The story follows Tо̄suke Rokudо̄, a timid high school boy who gets bullied by delinquents. He receives a scroll from his late grandfather, leaving a mark on his forehead. The mark's effect causes a delinquent girl named Ranna Himawari to fall in love with him.
The best episode of "Rokudo's Bad Girls" is "Our Dream School Lives Have Begun", rated 9/10 from 21 user votes. It was directed by N/A and written by N/A. "Our Dream School Lives Have Begun" aired on 6/24/2023 and is rated 0.1 point(s) higher than the second highest rated, "We're Taking Himawari Ranna".
Rokudo is surprised by Ranna's choice, but his determination will not let him give up on someone so important to him.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Doji's plot to recruit Ranna involves a fight with the Ryuugu girl gang, and if Rokudo wants to protect his friends, he'll need to find a way to thwart it.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Rokudo is within arms reach of Ranna, but he'll have to get past the Onishima Union's most twisted and most powerful fighters first. But even if he manages that, will he really be able to stop Ranna's appetite for destruction?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Rokudo is within arms reach of Ranna, but he'll have to get past the Onishima Union's most twisted and most powerful fighters first. But even if he manages that, will he really be able to stop Ranna's appetite for destruction?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Rokudo Tosuke is an earnest, mild-mannered student attending Amori High School, which happens to be populated primarily by thugs, delinquents, bullies, and roughnecks of all types. But when a package from Rokudo's departed grandpa promises him protection from incoming danger, he finds himself gifted with something he has no idea what to do with: the affection of every bad girl he comes across!
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Rokudo attempts to help his school's top delinquent, Osanada, turn over a new leaf. But redemption is never easy, especially when the biggest student gang in Japan comes calling
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Rokudo and his friends have to wade through the entire Amori student body to keep Ranna from making the biggest mistake of her life, on top of the the bosses from the Onishima Union acting as particularly dangerous roadblocks.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Rokudo's fight with Iinuma has an unpredictable outcome, which solidifies his decision to try and secure his ideal school life by standing up for himself.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
The Onishima Union's leaders show up at Amori highschool, but they claim they're here to enroll, not fight. Rokudo and his friends seem to have been spared a lot of trouble, but could it really be that easy?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Plans to go for a cruise with his friends lead Rokudo to earning his license. What he didn't anticipate was a run-in with the cop-cosplaying, motorcycle-riding, ladylike bad girl speed demon named Himeno Azami.
Director: Masanori Miyata
Writer: Yuichiro Momose
Azami confronts the member of the Onishima Union responsible for her hero's life-changing injury. But can even Rokudo's magic spell overcome the motorcycle princess' suicidal thirst for vengeance?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Rokudo and his friends enjoy a bit of peace and quiet, even as the threat of the Onishima Union looms on the horizon.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A