- 10.0/10(1)
#1 - The Eternal Trump
Season 14 Episode 49
Aired 1/23/2005
Kenzaki confronts Hajime in an all out battle with the human race's existence on the line. But can Blade manage to save the world on his own or does the Joker have a plan that will negate the Battle Fight's end game?
Director: Takao Nagaishi
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 8.5/10(2)
#2 - The Tokyo U Promise From 15 Years Ago: Diary
Season 1 Episode 4
Aired 5/10/2000
The girls discover that Keitaro is not really a Tokyo University student and to make things worse, his studies don't seem to be going very well. Seeing this, Keitaro decides it's time to leave Hinata Inn.
Director: Kiyotaka Isako
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 8.5/10(2)
#3 - Marry into Money? A Prince from Across the Sea: Warm
Season 1 Episode 19
Aired 8/23/2000
A man who happens to look exactly like Keitaro when he wears glasses appears and is later found out to be from Kaolla's home country. He is here to get married to Kaolla but she decides she isn't quite ready yet, but tradition says she must.
Director: Kiyotaka Isako
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 8.5/10(2)
#4 - Jealous Outburst? Two Lovebirds on a Boat: Tremble
Season 1 Episode 21
Aired 9/6/2000
Naru and Keitaro decide to go out to celebrate the latest grades and while both are wondering whether it's a date or not, a mysterious little girl appears.
Director: Shigeru Ueda
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 8.0/10(1)
#5 - Shadow of the Moon, Sea of the Shadow - The First Chapter
Season 1 Episode 1
Aired 4/9/2002
The episode opens with Youko having a nightmare of a strange man showing her visions of monsters. Upon her arrival at school she is confronted by her friend Asano, then a girl named Sugimoto says hi but Youko ignores her... Later that day Youko feels bad and attempts to apoligize to Sugimoto but it would seem that Sugimoto isn't so forgiving. The next morning Youko is still having nightmares of the strange man. Youko is being nagged by her parents to get her hair dyed, but she ignores it and goes to school. That day at school Youko's teacher is giving her a hard time about rumors of her staying out all night and just then a mysterious stranger appears and bows down before her telling her to except her throne.. Just then a giant bird called a Kochou attacks the school. Youko and the stranger run up to the roof while innocent students get injured and killed by the Kochou. At the roof they are confronted by the Kochou and the strangers named is revealed.. He is Keiki and he gives Youko a
Director: Tsuneo Kobayashi
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 8.0/10(1)
#6 - Shadow of the Moon, Sea of the Shadow - The Third Chapter
Season 1 Episode 3
Aired 4/23/2002
The chase continues.. The youma chasing them are a pack of Kiki. They attack the man stearing and the wagons tips over. Youko, Sugimoto and Asano are still tied up. One of the guards unties them and tells them to run for it, just as he gets killed, but before the others can run they are surrounded. The hinman takes Youko over once again and makes her kill the Kiki. In a palace near by we see the King of Kou and the mysterious figure from before.. It is a woman named Kourin. King Kou tells her that the kaikyaku are a bad omen to the land and that she must use her shirei to kill them.. Kourin is depressed about this. The next morning Youko and the others are looking for food and they come across a town. They break into a house and look around. A woman named Takki arrives and calls them theives. Sugimoto grabs her from behind and tells Youko to kill her.. Youko can't do it and breaks down in tears.. Takki starts to feel pity for them and offers them to stay the night. During the middle of
Director: Masakatsu Ohyagi
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 8.0/10(1)
#7 - Shadow of the Moon, Sea of the Shadow - The Fourth Chapter
Season 1 Episode 4
Aired 4/30/2002
Auzaru tells Youko that nobody cares about her, and how nothing would change if she were to die. He shows her a collection of masks.. With the faces of everyone in her life. He puts them on one by one mimicking the voices of Sugimoto and Asano.. Making Youko feel worthless. She says she doesn't believe him and he tells her to beware of Takki.. For she isn't who Youko thinks she is. Just then he dissapears and Youko finds herself inside a tent. She comes outside and finds Takki and the rest. They've all been looking for her. Later that night at a inn Takki tells Youko that the next morning Asano should stay behind in the room while they go to meet her mother.. That way less attention would get brought to them. Youko agrees. In the morning Asano watches out the window as the 3 girls leave.. He argues with himself about why Sugimoto is being so shy around him. Outside his room a old man heres him talking and walks in.. He understands what Asano is saying. Meanwhile in town, the girls arri
Director: Tetsuharu Nakamura
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 8.0/10(1)
#8 - Shadow of the Moon, Sea of the Shadow - The Fifth Chapter
Season 1 Episode 5
Aired 5/7/2002
Kourin tells Sugimoto how it was her who saved her when she first arrived in this land. She tells her that there is someone that needs her help and to come with her. Sugimoto agrees gladly thinking that her time has finally come and she is the chosen one. Asano is still comforting Youko as Sugimoto walks up to get her bag. She tells them that she's going on alone and that Youko is the reason the youma have been attacking. Asano tries to stop her but its no good. Youko and Asano are now alone. They find a strange glowing tree and spend the night under it. The next morning they go to town to try to get some food but no one is willing to hire them. That night while in the woods Asano goes to try to find that tree again while Youko stays behind. Auzura appears before her again and shows her visions of her teacher and mother talking badly about her. He puts on a mask of Asano and mocks him saying that he is only using Youko for her abilities. Auzaru tells Youko to kill Asano, but just then
Director: Masakazu Obara
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 8.0/10(1)
#9 - Shadow of the Moon, Sea of the Shadow - The Sixth Chapter
Season 1 Episode 6
Aired 5/21/2002
In Kou, King Kou is yelling at Kourin for not allowing Sugimoto to finish off Youko. King Kou sends Sugimoto off to a house out in a field where he will allow her to live. Back in the forest Youko awakes in a house.. She is greated by what seems to be a giant talking rat.. His name is Rakushun and he tried to get her to eat. He finally gets her to eat some peaches. When he leaves to go get some water, Auzaru appears and tells her not to trust the rat. Rakushun comes back in. Youko asks him if he knows Keiki, but Rakushun doesn't know him. Just then a officer comes to the door and Youko hides. He tells Rakushun how their looking for a man and woman (Asano and Youko) and that theres a reward. He tells them he knows nothing of it. Youko asks him why shes doing this and he says because he wants to help her. Later that night Rakushun tells Youko about the twelve kingdoms and how it was created. That night when Youko is alone in her room, Auzura appears and tells her the rat will betray her.
Director: Koji Yoshikawa
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 8.0/10(1)
#10 - Shadow of the Moon, Sea of the Shadow - The Seventh Chapter
Season 1 Episode 7
Aired 5/28/2002
The group of Kochou attack and Youko kills them. Rakushun gets trampled by the villagers and knocked out during the action. The guards come running out and Youko thinks about killing Rakushun before she leaves so he won't turn her in.. But she runs away instead because she is afraid the guards will give her a hard time for being a kaikyaku. Back in the woods Auzaru appears and asks her why she didn't kill Rakushun.. She replies saying he was her friend. He puts a mask of Rakushun on and says he will turn her in. He tells her that she cares about nothing and she only cares about herself. She finally stands up to him and tells him that she will do whatever she wants and he doesn't control her. She is fed up with him and approaches him with her sword. She tells him she is glad she didn't kill Rakushun. He calls her a fool and she slashes him with the sword as he falls lifelessly into a bush.. She has finally freed herself from Azura. She goes back into town to find Rakushun but no one see
Director: Shinji Satoh
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 8.0/10(1)
#11 - Shadow of the Moon, Sea of the Shadow - The Eighth Chapter
Season 1 Episode 8
Aired 6/4/2002
Sugimoto is shown talking to King Kou.. Turns out he wants to her service once again. He gives her a sword and tells Kourin to place her hinman on her again. This changes Sugimoto's appearance making her look different. As she is ready to set out she realizes Kourin has fallen ill.. She runs out of the room. Sugimoto arrives at the dock where Youko is and she goes on the same ship as Youko will be traveling on. As the ship takes off she realizes Youko isn't on it. Youko purposely stayed behind because she didn't wanna involve the nice family who helped her anylonger. She goes on a smaller boat that will catch up with ship later. While on the ship Sugimoto meets a hanjyuu who is traveling to En so he can live freely. Youko catches up with the ship and boards it. She ends up standing in the same area with Sugimoto but she doesn't reconigze her due to her hinman. Just then a group of men are harassing the hanjyuu, commanding him to turn back into his human form. Just as they are about to
Director: Masakatsu Ohyagi
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.5/10(2)
#13 - All-Girls Dorm with Outdoor Bath: Hot Spring
Season 1 Episode 1
Aired 4/19/2000
The unlucky Keitaro is given a break when his grandmother asks him to be the manager of Hinata Inn. Keitaro accepts but little does he know that since he's last been there, the inn's become a girls' dormitory! None of the tenants are all too happy about a male living with them until they begin to believe that he's a student of Tokyo University.
Director: Takashi Sudo
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.5/10(2)
#14 - The Hinata's New Resident Shinobu: Arrow Signs
Season 1 Episode 2
Aired 4/26/2000
Shinobu's parents are getting divorced and she doesn't seem to have many friends at school but Keitaro and the girls welcome her with open arms which leads her to decide to stay at the inn instead of living with either of her parents.
Director: Kouichi Sugitani
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.5/10(2)
#15 - First Date, Keitaro's True Feelings: Nowadays
Season 1 Episode 7
Aired 5/31/2000
Keitaro scores two tickets to Neverland and plans on asking Naru to go with him for the grand opening. However, a new face appears and his name is Sakata Kentaro. He's richer, better looking, and smoother than Keitaro. He also has tickets to Neverland. Things don't look so hot for Keitaro.
Director: Takashi Sudo
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.5/10(2)
#16 - The Idol Shooting for Tokyo U is a Prep School Student: Sing
Season 1 Episode 11
Aired 6/28/2000
Naru becomes a celebrity all across Japan as an idol and this, of course, leads to Keitaro worrying about her studies. He begins to believe that Naru no longer cares about getting into Tokyo University and becomes incredibly depressed.
Director: Kiyoshi Murayama
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.5/10(2)
#17 - The First Kiss Tastes Like Lemon? Marshmallow? Adult
Season 1 Episode 13
Aired 7/12/2000
After witnessing Keitaro almost kiss Naru, Shinobu wonders what a kiss is like. Supposedly, it tastes like a lemon and is as soft as a marshmallow and thus begins Shinobu's quest for her first kiss.
Director: Takashi Sudo
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.5/10(2)
#18 - Girls Dressed in Yukata for the Summer Festival: Let's!
Season 1 Episode 18
Aired 8/16/2000
Seta has to leave on an excavation trip and asks if Sara can stay with the girls at the inn. Sara doesn't take too kindly to this and decides to run away while causing as much trouble as she can to everybody else.
Director: Kouichi Sugitani
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.5/10(2)
#19 - Little Sister Mei's Devious Plan: It Can't Be!
Season 1 Episode 22
Aired 9/13/2000
Mei is Naru's stepsister and hopes to take Naru back home. To accomplish this, she decides she has to hook Keitaro up with Mutsume and it is in this episode that Naru finds out something shocking.
Director: Osamu Sato
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.5/10(2)
#20 - Naru Narusegawa - Her Wavering Heart and Keitaro: Crushed
Season 1 Episode 23
Aired 9/20/2000
Naru now wonders what she should do with her newfound knowledge and it seems like Keitaro is going to be returning home since his grandma has returned to reclaim the inn. To add more to the mess, it doesn't look like Keitaro's studies are going to be enough to help him into Tokyo University.
Director: Takashi Sudo
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.5/10(2)
#21 - Celebrate! Are the Blooming Flowers Tokyo U? Love? Everybody
Season 1 Episode 24
Aired 9/27/2000
The final episode of Love Hina. Everyone has to leave Love Hina for a day because the inn is going under renovations. It also becomes apparent that Keitaro won't be coming back to Hinata Inn and Naru has completely given up on Keitaro. Who will Keitaro decide to be his soulmate, Naru or Mutsumi?
Director: Kouichi Sugitani
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.2/10(8)
#22 - Night of the Chimera's Cry
Season 1 Episode 7
Aired 11/15/2003
Now an official State Alchemist, Ed takes a closer look at Tucker's chimera experiments and begins to realize there's something very wrong going on.
Director: Kenji Yasuda
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.1/10(10)
#23 - Body of the Sanctioned
Season 1 Episode 2
Aired 10/11/2003
Edward and Alphonse struggle over whether they should reveal the truth behind Cornello's miracles -- and possibly ruin the townspeople's lives.
Director: Kenji Yasuda
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.0/10(1)
#24 - Shadow of the Moon, Sea of the Shadow - The Second Chapter
Season 1 Episode 2
Aired 4/16/2002
The episode opens right where the first episode left off.. Youko is flying with Kaiko and just as she is giving her the situation they are attacked by a youma and Youko falls. Elsewhere Sugimoto is with Keiki's youma Jyuusaku and they too are attacked.. Sugimoto falls but is saved by a group of youma. Youko awakes on a beach only to find that she isn't in Japan anymore.. She looks over a sea that has several whirlpools within it. Youko then discovers she has a magic ball on her sword that allows her to heal wounds. While searching the landscape Youko comes across a small town. She goes around asking if anyone knows Keiki.. Only to get attacked by the townsfolk. Her hinman takes over and tries to fight the villagers but there is just too many. She gets tied up and taken to a prison. In her cell she finds Sugimoto, who has also been caught. Sugimoto reveals to Youko that her face and hair are changing since she arrived in this world. They get taken to meet with a council that tells them
Director: Tetsuharu Nakamura
Writer: Sho Aikawa
0 - 7.0/10(1)
#25 - The Dead Dance
Season 1 Episode 1
Aired 10/2/2008
Makina Hoshimura, a deceased teenager, is given her first mission to eliminate dead corpses on Earth. Her target is Hagino, a criminal accused of killing women, who came back from the dead as a vampire corpse.
Director: Masahiko Murata
Writer: Sho Aikawa