Show cover for Spider-Man

The Best Episodes of Spider-Man

Every episode of Spider-Man ranked from best to worst. Let's dive into the Best Episodes of Spider-Man!

Spider-Man was an animated television series that ran from September 9, 1967 to June 14, 1970. It was jointly produced in Canada and the United States and was the first animated adaptation of the Spider-Man comic book series, created by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko. It first aired on the ABC television network in the United States but went into syndication at the start of the third season. Grantray-Lawrence Animation produced the first season. Seasons 2 and 3 were crafted by producer Ralph Bakshi in New York City. An internet meme, commonly known as 1960s Spiderman, regarding the series has received an overwhelming amount of popularity. The meme consists of a screenshot taken at a random part of the series and adding inappropriate and/or witty text.

Genres:KidsAnimationAction & Adventure

Top Episode Ratings Summary

The best episode of "Spider-Man" is "Revolt in the Fifth Dimension", rated 8/10 from 6 user votes. It was directed by N/A and written by N/A. "Revolt in the Fifth Dimension" aired on 5/24/1970 and is rated 0.2 point(s) higher than the second highest rated, "The Night of the Villains".

  • Revolt in the Fifth Dimension
    8.0/10 6 votes

    #1 - Revolt in the Fifth Dimension

    Season 3 Episode 17 - Aired 1970-05-24

    Luck, Suggestion and Determination must guide Spider-man through this trip into the 5th dimension. Spider-man finds himself face to face with The Skeletal Infinata, how can he defeat something that is completely of the mind?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • The Night of the Villains
    7.8/10 113 votes

    #2 - The Night of the Villains

    Season 1 Episode 19 - Aired 1967-11-18

    Historic villains Blackbeard the Pirate, Jesse James, and the Executioner of Paris are committing robberies in New York City, and Spidey tracks them to their lair- Parafino's Wax Museum, where Spidey's wax-master enemy is scheming to besiege and plunder the city with robotized wax villains.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • The Origin of Spiderman
    7.6/10 144 votes

    #3 - The Origin of Spiderman

    Season 2 Episode 1 - Aired 1968-09-14

    Student Peter Parker is labeled a ""bookworm"" by his peers when he declines their offer of a triple-date in favor of viewing a radiology experiment. Bit by a spider, turning into a superhero, his uncle killed by a thief that Peter let go.. fights crime now in Manhattan.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Return of the Flying Dutchman
    7.3/10 3 votes

    #4 - Return of the Flying Dutchman

    Season 1 Episode 23 - Aired 1967-12-02

    Reports of a legendary, flying ghost ship, the Flying Dutchman, being sighted near Smuggler's Cove summon Spidey to the area, where his investigation into the phantom ship's appearance leads him to a cave in which he finds his sworn adversary, Mysterio, plotting with a pair of thugs.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • The Golden Rhino
    7.3/10 3 votes

    #5 - The Golden Rhino

    Season 1 Episode 25 - Aired 1967-12-09

    Spiderman's old enemy, the rampaging Rhino, is stealing gold bullion to mold an auric likeness of himself.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • The Terrible Triumph of Dr. Octopus
    7.3/10 3 votes

    #6 - The Terrible Triumph of Dr. Octopus

    Season 1 Episode 31 - Aired 1967-12-30

    Doctor Octopus imposes upon Dr. Smartyr's Nullifier rocket test and steals the ultra-powerful destructor missile, with possession thereof Octopus plans to force all nations to bow to his will.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Never Step on a Scorpion
    7.0/10 110 votes

    #7 - Never Step on a Scorpion

    Season 1 Episode 8 - Aired 1967-10-07

    Dr. Stillwell creates the Scorpion on J. Jonah Jameson's behalf to capture Spider-Man. The Scorpion attacks Spider-Man, who escapes. However, the Scorpion's evil nature takes over as his strength increases which causes him to go after Jameson, but Spider-Man captures him and the Scorpion is arrested. However, he breaks out of prison and goes after Jameson again while Spider-Man is searching for him, but Spider-Man arrives in time to fight the Scorpion, who is webbed up and imprisoned again.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • The Peril of Parafino
    7.0/10 94 votes

    #8 - The Peril of Parafino

    Season 1 Episode 13 - Aired 1967-10-21

    Spider-Man faces off against Parafino, a wax museum owner who plans to make Spider-Man into his latest exhibit. He uses escaped convict Red Dog Melvin as bait for Spider-Man, disguising him as a waxwork. He catches Spider-Man using a wax sculpture of himself and captures Betty Brant when she comes to the museum. However, Spider-Man frees himself and destroys the wax Parafino by increasing the heat. While Betty gets the police, Melvin revives and attacks the real Parafino. Spider-Man webs them both up.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • The Menace of Mysterio
    6.8/10 112 votes

    #9 - The Menace of Mysterio

    Season 1 Episode 5 - Aired 1967-09-23

    Spider-Man has been witnessed committing a robbery of the Midtown Museum. Mysterio phones J. Jonah Jameson and makes a deal to defeat and expose Spider-Man in exchange for a large sum of cash. He fights Spider-Man on a bridge. Spider-Man is unable to beat him and dives from the bridge to escape. He finally tracks Mysterio to a film set and records Mysterio's confession that he robbed the museum disguised as Spider-Man. He then beats Mysterio.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Horn of the Rhino
    6.7/10 96 votes

    #10 - Horn of the Rhino

    Season 1 Episode 14 - Aired 1967-10-28

    Spider-Man is keeping an eye on a train when the Rhino rams into it and steals the first component of a top secret weapon, with Spider-Man getting the blame. Meanwhile, Peter has a cold, and his Aunt May wants him to stay in bed. The Rhino then steals another component from an airport. At May's suggestion, J. Jonah Jameson decides to take his own photos. However, when he tries to enter a military area wearing a disguise, he is stopped by a guard. He complains about this; however, his disguise falls of and he is arrested. The Rhino steals the final component from a submarine. The police put a dragnet out but cannot find the Rhino. Spider-Man finds him hiding in a cave with its entrance in the pool of the rhino exhibit at the zoo and catches him using pepper.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • The One-Eyed Idol
    6.7/10 97 votes

    #11 - The One-Eyed Idol

    Season 1 Episode 15 - Aired 1967-11-04

    Someone has sent a one-eyed idol to J. Jonah Jameson. Jameson is hypnotized by the idol to steal his own money. Spider-Man finds the thief, but he escapes with the money. The next day Jameson is again hypnotized to steal more money. Spider-Man attacks the thief, but is knocked out by a boomerang, and finds the mastermind is the hunter Harley Clivendon, who tries to kill Spider-Man using an elevator. However, Spider-Man frees himself and captures both crooks.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • The Evil Sorcerer
    6.7/10 72 votes

    #12 - The Evil Sorcerer

    Season 2 Episode 9 - Aired 1968-11-09

    In ancient Egypt, one of the most aggressive of evil magicians, Kotep, the Scarlet Sorcerer, is defeated in battle with an opponent, and his own demons strike him with a cursing ball of fire that puts him in suspended animation, his mummified remains lasting through the passing centuries and becoming an exhibit at a New York university and the object of a professor's obsession.

    Director: Ralph Bakshi

    Writer: N/A

  • Cold Storage
    6.7/10 70 votes

    #13 - Cold Storage

    Season 2 Episode 18 - Aired 1969-01-11

    Sophisticated diamond thief Dr. Cool and his henchman have heisted a fortune in diamonds and are at a deserted-before-dawn ice factory, planning to smuggle the gems through international customs by mixing the ""hot ice"" with large quantities of the ordinary variety.

    Director: Ralph Bakshi

    Writer: N/A

  • Rhino
    6.7/10 3 votes

    #14 - Rhino

    Season 3 Episode 15 - Aired 1970-05-17

    In a cheater story comprised of footage from both Rhino episodes from Season 1, the Rhino again steals gold shipments with which to build a 14 karat statue of himself.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Where Crawls the Lizard
    6.6/10 137 votes

    #15 - Where Crawls the Lizard

    Season 1 Episode 3 - Aired 1967-09-16

    Peter flies to Florida to find and photograph the Lizard Man. Spider-Man meets Dr. Curtis Connor's family. He is pulled underwater by the Lizard Man, but escapes. In Dr. Connor's lab, Spider-Man finds out about the doctor's research on swamp fever and mixes an antidote for reptilian mutation. He fights the Lizard Man in a ruined Spanish fort and turns him back into Dr. Connor.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Captured by J. Jonah Jameson
    6.6/10 104 votes

    #16 - Captured by J. Jonah Jameson

    Season 1 Episode 7 - Aired 1967-09-30

    While Spider-Man is out he is almost caught by a robot. Later an inventor named Henry Smythe reveals his plans to capture Spider-Man with the robot and get paid by J. Jonah Jameson for his efforts. Although skeptical at first, Jameson becomes enthusiastic when the robot is activated and starts zeroing in on its target. Peter makes a hasty retreat from the editor's office, but the robot lumbers after him into the street. Ducking into an alley, the teenager changes to Spider-Man before leading the robot on a frantic chase throughout the city. When the robot catches him Betty enables Spider-Man to escape by pulling out the plug to the controls; however, Jameson sends her out. Spider-Man is finally caught again by the robot after knocking himself unconscious by swinging into a clock tower. However, he breaks into the robot's interior circuits and is able to free himself from the robot's tendrils.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • The Revenge of Dr. Magneto
    6.6/10 97 votes

    #17 - The Revenge of Dr. Magneto

    Season 1 Episode 17 - Aired 1967-11-11

    Spider-Man saves a boat from Dr. Matto Magneto's attempt to crash it on the rocks by sabotaging a lighthouse. Determined to prove his magnetic power, Dr. Magneto sabotages a railway line, which Spider-Man fixes. Magneto next tries to make the statue of Prometheus fall off of the top of the Empire State Building, but Spider-Man catches it in his web. Dr. Magneto meets Spider-Man at the Hall of Fame and captures him, planning to lift the entire Hall into the air by magnetism and drop it into the ocean with him in it. However, Dr. Magneto is beaten with Spider-Man's anti-magnetic webbing that destroys his weapon.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Here Comes Trubble
    6.6/10 90 votes

    #18 - Here Comes Trubble

    Season 1 Episode 20 - Aired 1967-11-18

    Miss Trubble, a book dealer obsessed with mythology, is owner of a magical chest from which she summons a succession of mythological figures, from centaurs to the Cyclops to Diana the Hunter-Goddess, to commit robberies of ancient artifacts on her behalf.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Criminals in the Clouds
    6.6/10 83 votes

    #19 - Criminals in the Clouds

    Season 2 Episode 4 - Aired 1968-10-05

    Roy Robinson, star football player, campus ladies' man, son of a wealthy chemical industrialist, is envied by Peter, who decides to use his spider-power to play football and outperform Robinson.

    Director: Ralph Bakshi

    Writer: N/A

  • To Cage a Spider
    6.6/10 72 votes

    #20 - To Cage a Spider

    Season 2 Episode 19 - Aired 1969-01-18

    Two robbers dynamite a bank safe and abscond in their car with millions of stolen dollars. Spidey chases them. The villains throw a ""Vibrator"" device at the web-swinger, and it explodes in Spidey's face! Spidey falls more than 20 building stories to strike a Manhattan street's pavement..

    Director: Ralph Bakshi

    Writer: N/A

  • The Power of Dr. Octopus
    6.5/10 196 votes

    #21 - The Power of Dr. Octopus

    Season 1 Episode 1 - Aired 1967-09-09

    Teenage photographer Peter Parker is sent by the Daily Bugle to investigate a series of mystery lights in a wooded area outside of the city, when a sudden landslide forces him to swerve off the road and land in a tree.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Fifth Avenue Phantom
    6.5/10 95 votes

    #22 - Fifth Avenue Phantom

    Season 1 Episode 16 - Aired 1967-11-04

    Spider-Man attempts to halt the Phantom's activities only to be set up by him and his robot henchwoman Marie, who is disguised as a shop window mannequin. He discovers the Phantom is using shrinking rays to steal items. However, some of the shrunken items are in a dollhouse in the Daily Bugle. The Phantom gets into the Bugle's offices and escapes with the dollhouse. Spider-Man is finally taken to the Phantom's base and defeats both him and his three robot henchwomen.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • King Pinned
    6.5/10 96 votes

    #23 - King Pinned

    Season 2 Episode 2 - Aired 1968-09-21

    On his first night at work at the Daily Bugle, Peter overhears talk of a fake medicine racket engineered by a rotund mobster called the Kingpin, whose thugs have a laboratory somewhere where they produce cheap, imitation pharmaceuticals, which are then peddled at gunpoint to druggists, who are subsequently frightened into selling the fake medicine and not signing a complaint for the police.

    Director: Ralph Bakshi

    Writer: N/A

  • Menace from the Bottom of the World
    6.5/10 80 votes

    #24 - Menace from the Bottom of the World

    Season 2 Episode 5 - Aired 1968-10-12

    Investigating the disappearance of banks (which have been mechanically submerged to deep inside the Earth), Spidey finds a hole that leads to a maze of underground tunnels, through which Spidey undertakes a perilous journey in search of the lost occupants of the submerged banks, and he comes upon a bizarre city populated by group of Molemen led by a maniac intent on conquest of the ""surface people"", some of whom- the occupants of the banks-the Molemen are holding prisoner.

    Director: Ralph Bakshi

    Writer: N/A

  • Phantom from the Depths of Time
    6.5/10 74 votes

    #25 - Phantom from the Depths of Time

    Season 2 Episode 8 - Aired 1968-11-02

    Giant, mechanical beetles, formed from mushrooms by sonic impulses transmitted from an organ played by the sinister Dr. Manta (a Rocket Robin Hood villain), are used by Manta to capture and enslave the peace-loving inhabitants of an island to mine a valuable ore.

    Director: Ralph Bakshi

    Writer: N/A