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The Best Episodes of Pitch Meeting Season 3


Every episode of Pitch Meeting Season 3 ranked from best to worst. Discover the Best Episodes of Pitch Meeting Season 3!

What if some of the worst movie-making decisions were made with the best intentions? Step inside the pitch meetings for some famous movies!
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  • Men In Black Pitch Meeting

    #1 - Men In Black Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 1

    Aired 1/3/2019

    Men In Black is coming back to the big screen with Men In Black International this year, so it’s only appropriate to revisit the super popular Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones film that started it all! The movie was a huge hit and was one of the projects that shot Will Smith to superstardom. Although the sci-movie is great, it definitely does raise a lot of questions. Like why do the Men in Black have such an easy recruitment process. Why was Agent Kay only training Agent Jay when he actually need TWO new MiB agents? Why didn’t Edgar shed his human skin way earlier?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Pitch Meetings Pitch Meeting

    #2 - Pitch Meetings Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 2

    Aired 1/4/2019

    For the 100th episode of Screen Rant’s “Pitch Meetings” it’s time to take into you into the belly of the beast. The meeting that started it all. How did Ryan manage to convince Screen Rant to green-light this show? What’s up with all the weird catchphrases? Why is everything tight? Why does everybody in the world look exactly like Ryan?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Ghostbusters (2016) Pitch Meeting

    #3 - Ghostbusters (2016) Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 3

    Aired 1/5/2019

    2016’s Ghostbusters reboot aimed to breathe new life into the classic franchise by introducing us to a brand new take on the concept, while still shoving as much nostalgia our way as it could. The movie bombed pretty hard at the box office and it seems unlikely that we'll see this version of the team again. The movie was kind of a mess and raises a ton of questions. Like… was there a script? Did Paul Feig just point a camera at Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones and let them come up with stuff? What even are the rules of this universe?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Bird Box Pitch Meeting

    #4 - Bird Box Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 4

    Aired 1/11/2019

    Somehow in the midst of all the Christmas blockbusters, Netflix’s Bird Box was one of the most popular movies of the season. Bird Box memes spread like wildfire over the Internet with people getting super creative with their Sandra Bullock style blindfolds. Despite its popularity, the movie definitely raises a few questions. Like what even is the purpose of a Bird Box? Why didn’t they move into the supermarket? What’s up with the speedy birth scene?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • The Happening Pitch Meeting

    #5 - The Happening Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 5

    Aired 1/12/2019

    With the popularity of the similarly-themed BIRD BOX and the release of M Night Shyamalan’s new movie GLASS, a lot of people are getting nostalgic over the director’s bizarre 2008 film THE HAPPENING. After a couple of massive hits like The Sixth Sense, Signs and Unbreakable, M Night Shyamalan gave us a weird film that raised a crazy amount of questions. Like how can you outrun the wind? What’s up with the title? Why does the Happening just stop happening? And how the heck is Mark Wahlberg a science teacher?!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer Pitch Meeting

    #6 - Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 6

    Aired 1/16/2019

    Step into the Pitch Meeting that started the first trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


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    The 20 BEST Episodes of Pitch Meeting

  • Unbreakable Pitch Meeting

    #7 - Unbreakable Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 7

    Aired 1/17/2019

    M. Night Shyamalan is bringing us back into the world of Unbreakable with Glass this year, so it only seems appropriate to revisit the original movie from back in the year 2000. The director was coming hot off of the success of The Sixth Sense and decided to partner up with Bruce Willis once more to try and deliver some more surprise ending plot twist. How come the movie is so slow paced though? Why does every doctor take at least 3 minutes to get to the point? Why does David Dunn not remember a thing about his past?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Split Pitch Meeting

    #8 - Split Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 8

    Aired 1/19/2019

    M. Night Shyamalan surprised the world with SPLIT a few years ago, a film that essentially pointed a camera at James McAvoy and let him go absolutely nuts. With the movie being a secret sequel to Unbreakable, fans got super excited when a third movie, Glass was announced. So before checking out that new movie, we thought we'd take a look back at the split-personality thriller, and all the questions it raises. Like what's up with Dennis’s poor planning skills? Or Barry's lack of typing skills? Or Doctor Fletcher being a huge exposition machine?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Glass Pitch Meeting

    #9 - Glass Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 9

    Aired 1/23/2019

    M. Night Shyamalan has brought us back into the world of David Dunn, Mr. Glass and The Beast with the final chapter in his surprise Eastrail 177 trilogy GLASS. The film brings Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson’s characters together with James McAvoy’s multiple characters for a pretty crazy time in an insane asylum. The film isn’t exactly getting stellar reviews, and definitely raises a lot of questions. Like why didn’t Kevin ever shut his eyes to prevent the flashing lights from stopping him? What was up with that big tower tease? Why did the secret organization try to convince them they weren’t superheroes in the first place?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Batman Begins Pitch Meeting

    #10 - Batman Begins Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 10

    Aired 1/27/2019

    Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins starting Christian Bale revolutionized superhero movies forever with its dark and gritty take on the caped crusader. The movie is already considered a classic and held in the highest of regards. But the movie definitely raises some questions too. Like what’s up with Batman refusing to kill people, and then instantly killing people? Why was he keeping tabs on Jim Gordon’s garbage habits? Why didn’t anyone in Gotham City shower?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Space Jam Pitch Meeting

    #11 - Space Jam Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 11

    Aired 1/30/2019

    Step into the Pitch Meeting that started the hit '90s movie Space Jam!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • The Matrix Pitch Meeting

    #12 - The Matrix Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 12

    Aired 2/3/2019

    The Matrix was one of the most influential movies ever to hit the sci-fi and action genres. Watching Neo, Trinity, Morpheus and the gang do crazy bullet time martial arts just completely changed the game forever. But even though the Keanu Reeves-led Wachowski project was revolutionary, it still raised a lot of questions. Like what’s up with the Agents not using their powers until we know about them? Why didn’t they actually use any of their tracking tactics? Why are the machines using humans as batteries? What’s up with all the LEATHER?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • X-Men: Days of Future Past Pitch Meeting

    #13 - X-Men: Days of Future Past Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 13

    Aired 2/6/2019

    X-Men: Days of Future Past was an exciting movie for fans, seeing as it brought together different versions of iconic characters like Professor X and Magneto, along with other favorites like Wolverine, Mystique, Storm, Kitty Pryde, Iceman, Colossus and more! That being said, because the movie deals with time travel, it’s kind of a mess when you stop to think about it. Like why did Wolverine travel to JUST before Mystique killed Bollivar Trask? What’s up with Magneto DROPPING A STADIUM and ruining everything? Why was Professor X even hanging around? Why did Quicksilver suddenly stop helping the X-Men?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • The Dark Knight Rises Pitch Meeting

    #14 - The Dark Knight Rises Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 14

    Aired 2/9/2019

    Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy was a massive success and definitely had a huge impact on the superhero movie genre. Coming off of the critical acclaim of The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises had a lot to live up to. Did it? Maybe not so much. The movie raises a ton of questions. Like why did Batman spend 70% of the movie unable to move properly? Why did Bane fly all the way to India to deliver some exposition? Why does the C.I.A. suck at investigating? What’s up with sending all those cops into the sewers at once?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • The Lego Movie 2 Pitch Meeting

    #15 - The Lego Movie 2 Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 15

    Aired 2/13/2019

    After the massive success of the surprisingly feature-length LEGO commercial “The Lego Movie” in 2014 and The LEGO Batman Movie, Warner Bros. have delivered a sequel to the smash hit animated film. The Chris Pratt-led LEGO Movie 2 is a lot of fun visually, but starts to fall apart if you ask any questions. Like what are the rules of this world, now that we know about the imagination twist? How does the time travel stuff work? Is making a meta reference enough to let you get away with doing whatever you want script-wise?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • X-Men: Apocalypse Pitch Meeting

    #16 - X-Men: Apocalypse Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 16

    Aired 2/16/2019

    EVERYTHING THEY’VE BUILT WILL FALL! Apocalypse is definitely one of the angriest and bluest villains the X-Men have had to face. X-Men: Apocalypse is jam-packed with action and destruction, so if you’re into that kind of stuff it was probably a good time. But the movie definitely raised some questions. Like what’s up with people not aging? Why does Apocalypse even need to recruit Storm, Psylocke, Angel and Magneto? What’s up with using Professor X to instant message everybody about their impending doom? Why is Jubilee even in the movie?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Disney's Frozen Pitch Meeting

    #17 - Disney's Frozen Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 17

    Aired 2/20/2019

    Disney’s Frozen was an absolute phenomenon when it came out in 2013, and had kids everywhere singing “Let It Go” and “Do You Want To Build A Snowman” non-stop. Although the movie was incredibly popular and sold an infinite amount of Elsa, Anna and Olaf merch, it definitely raises a few questions. Like what’s up with the trolls giving such vague advice? What’s up with Elsa’s parents not even listening to it? Why did Anna’s memory have to be wiped? Why is nobody addressing the INSANE fact that Elsa can create life out of thin air?!!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • The Bee Movie Pitch Meeting

    #18 - The Bee Movie Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 18

    Aired 2/23/2019

    The Internet still hasn’t gotten over Bee Movie starring Jerry Seinfeld, a super weird movie that exists almost solely as a vehicle for bee puns. The movie raises a TON of questions and contains a lot of head-scratcher decisions. Like why do bees have cars? What’s up with a bee and human love story? Why didn’t the writers do any research on bees? Why did the movie suddenly become a courtroom drama?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Casino Royale Pitch Meeting

    #19 - Casino Royale Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 19

    Aired 2/27/2019

    James Bond has been a staple of cinema for decades and decades. The franchise really took a turn in 2006 with the critically-acclaimed ‘Casino Royale’ -- a grittier take on the character starring Daniel Craig. Although the movie was definitely a refreshing change for Bond, the movie raises a lot of questions. Like why did James Bond have to do parkour? Why did he murder the guy he was trying to keep alive? Why didn’t they just capture Le Chiffre instead of joining in on his little poker tournament?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Watchmen Pitch Meeting

    #20 - Watchmen Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 20

    Aired 3/2/2019

    Before Zack Snyder got involved with the Justice League character, he brought another DC Comics product to life with 2009’s divisive Watchmen. There was a ton of hype surrounding the superhero movie, and in the end, a lot of people were on the fence about it. The movie definitely raises some questions. Like why didn’t Dr. Manhattan cover up? How does Rorschach’s mask even work? What’s up with the copious amount of slow-motion?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Kong: Skull Island Pitch Meeting

    #21 - Kong: Skull Island Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 21

    Aired 3/6/2019

    Brie Larson and Samuel L. Jackson are taking to the big screen in Captain Marvel this year, but it’s not the first time they’ve been in a movie together. Kong: Skull Island brought us King Kong in a size we’ve never seen before (so he can stand a chance against Godzilla in a few years.) Although the movie features some beautiful cinematography, it definitely raises some questions. Like… who even are the main characters? Why did Mason Weaver or James Conrad even have to be in this movie? Why did the soldiers in helicopters fly directly at the giant gorilla, instead of anywhere else? Why did Sam Jackson’s character have some a vendetta against Kong?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Captain Marvel Pitch Meeting

    #22 - Captain Marvel Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 22

    Aired 3/9/2019

    Step inside the pitch meeting that led to Captain Marvel!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Batman & Robin (1997) Pitch Meeting

    #23 - Batman & Robin (1997) Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 23

    Aired 3/14/2019

    Long before Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale got their hands on the franchise, there was a whole lot of weird stuff going on with Batman in the 90’s. After Val Kilmer stepped away from the role (because he didn’t know how to skate) George Clooney stepped in as the caped crusader and, along with Joel Schumacher, gave us what many consider to be one of the worst movies of all time. Batman & Robin features Chris O’Donnell being super annoying as Robin, Arnold Schwarzenegger delivering as many ice puns as he possibly can, and Uma Thurman doing… something. The movie raises a lot of questions, like why does Batman have a credit card? Why is Batgirl even in this? Why do they have retractable skate blades? How did this movie even get made?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Disney's Aladdin (1992) Pitch Meeting

    #24 - Disney's Aladdin (1992) Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 24

    Aired 3/16/2019

    Everybody loved the original animated version, so the cash grab makes a lot of sense. Looking back at that original movie though, it definitely raises a lot of questions. Like what exactly are Genie’s powers. How old is Jasmine and why are we even watching this? Why doesn't Jafar use his mind control powers to get what he wants?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • The Wolverine (2013) Pitch Meeting

    #25 - The Wolverine (2013) Pitch Meeting

    Season 3 Episode 25

    Aired 3/20/2019

    After pretty much everybody hated X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Fox was stuck with an X-Men character that everyone loved, and a need to make something that was quite a bit better than Origins. That’s how The Wolverine was born. The James Mangold directed movie came out two years after X-Men: First Class and brought fans to a place we’d never seen Logan before… Japan. Despite having some cool sequences, the movie raises a lot of questions. Like what was the point of Yashida faking his death? Why introduce Wolverine’s reduced powers if it’s barely going to affect the plot? How did they get Poison Ivy in this movie?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A



Season 3 Ratings Summary

"Men In Black Pitch Meeting" is the best rated episode of "Pitch Meeting" season 3. It scored N/A/10 based on 0 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 1/3/2019. This episode is rated NaN points higher than the second-best, "Pitch Meetings Pitch Meeting".