and fakely fight over them, and then mum tells Pingu to brush his teeth and he goes by shuffling with the block boxes on his feet. Pingu brushes the bathtub instead of his teeth, then knocks Pinga's potty, and mum finally manages to get them to go to the bedroom. At first they tried to leave when she wasn't looking. They keep demanding things such as a teddy, pacifier, fish, or bottles. When she stops coming to their demands (though Pinga made one), they go out to find their exasperated mother asleep. They move her into the bedroom and finally go to sleep all together

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu in the Ice Cave

    #17 - Pingu in the Ice Cave

    Season 1 Episode 20

    Aired 5/5/1990

    Pingu and his parents are doing odd jobs when Pingo comes over and asks Pingu on a playdate. The two go off hysterically. They play with their ball and have fun at first, but get a bit carried away, and the ball goes off into an overhang in the ice. When they try to retrieve it, they fall through a sort of trapdoor in the ice and into an ice cave. The entrance collapses above them, and they must find another way out. After looking around in the dripping, echoing caverns, they see a slope to the surface - which happens to be on the other side of a deadly chasm. Pingu manages to cross by swinging on a rope, which comes off as he gets to the other side. He then lassoes the ropes onto a small stalagmite next to Pingo, and tells Pingo to hang onto it and shuffle across the chasm, with Pingu holding onto the rope on the other side. But Pingu begins to slip due to Pingo's weight on the rope and he nearly falls. Pingu quickly tugs on the rope, pulling Pingo back up unharmed and catches him just in time, and the two crawl out cheerfully to the surface.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu Surfing on the Ice

    #18 - Pingu Surfing on the Ice

    Season 2 Episode 4

    Aired 1/12/1992

    Mother has hung out some washing, with help from Pingu. Mother has just gone back inside the igloo when the wind suddenly gets up, so Pingu decides to have some fun on an ice-surfer. He builds this himself, making the platform and mast from some stuff he finds in the shed, and for a sail using one of Mother's clean sheets that she has just hung out to dry. After some fun zooming around, while going up a hill the wind suddenly stops and Pingu and his ice-surfer go crashing back down. The sheet he’s used for the sail is now filthy. Pingu mournfully goes back home, is told off by his mother for dirtying the sheet, and has to clean it. As he is doing this, with not very much success, Robby comes along. By swish-swashing his tail, Robby very quickly gets the sheet spotless. Mother is very pleased by the result, and Pingu and Robby share a fish given to them by Mother as a reward.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu and the Camera

    #19 - Pingu and the Camera

    Season 2 Episode 11

    Aired 3/9/1993

    Pingu is out taking photographs of Robby. He then photographs an interestingly shaped block of ice from a variety of positions. Meanwhile Robby has found an ice-bridge, and shows it to Pingu. Robby climbs up to the top, and Pingu takes some photographs of him there, in various poses. They then spot a hot-air balloon drifting past, and Pingu snaps this as well. A photojournalist arrives, who also takes some pictures of the balloon, with Pingu standing in the foreground. Pingu goes home, and then goes with Father to the photo-shop to have the film developed. Unfortunately there’s nothing on the film, as Pingu has forgotten to take the lens cap off the camera. Pingu goes sadly home, and father consoles him. Mother and Pinga arrive home with the paper, and Mother shows Pingu the front page, which has a big picture of the balloon with Pingu standing in front. Pingu cheers up, and Mother frames and hangs the picture from the paper on the wall. Pinga wants to take a picture of Mother, Father and Pingu in front of the balloon picture. Pingu has to remind her to take the lens-cap off first!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu's Prank

    #20 - Pingu's Prank

    Season 3 Episode 7

    Aired 7/27/1995

    Pingu’s neighbour comes out of the igloo, puts out a piece of washing to dry and goes back inside. Pingu happens to walk past, and as he does so the washing falls off the line. This worries him, so he picks it up and rings the doorbell to tell the neighbour what has happened. The neighbour takes the washing, hangs it up again and rewards Pingu for his kindness by giving him some biscuits. Pingu then meets Pingo, who sees Pingu finishing a biscuit and asks if he can have one. Pingu gives him the bag, but it is empty! Pingu explains how he got the biscuits, and shows Pingo where. To Pingu’s horror, Pingo pulls the washing off the line and rings the bell on the igloo. When the neighbour opens the door, Pingo tells the same tale, expecting the same reward. The neighbour realizes what is going on, and shuts the door in Pingo’s face. Pingo and Pingu then play a couple of tricks on the neighbour, both involving ringing the doorbell and then running away, and the neighbour gets very annoyed. Another penguin then comes to deliver a parcel, rings the doorbell and, when the door is opened, is soaked by a bucket of water thrown by the neighbour! The neighbour apologizes, but the other penguin is very angry, then slams the parcel into the hands of the neighbour and stalks off angrily. The parcel then starts to leak (an indication that there was a liquid of sorts in the parcel), then the neighbour throws it to the ground, kicks the bucket away and goes back indoors, slamming the door. Then the washing drops to the ground again, so Pingu hangs it back up and both he and Pingo walk quietly away!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu Makes a Discovery

    #21 - Pingu Makes a Discovery

    Season 3 Episode 24

    Aired 8/22/1996

    Pingu and Robby are sledging when they come across what appears to be the tail of a large fish sticking out of the ice, and anticipate a good meal. Pingu tries to pull it out of the ice, and gets annoyed when it won’t budge. Eventually they dig it out, still encased in ice, and take it home. Pingu stokes up the fire in the stove to melt the ice on their fish, while Robby gets the frying pan. The frying pan is put on top of the stove to warm up, and together Pingu and Robby lay the table in anticipation of a feast. A little while later all the ice has melted, and then they realise that what they’ve found is not a fish and, disappointingly, it’s not edible. Grandfather then comes to visit, and decides to call the curator of the museum to come and take a look at it. It turns out to be the missing figurehead of a boat on display at the museum, and the curator is very pleased that they’ve found it. Pingu, Robby and Grandfather accompany the curator when he takes the figurehead back to the museum, where a reception party is waiting, and Pingu and Robby have their photograph taken.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu's Disadvantage

    #22 - Pingu's Disadvantage

    Season 4 Episode 1

    Aired 1/5/1998

    Pingu is out on his sledge. He sees some skis and an ice hockey stick lying at the bottom of an ice tower, stops to investigate and finds Pinga, Robby and Pingg playing hide and seek. Pinga has covered her eyes and is counting, while Robby and Pingg go to hide. When Pinga has finished counting, she turns and is about to go to look for the others when she sees Pingu. Pingu tells her where Robby and Pinng have hidden. Pinga calls out to them, and rushes back “home” before they can get there, so they lose. Pingu thinks this is funny, but Robby and Pingg are annoyed. They let Pingu join in, but he has to be the one doing the seeking, so Pingu counts while the others hide. There’s no sign of them when Pingu turns, so he goes to look. He hears Robby, and goes towards the sound. Robby hides behind a nearby ice tower as Pingu looks for him and goes past. He comfortably beats Pingu “home”. Pingg and Pinga are already there, so Pingu loses! Pingu, reluctantly, is seeker again. This time he cheats by turning while still counting so he can see where they go to hide. Despite this he can’t find them, and is puzzled. He spots a discarded ladder nearby, and props it up against a nearby ice tower so he can climb to the top to get a better view. While he’s climbing the ladder the others come out from behind the broken barrel that was near the ladder, and easily get home first. Pingu loses again! On the next turn he tries the same trick with the counting, but this time goes straight to the ladder and starts to climb. What he doesn’t know is that Pingg and the others have hatched a plan. Pingg has hidden behind the barrel where he was before, and sees exactly what Pingu is doing. When at the top of the tower, Pingu spots Robby’s tail sticking out, and goes to get down from the tower. Pingg, however, has removed the ladder, so Pingu is stuck on top of the tower. The others join Pingg at the bottom of the tower and, when Pingu asks, won’t put the ladder back. They then rub salt in the wound by getting home while Pingu can do nothing but watch. They all laugh at Pingu. Pingu then slides down the ice tower.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu the Archer

    #23 - Pingu the Archer

    Season 4 Episode 8

    Aired 1/14/1998

    Mother is cleaning and Pingu is playing when the phone rings. Mother asks Pingu to answer it; it’s Grandfather, who has found a bow and arrows outside his igloo. Pingu rushes over, and Grandfather gives him the bow and arrows. Pingu excitedly fires one into the air. Grandfather makes a target to aim at and suggests Pingu shoots at that. Pingu shoots and misses. He shoots another arrow and misses again. Grandfather tells Pingu to practice and goes inside for a cup of tea. He sits down to enjoy it, but he hasn’t seen Pingu’s mischievous look! Suddenly an arrow hits an apple in the fruit bowl, which is on the table in front of him. Then another arrow breaks a window. Grandfather is not amused and turns to go outside; a third arrow hits him on his behind. He phones Mother, angrily tells her what Pingu has done and sends Pingu home. When Pingu arrives home Mother is waiting, and takes the bow and arrows away from Pingu. Thinking to try and cheer him up, Mother asks Pingu to tidy up the firewood that is lying scattered around next to the igloo. She takes the bow and arrows and goes inside, leaving Pingu to get on with it. Pingu unhappily goes across to the wood to start, and then has an idea! He takes the broom, which is being held by the snowman, and uses it to quickly sweep all the wood into a neat pile. He then flicks the broom into the air and balances it on his beak, and starts to dance around. Mother comes out to see how Pingu is getting on, and is surprised to see the job done and Pingu dancing. Pingu finishes his dance, and flicks the broom back to the snowman. Mother claps, and gives Pingu a hug.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu the Pilot

    #24 - Pingu the Pilot

    Season 4 Episode 14

    Aired 1/22/1999

    Pingu is telling Pinga all about the plane in the book he is looking at when he hears a buzzing sound. They run outside, and wave excitedly at a plane as it flies overhead. Pingu rushes back inside and gets his toy plane out of the toybox. Pinga follows Pingu inside, and they have an excited chat. Pingu flies his plane, which crashes into the wall and then falls into the soup that is simmering in a saucepan on the stove. The saucepan falls off the stove, spilling the soup all over the floor. Mother, who is making the children’s beds, hears the clatter and goes to investigate. She angrily tells Pingu to go and play outside. Outside, Pingu wonders what to do. He has an idea, rushes into the shed, and a lot of banging is then heard. Pinga comes out to see where Pingu is, hears all the noise coming from the shed and goes to investigate. She excitedly discovers that Pingu is busy converting his sledge into a plane. Pretending to be flying, she rushes back indoors and gets her rabbit from the toybox, then runs back. They both get onto the sledge, and then wonder how to make it fly. Just then, Father arrives on his motorised sled, and asks them what they’re doing. They excitedly tell him, and then wonder why he then goes into the shed. He emerges with a small sail, which he attaches to their sledge at the back, and then gives Pingu his hat to wear. The wind gets up, and the sledge slides away. Pingu and Pinga excitedly sail about, pretending they’re flying. Mother hears the commotion and comes to find out what is going on. She and Father then watch as the children enjoy themselves on the sledge.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pingu Teases Pinga

    #25 - Pingu Teases Pinga

    Season 4 Episode 15

    Aired 1/23/1999

    Mother comes out to inspect the washing, and checks on Pingu and Pinga who are playing outside, Pingu with his train and Pinga with her rabbit. Pingu is a little bored, and decides to tease Pinga, by taking her rabbit and putting it out of her reach on the snowman. Pinga is distraught, and Mother tells Pingu to give the rabbit back to Pinga, which he does. Mother then goes back inside with the washing, wakes up Father who is dozing in a chair, and tells him to iron the washing. As Father gets started on the ironing, Mother goes past with a package that she tells him she’s going out to deliver. Pingu and Pinga clamour to go with Mother, but she says she’s going by herself. As she walks off Pingu, who’s annoyed at not being allowed to go with her, grabs Pinga’s rabbit and puts it on the snowman again. Pinga asks him to give it back, but Pingu refuses. Pinga makes a snowball and throws it at Pingu. The snowball hits Pingu on the head. Pingu is annoyed, and chases Pinga indoors. Pinga grabs hold of the table leg and Pingu can’t drag her loose. The commotion wakes Father, who has dozed off while doing the ironing, and he tells them to stop it. Speaking together, Pingu and Pinga each try to blame the other. Father tells them to be quiet and to go outside. Pingu sticks his tongue out at Pinga, Pinga sticks out her tongue back, and they both go outside, followed by Father. Pingu gives Pinga back her rabbit, to Fathers approval. Father goes back inside. Pingu walks away, then gets annoyed when Pinga sticks her tongue out and blows a raspberry at him. In revenge, he goes back, grabs the rabbit and puts it back on the snowman. As Pinga tries to go back indoors, Pingu rushes ahead and shuts the door with his back against it so she can’t get inside. Pinga makes another snowball and throws it at Pingu. The snowball misses Pingu but hits the doorbell, making it ring. The bell wakes Father, who has dozed off at the ironing board again! He goes outside, but can’t see any sign of Pingu and Pinga, who have run away. Father looks around and sees the rabbit on the snowman, so he goes across and takes it off, putting it on the ground. He then sees Pingu’s train nearby, and he puts this right on the top of the snowman, where it will be out of Pingu’s reach. Father then goes back indoors. Pingu and Pinga reappear, and Pinga is delighted to get her rabbit back, but Pingu isn’t happy to find his train on the top of the snowman, out of reach. When asked by Pingu, Pinga denies doing it. Pingu tries to get his train but can’t, and Father, who is listening at the door, is amused. Father goes out, talks to Pingu and Pinga about the error of their ways and gives Pingu back his train. Pingu apologises to Pinga, Pinga apologizes to Pingu, and they both snuggle up happily to Father. Features Pingu, Pinga, Father and Mother.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A



Best Episodes Summary

"Pingu's Parents Go to a Concert" is the best rated episode of "Pingu". It scored 8.5/10 based on 38 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 10/6/1990. This episode scored 0.1 points higher than the second highest rated, "Pingu and the Abominable Snowman".