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#1 - Pingu and the Doll
Season 4 Episode 22
Aired 3/3/2000
Pingu is pretending to be a Red Indian, and is outside doing a dance round a pole, to which he’s tied his teddy bear. He goes in, and sees Pinga playing with her teddy bear. Pinga puts her bear on a chair. Pingu has an idea, goes outside to get a rope, and lassos Pinga’s bear. As he pulls it towards him, Pinga grabs hold, and a tug of war ensues which ends up with the arm being pulled off the bear, Pinga with the arm and Pingu with the armless bear. Pinga is rather annoyed at this and confronts Pingu, who ignores her. She grabs back her bear and, as Pingu reacts, clouts him on the head with it. Pingu grabs back the bear, and Pingu and Pinga shout at each other. Pinga then goes to tell Mother, who is in the bedroom making the beds. On the way she spots Pingu’s toy yacht, picks it up and then throws it down, breaking off the mast. She laughs, and sticks her tongue out at Pingu. Pingu is annoyed and throws down the bear. Pinga runs to Mother as Pingu chases after Pinga, and they proceed to have a heated argument as Mother watches. They all go back into the main room and Mother sees the damage caused to the bear and yacht, as the argument erupts again. Mother sends Pingu out, and calms Pinga down by sewing the arm back on her bear and giving her a lollipop. Pinga then goes outside, shows Pingu that Mother has repaired her bear, and noisily licks her lollipop. Pingu gets his bear from the pole and gives it a hug. He then has a thought, rips off the bear’s leg and rushes inside to sadly show Mother what has happened to his bear. Mother is sorry for him and sews the leg of the bear back on. After a bit more “acting”, Pingu gets the message across to Mother that he’d like a lollipop as well, and she gives him one! Pingu rushes out to show Pinga, and they happily lick their lollipops.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#2 - Pingu Finishes the Job
Season 5 Episode 2
Aired 8/8/2003
Mother and Pinga go out to the shops, and Father and Pingu go into the shed to repair a leg on a broken table. When Father rummages in his toolbox Pingu does as well, so Father moves him out of the way. While Father repairs the table, Pingu sidles back to the toolbox and starts rummaging in it again. Father spots what Pingu’s doing, removes him from the toolbox and plonks him in a chair. Father then pops out to get some paint, leaving Pingu alone in the shed. Pingu can’t resist the lure of the toolbox and has a good rummage, then puts it on the newly repaired table. The table collapses under the weight. Pingu tries to repair the damage but only succeeds in sticking his hand to the tabletop, and then trashing the shed in getting it free. Grandfather comes in and collects the legs of the table together, and Pingu gets the top but gets his hand stuck again. As they’re recovering from freeing Pingu’s hand, Father arrives back. Pingu and Grandfather tidy up, and Father starts putting the legs back on the table. When he’s finished he stands the table upright but it wobbles, as one of the legs has been broken and is now shorter than the others. The three of them then try to fix the problem by sawing pieces off the legs, and end up with a table with very short legs! Pingu and Grandfather paint it, cover it with a cloth and go back into the igloo to await the return of Mother and Pinga. When they arrive the table is unveiled, and Mother is not amused. Pingu has an idea; he sits Mother down on the sofa, pulls over the table and puts a cushion on top, and invites Mother to use it as a footstool. She puts her feet up on it and relaxes.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#3 - Pingu Argues with his Mother
Season 3 Episode 9
Aired 8/13/1995
Pingu is outside the igloo splitting wood for the fire. Pingo comes by, carrying a ball, and asks Pingu if he’d like to come and play. Pingu goes in to ask Mother, who is ironing, if this would be okay. He is angrily denied and Pingu starts to argue. Eventually, Pingu goes back outside and tells Pingo the answer. Pingo goes off, and Pingu angrily goes back to chopping wood. After a while, Pingu goes to ask Mother, who has finished ironing, again, when he is still denied, he starts to argue some more. Pingu angrily leaves, sticking his tongue outside the igloo to his Mother, and starts moving the wood he’s cut into the igloo, stacking it by the fire. Pingu goes back out for another load of wood and brings it inside. But he decides that he’d rather go and play, and sneaks off. He meets up with Pingo, who is trying to sink balls into a makeshift basketball hoop, supposedly a barrel, and Pingu joins in. Mother comes and fetches Pingu back, and stands over him while he loads more wood and takes it to the igloo. Mother follows, shutting the door behind her. Pingu angrily strews the wood all over the floor, hurting his foot in the process. Mother is not sympathetic, so Pingu angrily kicks the table, breaking a fruit bowl and hurting his other foot even more. Mother becomes very furious: (she had enough for slapping Pingu in the face) and tries to punish him, but he gets terrified, bursts into tears, and runs into his bedroom in a terrified way and slams the door, leaving Mother stricken with remorse and feeling ashamed of herself, so she sits in a chair to calm down. Later, Mother, Father and Pinga sit down to dinner, but Pingu isn't there. When Father asks where he is, Mother glumly explains to him what has happened. Father, annoyed, goes to find Pingu, but there’s no sign of him in the bedroom and the window is open. They all go outside to look for Pingu, but can’t find him. They sit down to their meal again, Mother and Father still can’t eat as they are worried. Then Pinga has an idea and goes to look in the wardrobe, where they find Pingu fast asleep in there! Pingu soon wakes up and Mother hugs him and they both make up.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#4 - Pingu and the Paint
Season 6 Episode 24
Aired 3/1/2006
Mother and Father go out, leaving Pingu sitting at the table with his painting, which needs finishing. Pingu gets some water, and finishes the painting with some blue, and then orange, paint. As he’s admiring the finished painting, a blob of orange paint falls from the brush onto the table. He tries to get it off, but only succeeds in making a bigger mess, and getting it on his chair as well. He then has an idea! He gets a pot of orange paint and a brush from the shed, and paints the table and everything on it, and the chair, orange. He spots a bit he’s missed, and while painting this gets a blob of orange paint on the wall. His solution to this is to make it slightly larger and rounder, and then frame it. As he’s straightening up the frame he gets some more paint on the wall, and then treads in some paint he’s dropped on the floor and leaves footprints behind as he backs away. As he backs out of the igloo he trips, and lands on his sledge, which slides away and into a lump of ice. The impact jogs the pot of paint and the brush out of Pingu’s hands, and these fly into the air and leave orange paint on a couple of igloos and an ice sculpture when they land. Pingu’s solution to this is to add even more paint to most of the igloos in the village, and the sculpture, in a variety of patterns and colours. The villagers see the results of this and gather to discuss what’s happened, and wonder who’s responsible. Then a villager (that is, the postman) saw a trail of footprints, and they follow them to the barrel in which Pingu is hiding. To clear it up Pingu starts to throw snowballs at the paint, and is quickly helped by Pingg and Pingo, which Punki tries to evade them. The other villagers then join in themselves. It then starts snowing heavily, and the new snow soon finishes off the job of getting rid of all the paint.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#5 - Pingu Plays Fish Tennis
Season 1 Episode 9
Aired 10/29/1988
It is time for Pingu and Pinga to go to bed but they have other ideas. First they play with their blocks and fakely fight over them, and then mum tells Pingu to brush his teeth and he goes by shuffling with the block boxes on his feet. Pingu brushes the bathtub instead of his teeth, then knocks Pinga's potty, and mum finally manages to get them to go to the bedroom. At first they tried to leave when she wasn't looking. They keep demanding things such as a teddy, pacifier, fish, or bottles. When she stops coming to their demands (though Pinga made one), they go out to find their exasperated mother asleep. They move her into the bedroom and finally go to sleep all together
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#6 - Pinga Has Hiccups
Season 5 Episode 11
Aired 1/16/2004
Pingu is trying to read his book in peace, but Pinga is noisily slurping her drink. Pingu gets her a straw so she can finish it, and sighs with relief at the quiet when she’s finished the drink. She then starts to hiccup, and stomach rubbing and backslapping by Pingu do nothing to stop them. Pingu takes her on the sledge to see Father at the post office, to see if he can stop her hiccups. Father suggests she stands on her head, and he and Pingu demonstrate how. Pinga tries, but then overbalances. The hiccups aren’t cured. Father then holds her upside down by the legs and tosses her in the air. This doesn’t work either. He then suggests blowing into a paper bag, and then tries giving her a shock by blowing up the bag and suddenly bursting it. Neither work. Pingu then goes with Pinga to find Robby. Robby and Pingu pretend to be walruses, by using icicles as pretend tusks, to try to scare her, but she’s not scared and the hiccups continue. Pingu then pretends that he’s scared when he sees a reflection in the ice of himself with the tusks, and rushes frantically about. This makes Pinga laugh, and the hiccups are stopped at last. Pinga and Pingu then go home, and Pinga reads while Pingu has a glass of orange to drink. Pingu then gets the hiccups and they both laugh!
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
The 20 BEST Episodes of Pingu
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#7 - Pingu and the Knitting Machine
Season 5 Episode 15
Aired 1/22/2004
Mother arrives home with a big package. Pingu wants to know what’s in it, so is close by when Mother reveals the contents – a knitting machine. The machine knits what Pingu thinks is a hat, and he puts it on, but Mother shows him that it’s not a hat but a tea cosy. Mother and Pingu go outside, and Mother puts a sign outside the door indicating that she’s ready to knit things. Grandfather comes by and Pingu tells him all about the new machine. He goes inside just as Robby turns up. When Grandfather comes out he has a new pair of knitted mittens and a scarf. He gives the scarf to Robby and they both go off. Pingu goes back inside. Mother is busy knitting. Pingu goes up to the machine and starts fiddling with one of the balls of wool. Mother tells him to leave it alone and to go and play. He goes away, but sidles back and has another play with the wool. Mother again tells him to stop. Mother then loads up her basket with things she’s knitted and goes out, and Pingu grabs the chance to have a go on the machine. He sits up to the machine, changes the balls of wool for different colours and sets the machine going. Pinga arrives as the machine starts to knit a scarf, which gets longer and longer. Pinga feeds in new balls of wool and the scarf gets even longer. Pingu tries to stop the machine, but it goes even faster and he and Pinga end up wrapped tightly in a roll of the scarf. Mother comes back, and is surprised at what she finds. Then Father comes in, unrolls Pingu and Pinga, and Mother tells them off. They tidy up the long scarf and then Pingu has an idea, so the machine is used to make a hat for each of the four of them using the wool from the scarf.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#8 - Pingu and Pinga Go Camping
Season 5 Episode 18
Aired 1/27/2004
Pingu and Pinga decide they want to camp out and start making a tent, using the blanket on the washing line. Father disapproves of this, especially as they’ve made a hole in the blanket, and gives them some tarpaulins and old blankets to use instead. Pingu and Pinga put up the tent. Sometime later, as they’re playing in the tent, Father brings them some cushions to use, and as they put them into the tent the washing line comes loose and the tent collapses on top of them. Father ties the washing line back up. Pingu goes to get mattresses and things that they’ll need. Pinga gets her rabbit but Pingu won’t allow it in the tent. Mother then brings them a picnic that they leave in its basket outside the tent. Mother gives Pinga her rabbit, says goodnight to them and they go into the tent and snuggle down. Pingu then sits up, shines the torch on his face and starts making faces and funny noises to try and scare Pinga. She’s not too bothered until Pingu takes her rabbit and pretends it’s a beast; Pinga throws the rabbit outside the tent and they settle down again. Then they hear some funny sounds from outside, and a strange wolf-like shadow appears on the wall of the tent. Pingu and Pingu tremble in fear but Pingu, encouraged by Pinga, takes the torch and goes out to find out what it is. He finds the rabbit where it fell, but then sees a strange shape, making slurping noises, behind the hamper. When he shines the torch on the shape he finds out that it’s Robby helping himself to the picnic. Pingu gives the rabbit to Pinga, and he, Pinga and Robby all go into the tent and share the picnic.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#9 - Pingu Pancakes
Season 5 Episode 25
Aired 2/5/2004
Mother is making pancakes, and Pingu and Pinga ask if they can help. Mother lets Pinga have a stir, and then Pingu has a turn while Mother gets the stove ready. Mother then has to intervene when Pingu stirs too vigorously and sprays batter over them all, and around the room. Mother then shows them how to flip the pancake in the pan and they clamour to have a go themselves. Pinga goes first and with Mother’s help manages the flip. Pingu wants to try by himself but does it much too hard, and the pancake sticks to the ceiling. Pingu tries again, still gets it wrong and hits the picture on the wall. After a number of further unsuccessful attempts, which leave the room well covered in batter, Mother again shows him how to do it and prepares another pancake for him to flip. This one files out of the door when Father opens it to come in, hitting him in the face. Father flips the pancake back and it lands in the pan, much to the surprise of Pingu and Mother. When Father comes in, Pingu shows that he has at last got the hang of flipping pancakes, and they all applaud. Pingu then makes them all pancakes for tea, but doesn’t make one for himself - he waits for the first one he flipped to drop back onto his plate from the ceiling!
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#10 - Pingu's Birthday
Season 2 Episode 15
Aired 7/6/1993
It’s Pingu’s birthday, and he’s having a party with Pinga and his friends Pingo and Pingi. The party area is decorated with balloons and lights, and there are snacks and drinks on the table. Grandfather is providing music on the accordion. Robby arrives with a present for Pingu. It’s a cap, which he promptly puts on. Pingu shows the others what he’s received; a book, some crayons and a ball. They then all tuck in to the snacks and drink. Pingu shares a drink and a snack biscuit with Pingi (which leads into a Lady and the Tramp-style kiss). Pingi then pulls Pingu’s cap over his eyes so he can’t see and tells him he has to find her. He goes where he thinks she is, but she steps out of the way. She calls, and he changes direction towards her, but she steps out of the way again. Robby calls, and Pingu tries to catch him, but Robby backs away. The others all join in, calling in turn, and Pingu doesn’t know whom to find. Eventually he looks for Pingi again, but she moves out of the way and he collides with Mother, who has just come out of the igloo. She takes his hat off so he can see whom he’s found, then puts it back on. The game continues, Pingu not managing to find anyone. Mother then comes out with the cake and they all gather round. Pingu, now feeling much better, blows out the candle, the others sing “Happy Birthday” (in Penguinese) to Pingu, and then they all dig into the cake.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#11 - Pingu and the Stranger
Season 2 Episode 24
Aired 9/14/1994
Pingu has gone out to get some fish from the fish stall. While he’s on the way, two strangers enter the village, and are shunned by everyone they meet. Pingu arrives at the fish stall, gets out his shopping list and is about to tell the stallholder what he wants when the stallholder sees the two strangers, who are just behind Pingu. The stallholder quickly closes the stall and walks away, leaving Pingu without any fish to take home. Pingu walks away, but hides behind a nearby igloo, and then surreptitiously follows the two strangers out of the village to a nearby ice pool. Another penguin is fishing. One of the strangers takes out a shell horn and blows it, getting a rasping squawk noise. The two strangers look up, and soon a fish drops from the sky into the hands of one of the strangers. Pingu is amazed. The stranger with the horn blows it again. Another fish drops from the sky and lands on the ice nearby, but this time the penguin fishing and Pingu are looking up, and they see that a seagull is dropping the fish. The strangers offer the fish to the penguin fishing, but he refuses and hurriedly walks off. Pingu comes out from where he’s been hiding and walks up to the strangers, who give him the fish and let him try the horn. Pingu blows, but only gets a gentle squeak from the horn. The strangers urge him to try again, and he gets a raspberry sound. No fish is dropped either time. Then the seagull swoops to catch a fish from the pool, and as it flies overhead the strangers urge Pingu to blow again. This time he gets a better sound, and the seagull responds with a squawk, dropping the fish it has just caught! The fish is given to Pingu, and Pingu then soon fills the basket with fish. As they’re waiting for the seagull again some of the villagers come to look at what is happening. The next fish dropped by the seagull lands on one of the villagers, and after initial amazement they all laugh. The horn is shown around and the villagers chat happily with the strangers.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#12 - Pingu's Museum Visit
Season 3 Episode 2
Aired 6/22/1995
Robby goes to Pingu’s home to ask him to come out and play, which Pingu thinks is a good idea. They go off with the sledge and slide down a slope. At the bottom they narrowly miss Father, who is on his motorised sledge. Father then tows them to the art museum, which is where he is going to deliver a large package. While Father and the curator of the museum unload the package, Pingu and Robby go over to a sculpture that is in the form of a ring on top of a block. Pingu does a circus trick and Robby becomes a blue ball. After briefly wondering what it is meant to be, they then have some fun jumping through the ring. They then wander across to a tumbledown igloo, which has a somewhat skewed picture hanging on the wall. Pingu straightens it up. At this point the curator arrives and tells them off for messing about with the exhibits, and they go. The picture then slips back into the crooked position and, after a couple of attempts by the curator to straighten it, to his annoyance it falls off the wall. A final attempt by the curator to get the picture straight, by hanging it from a nail he hammers into the wall, ends up with the wall collapsing on top of him, to the amusement of Robby and Pingu. Pingu and Robby then spot a sculpture made of little blocks balanced on a larger block. Robby taps the sculpture, and it falls apart! They decide to rebuild it and it ends up looking like a rabbit, but is rather wobbly. Robby finds a stick, which Pingu uses to prop the sculpture up. Father then calls out that he is going, Pingu and Robby rush to get on the sledge, and they leave. The curator then spots the “rabbit” sculpture, removes the stick and the sculpture falls apart again. Once more the curator ends up less than happy! Features Pingu, Robby, Father and the Curator of the Museum.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#13 - Pingu and the Paper Aeroplane
Season 3 Episode 13
Aired 9/7/1995
Pingu and Pingi are on their way to school on Pingu’s sledge, when they hit a bump and fall off. Pingo comes past on his scooter, has a good laugh at their predicament and continues on his way. Later at school someone in the class throws a screwed up piece of paper into the air. It hits Pingu on the head and bounces off as Pingi notices. Pingu realizes who threw the paper when Pingo chortles, and throws a screwed up piece of paper from his own exercise book back at Pingo. Pingo picks up the piece of paper thrown by Pingu, straightens it out, makes a paper plane and throws it into the air. It hits the teacher on the back of the head. The teacher asks the class who it was, and Pingo says that it was Pingu. Pingu can’t explain away why the paper the plane is made from is from his exercise book, and gets sent to stand in the corner. Pingu then spots Pingo’s scooter and plans revenge. He sneaks over and unscrews the nut that secures the front wheel on the scooter. He throws the wheel-nut away and sneaks back into the corner. When school finishes, Pingu is just leaving when he sees Pingo offering Pingi a go on his scooter. She only gets a short distance before the front wheel comes off the scooter and she falls off. Pingu goes over to Pingi, while Pingo wonders what has happened to his scooter and how he’s going to get home. Pingu is just about to leave with Pingi and although he feels amused at first, he feels some remorse, so the front of the scooter is propped on to the back of the sledge and, with Pingu and Pingi on the sledge and Pingo on the scooter, they ride off together.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#14 - Pingu and the Postcard
Season 3 Episode 23
Aired 8/15/1996
A postcard is delivered which Pinga picks up. On it is a picture of a Hawaii beach fringed with palms. On the beach is a dancer who is wearing a garland made with pretty flowers, and a drummer. Pinga shows the card to Pingu, and says that she wants a garland of pretty flowers. Pingu is not sure that he can do anything about it, but Pinga points out Mothers lovely pot of flowers. Pingu goes over to the pot, takes off all the flowers, and makes Pinga a garland with them. He then takes off all the leaves and uses them to mimic the palm trees. Finally he empties the pot, throwing the soil and stem aside, and turns it upside down. He uses the upside down pot with a pan from the stove, which makes a good sound when banged with a spoon, to make a drum. He then plays the drum he’s made while Pinga dances. Mother then arrives home and at first enjoys what she finds them doing, but passes out when she sees what has happened to her plant. Pingu and Pinga rush over to her and are wondering what to do when Father arrives home. They seat Mother in a chair, and Pingu and Pinga explains to Father what they have done, and why. Father goes to the florist and gets a replacement pot of flowers for Mother, who is delighted when she revives and sees them. Mother and Father then enjoy a repeat performance given by Pinga and Pingu.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#15 - Pingu's Balancing Act
Season 5 Episode 16
Aired 1/23/2004
Robby is balancing a fish on his nose and Pingu wants to have a go. Robby tosses the fish to Pingu, and it lands on his head and sticks there. Mother then calls Pingu inside to help lay the table. Pingu sees the plated fish ready to be eaten and can’t resist trying to balance his on his beak, but it falls off onto the floor. He then tries to balance the fruit bowl on his head but this also falls off, and shatters. Mother tells him to clear up the mess. Pingu then spots a banana that was in the bowl and so he stops clearing up and tries to balance this. He does quite well until Mother returns and tells him to get back to clearing up. Father arrives home and the family sit down to dinner, but there’s no sign of Pingu. He then appears, balancing Pinga’s rabbit, but then overbalances and ends up in the toy box. As he emerges, trying to balance a ball, Mother goes across, takes the ball, dribbles it for a bit, and rolls it back into the toybox and tells him to sit down and eat his dinner. He rapidly gulps down his fish but doesn’t want the green stuff. When Pinga drops a piece of her fish, and is distracted, he puts his greens onto her plate and asks to get down. He gets the ball and takes it outside to practice balancing. Robby is still there, with his fish. Pingu has a go at balancing the ball, but fails to keep it up for more than a few seconds. Robby thinks this is funny and shows off his balancing skill with his fish, including flipping it up and down while moving. Unfortunately he goes too far and the fish ends up stuck on top of the shed. Robby’s very unhappy about this, so Pingu goes over to help. He gets Robby to hold the ball in position and then bounces up and down on it until he’s high enough to get the fish. He flips off the fish but is left clinging to the top of the shed. He slips off and lands feet first on the ball. After a wobbly start he discovers that he can balance on top of the ball and move around as well. Robby has a go, but falls off and the ball crashes into the igloo door. The family rush to see what’s happening, find Robby and Pingu performing, and applaud them.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#16 - Pingu Plays Tag
Season 5 Episode 24
Aired 2/4/2004
Pingu is having a game of tag with Pinga, and he is determined to avoid being "it" at all costs, rushing round the igloo, hiding in bed and hiding behind the ironing board, where Father is ironing. When Pingu bangs the ironing board, causing the ironing to fly into the air, Father tells them to go outside to play. Pingu gives Pinga the slip by climbing up on an ice arch. When she can’t find him she gives up looking and goes home. Pingu meanwhile has discovered that there is no easy way down from the top of the ice arch! Pinga tells Father that she can’t find Pingu and, as it’s getting late, Mother, Father and Pinga set off in the motorised sledge to look for him. As night falls, Pingu is still on the ice arch, getting colder and colder, and Mother, Father and Pinga are still searching. Eventually they find Pingu, and Father persuades Pingu to jump down into his arms, which he safely does. Later, Pingu is helping Father by folding the ironing when Pinga tags him, to his annoyance. Father consoles Pingu, then surprises him by tagging him himself and running off …
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#17 - Pottery Pingu
Season 6 Episode 3
Aired 1/5/2005
Pingu and Pinga are at Grandfather’s house. Pingu is a bit curious about what Grandfather is doing. Grandfather says that he’s making pottery, and Pingu really wants to try it. Grandfather helps Pingu to try, but it doesn’t go quite right and all that remains on the wheel is a piece of clay shaped a bit like a crown. Grandfather then goes to fire the vase he made previously and the piece remaining from Pingu’s try. Pingu then gets an idea; he could try doing pottery by himself, but Grandfather tells him not to. Pingu then has several tries while Grandfather isn't looking, with the starting piece of clay larger each time and with Pinga either helping or standing guard. The first two tries are unsuccessful, with the clay ending up being splattered about. On the third try Pingu attempts a large vase. This also flies apart and the clay breaks some of the pottery that Grandfather has made, in particular the lid of a vase. It also covers Pingu and unfortunately splatters Grandfather, who has just opened the window of the igloo to see what is going on, as well. Grandfather is not too pleased, but comes out to decorate the pots he’s just fired. He’s even less happy when he realises that the lid of a vase has been broken, but Pingu suggests trying the crown-shaped piece of pottery he made earlier. It’s a good fit, and they all end up happy.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#18 - Pingu and the Toy Shop
Season 6 Episode 9
Aired 1/13/2005
No description available
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#19 - Pingu and the Rubberband Plane
Season 6 Episode 20
Aired 2/23/2006
Pingu is on his way to school with his toy truck when Pongi catches him up. Pongi is carrying a box that contains a model plane powered by a rubber band. Pingu goes to touch the plane but Pongi quickly shuts the box and walks on. Then Pingg goes past, carrying a long thin box, and Pingo also goes past, bouncing on his pogo stick. After seeing these toys Pingu is quite envious. At school, they’re all playing. Pingu is playing a game of “catch the fish” with Pingi, Pingo is bouncing about on his pogo stick, Pingg is playing swing-ball and Pongi is flying his plane. The schoolmaster has a try at “catch the fish” and gets one. Just then the plane flies low over his head and lands. Pingu goes over to where it has landed and picks it up, but Pongi rushes over and grabs it back. He then relents and lets Pingu hold it. The schoolmaster comes across to look at the plane and breaks the rubber band, so he goes to his box and gets a new one. He then gets distracted, so Pingu tries out the plane with the new rubber band. It doesn’t go very far, so Pingu gets a bigger one from the rubber band box and tries the plane again. It still doesn’t fly very well. Pingu then finds a very big band in the box and wants to try it, but Pongi doesn’t want to. The schoolmaster then tells them all to sit down, and starts the lesson that is on how to draw a circle. Pingu isn’t doing very well, but then he has an idea and pretends he wants to go to the loo. When the schoolmaster says yes, he sneakily collects the plane on the way, fits the very big rubber band and tries it out. The plane zooms round the classroom, disrupting the lesson, then zooms off, with Pongi and Pingu in pursuit. It then buzzes around Father, who is out on his motorised sledge to make a delivery, and twice he nearly crashes into the fish stall trying to avoid it. When the plane finally lands Pongi grabs it. Pingu catches up, and Father sees them. Pingu explains what he’s done, and Father takes them both back to school. At school the schoolmaster is still trying to teach how to draw a circle, but he’s not having much success. When Pingu and Pongi arrive, the schoolmaster tells them off and confiscates the plane. Then Pingu has another idea. He attaches the plane to Pingg’s swing-ball and sets it going, and it flies round in a perfect circle. The class then use the method to draw their own circles.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#20 - Pingu's Big Catch
Season 6 Episode 22
Aired 2/27/2006
Pingu is going fishing. Mother and Pinga come out to say goodbye, and Pingu says he’ll catch a big fish. On his way to the pool Pingu comes across Father, who is fixing his motorised sledge, which has broken down. Pingu hoots in his ear, which makes Father jump and drop the screwdriver. Pingu tells Father that he’s going to catch a big fish. When Pingu reaches the pool, Pingg is already there fishing. Pingu tells Pingg that he’s going to catch a big fish and starts fishing in a pool nearby. Pingg soon lands a small fish. Pingu then has a bite and catches a top hat. Pingg finds this very amusing. Pingg then catches another fish; Pingu catches a spring. The spring bounces around, and into Pingu, knocking him down. This again amuses Pingg. Pingu is annoyed, and insists on changing places with Pingg, who reluctantly agrees. They settle down to fish again, and Pingu catches a bicycle wheel. Pingg then catches another fish, and Pingu a lavatory seat. They swap pools again. Pingg catches another fish, Pingu catches a broken kettle, and then an old boot. Pingg is rolling about with laughter. Again they swap pools and, as Pingg lands yet more fish, Pingu gets a rusty pram. Pingu sits down, very dejected, while Pingg counts all the fish he’s caught, and then holds up a fish in each hand and makes fun of Pingu. Just then a rag and bone penguin comes by, sees all the junk that Pingu has caught, and offers him a big fish for it. Pingu is delighted to accept, while Pingg bemoans the fact that the fish he’s got are only small.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#21 - Pingu and the New Scooter
Season 6 Episode 23
Aired 2/28/2006
In the igloo, Mother and Father are cleaning, Pinga is rummaging in the toy-box and Pingu is playing with his wooden engine. Father wants to put the vacuum cleaner away in the bottom of the cupboard, but there’s already a box of oddments in the space. Father asks Pingu to put the box in the shed, which he reluctantly does, and also which angers Pinga. When he gets to the shed there’s no room, so he starts getting some things out of the way. One of the things he moves is an old scooter(His old one from the previous episodes). He puts the box away, and then decides to go for a ride on the scooter. On his ride he meets Pingg and Pingi, who are out on their own scooters that are much newer and brighter. They’re doing tricks using the ice slopes, and Pingu decides to have a go. Unfortunately, he doesn’t manage to get up much speed and rather than jumping the gap falls into it, breaking off the front wheel. Dejectedly he heads off home, but on the way passes a shop with a bright shining new scooter on display in the window. He rushes home and pleads with Father to get it for him. Father agrees to look at it, but only after all the toys have been tidied away. When this has been done, Pingu goes outside and gets a shock; Pingg has already brought the scooter. Pingu and Father go into the shed, In which he created his sled in, where Pingu breaks up his old scooter. He then notices that Father, who has been rummaging around, has found some wheels that would go nicely on a new scooter, and together they build a new scooter. Pingu goes to meet up with his friends, and shows off his new scooter. They then go on the jumps, but Pingg’s new scooter doesn’t perform very well, while Pingu’s does. Father is watching and applauds Pingu’s performance.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#22 - Pingu's Bouncy Fun
Season 5 Episode 1
Aired 8/1/2003
Pingu is jumping up and down on his bed, which causes dishes to fall down and break from a shelf. Mother comes in and tells him to stop and makes him sit on a chair. Pingu then jumps up and down on the chair, nearly frightening Pinga, and is for the second time told not to bounce. Pingu then jumps on a cushion and then on Pinga's rabbit! Mother takes the rabbit away from Pingu and passes it to Pinga. Father arrives and settles down to read the newspaper. He and Pingu build a makeshift trampoline, and they bounce on it. When Mother comes home, Pingu falls head first on the chair. Then they take the trampoline outside and Mother puts on crash helmets. Pingu and Father do bouncing on it.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#23 - Pinga's Lost Rabbit
Season 5 Episode 7
Aired 9/12/2003
Pinga is cuddling her toy rabbit. Pingu offers her his teddy in exchange, but she doesn’t want it. Pingu sneaks up and takes the rabbit, and then teases Pinga by keeping it just out of reach. Pinga cries, and Pingu thinks it’s a huge joke, but he’s not so happy when Pinga starts jumping up and down on the teddy. He tosses the rabbit away, and it lands on the windowsill. Pinga screams, and Mother and Father come in to find out what is going on. Pingu denies any wrongdoing on his part, but is told to go and get the rabbit. As he’s going to the window he trips and knocks the rabbit out of the window. Pingu is told to go and get it back and, rather reluctantly, he goes outside to get it. He tosses it into the air and it lands on the sledge, but as Pingu goes to get it from the sledge he trips again and knocks the sledge away. The sledge doesn’t stop so Pingu goes after it, following the tracks it’s made in the snow. When at last he catches up he finds that Robby has now got the rabbit. Robby won’t give it back, and he does to Pingu what Pingu was doing to Pinga, keeping the rabbit just out of reach as Pingu tries to get it! When Robby finally flips it away Pingu follows it, but he can’t find it anywhere. He’s about to give up when he sees it drifting away on an ice floe. Fortunately there’s a fishing rod leaning against the wall of a nearby igloo, and he uses the rod to catch the rabbit as it drifts past. He returns triumphantly home, but Pinga is now happily playing with the teddy, which is on a chair being offered a pretend cup of tea. Pingu offers her the rabbit but she doesn’t want it, so Pingu sits it on a nearby chair and goes away.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#24 - Pingu's Ice Sculptures
Season 5 Episode 13
Aired 1/20/2004
Pingu comes across a notice showing a picture of an ice sculptor. Then he sees Mother posing on a block of ice, with pursed lips and holding a vase. He asks her what she’s doing, and out of the side of her mouth she tells him to see Father. Father is nearby, chiselling away at a block of ice, and he tells Pingu that they’re entering the ice sculpting competition, and shows Pingu the leaflet. Father says that Pinga is also entering, and nearby Pingu sees her making a sculpture / model of her rabbit. Pingu laughs at her effort, and Father tells him that the competition has a prize and why doesn’t he join in. Pingu thinks briefly about it, and then continues on. He sees Robby, who is busy carving a sculpture of himself. Pingu throws two snowballs at the sculpture, giving it bulbous eyes, and then adds a moustache, rather messing the sculpture up. Robby goes off in a huff, with his nose in the air, and starts a new sculpture. When he looks around he sees that Pingu is carving a sculpture of him, but it has a very big head with its nose in the air! Pingu laughs at Robby. Robby quickly completes his sculpture, which turns out to be a caricature of Pingu. This annoys Pingu, who makes another Robby sculpture, and Robby retaliates with a Pingu sculpture that has a long thin neck, and that is on a column of ice. Pingu converts this, by changing its height and adding a hat and telescope, so that the figure looks rather more military. They both chuckle at this, and then do some hybrid sculptures together. Meanwhile, Mother and Father are having an argument about their finished sculpture; the beak isn’t right. Then the lower part of the beak cracks and falls off. Mother and Pinga snigger, Father is a bit miffed. They and Pinga then take their sculptures to the competition, passing the various sculptures that Pingu and Robby made earlier, and come across them doing a sculpture together. Pingu and Robby take this sculpture to the competition. When the competition is judged, the judge laughs at Mother and Father’s sculpture when the he sees that the beak has been tied together with rope, but is amazed when he sees Pingu and Robby's sculpture and awards them the trophy.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#25 - Pingu Gets Lost
Season 5 Episode 17
Aired 1/26/2004
inga is ill, and Mother sends Pingu out to get some milk as they’ve run out. As he’s returning home with the milk he tries to balance the bottle on his head and drops it. The bottle rolls into a crack in an ice wall. The crack is too small for him to get into, so he bashes his way through, and finds himself in an icy cave. Unfortunately his method of entry brings down a fall of ice, blocking up his entrance hole. He retrieves the milk and sets off to find a way out. As he wanders around he doesn’t notice that a loose woollen thread in his scarf has become trapped by the fall of ice and the scarf is unravelling behind him. He gets hopelessly lost, and wonders what to do. Then he finally notices the thread behind him, and he retraces his route all the way back to where he entered the cave, rolling the wool round his flipper as he goes. He bashes his way out and triumphantly marches home. When he gets indoors, brandishing the milk, Mother asks him what has happened to his scarf. Father takes the ball of wool and starts re-knitting the scarf, and Pingu gives Pinga her bottle of milk.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Worst Episodes Summary
"Pingu and the Doll" is the worst rated episode of "Pingu". It scored 6.3/10 based on 20 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 3/3/2000. This episode scored 0.3 points lower than the second lowest rated, "Pingu Finishes the Job".