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The Best Episodes Directed By Shingo Kaneko

Every TV Episode Directed by Shingo Kaneko Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  • New Year's Solo Camper Girl

    #1 - New Year's Solo Camper Girl

    Season 2 Episode 2

    Aired 1/14/2021

    It’s New Year’s Eve. Rin arrives at the shore in Shizuoka. Nadeshiko is busy with her temp job, when she receives a message from Rin.

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: Jin Tanaka


  • Izu Camping!!! Birthdays!

    #2 - Izu Camping!!! Birthdays!

    Season 2 Episode 12

    Aired 3/25/2021

    It’s the second day of the OutClub’s Izu trip. They go to Dougashima Island and walk across the tombolo, and put on a surprise birthday party for Nadeshko and Aoi at the end of the day.

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: Jin Tanaka


  • Going Swimming at the Beach

    #3 - Going Swimming at the Beach

    Season 1 Episode 5

    Aired 8/2/2014

    After the job from Miwa's dad breaks his artist's block, Handa's ready to get writing! But some distractions come up, in the form of the girls demanding penmanship help, a day taking the kids to the beach, and Naru's Grampa's addictive pickled daikon...

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: Pierre Sugiura


  • Welcome to the Outdoor Activities Club!

    #4 - Welcome to the Outdoor Activities Club!

    Season 1 Episode 2

    Aired 1/11/2018

    Nadeshiko pays a visit to her school's Outdoor Activities Circle, consisting of two members; Aoi Inuyama and Chiaki Ohgaki. The girls attempt to put together a cheap tent only for it to break on them. They are helped out by Rin's friend Ena Saitou, who draws Nadeshiko's attention towards the fact Rin also attends her school. Later, as Rin goes on another solo camping trip, Nadeshiko, having been informed by Ena, goes over with some hotpot.

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: Jin Tanaka


  • The Sick Tanaka-kun

    #5 - The Sick Tanaka-kun

    Season 1 Episode 6

    Aired 5/14/2016

    Tanaka arrives to school soaking wet on a rainy day. He doesn’t like using the umbrella because it’s bothersome. He took an umbrella from home, but he never opened the umbrella since it wasn’t raining much. Even though the rain started getting heavy, he continued to walk without using the umbrella. As a result, he catches a cold. At school, Tanaka realizes he forgot his textbook, so he goes next door to ask Echizen to borrow hers. He tries asking her by writing it down since he’s unable to speak due to his sore throat...

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: Akemi Omode


  • The Nova Glitters in the Daybreak Sky... (1)

    #6 - The Nova Glitters in the Daybreak Sky... (1)

    Season 1 Episode 3

    Aired 4/20/2007

    Not long after the appearance of the gate, a group went in to investigate the gate. Among the group only one man survived. Tahara now spends his time in his office taking care of the flower he found in the gate. But things are about to change as a group targets him for his research on contractors and the gate. Can Hei and the others get the information first?

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: Yuuichi Nomura


  • The Gardenia Releases its Fragrance in the Early Summer Rain... (1)

    #7 - The Gardenia Releases its Fragrance in the Early Summer Rain... (1)

    Season 1 Episode 7

    Aired 5/18/2007

    Gai and Kiko get hired by a widow and are asked to find the widow's lost black cat. While trying to find the cat, they meet Hei, who is looking for the Contractor that is killing employers from that same company. As both Gai and Kiko continue to look, Gai comes across the skeleton of a woman who has been dead for a while.

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: N/A


  • Girl's Pure White Dress Stained by Dreams and Blood... (2)

    #8 - Girl's Pure White Dress Stained by Dreams and Blood... (2)

    Season 1 Episode 10

    Aired 6/8/2007

    After Hei and Misaki barely escape from Alice, Hei goes his separate way after Misaki and Saitou find each other. After Hei steals the crystal hidden within the stone flower garden, he runs into Wei and loses the crystal in the process. Wei finally meets up with Misaki and Saitou, who have found Alice. After Wei kills his partner, Alice, he moves in on Misaki and Hei.

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: N/A


  • On a Silver Night, the Heart Does not Sway on the Water's Surface... (2)

    #9 - On a Silver Night, the Heart Does not Sway on the Water's Surface... (2)

    Season 1 Episode 14

    Aired 7/6/2007

    Kastenin, Gai, and Kiko take Yin back to her home town, meanwhile Hei is given the order to kill Yin and is given her location. Getting to Yin is not going to be that easy since th contractors from before are still after Yin and have their own method to finding her. The race is on once more, but this time Hei must make the choice on whether or not to kill Yin. Will he kill her or will the option be taken from him?

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: N/A


  • Without Dreaming Shallow Dreams, and Falling Drunk... (1)

    #10 - Without Dreaming Shallow Dreams, and Falling Drunk... (1)

    Season 1 Episode 19

    Aired 8/10/2007

    Hei is sent to infiltrate a religious organization and kill the Prophet, Alma. He is aided by an insider, another Contractor by the name of Shihoko whom Huang appears to know. Amagiri and Alma appear to be in cahoots with Alma providing him with dolls. A well-meant mistake on Huang's part leads to Shihoko's capture.

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: N/A


  • Mother

    #11 - Mother

    Season 1 Episode 3

    Aired 10/18/2003

    A young Ed and Al are determined to bring back their dead mother, who was their pillar of strength during dreary times of war.

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: N/A


  • Bride-in-the-Box

    #12 - Bride-in-the-Box

    Season 1 Episode 8

    Aired 2/23/2015

    20 years ago, Yurika, revealed to be a bear, was taken in as a cub by a woman, who she ended up killing when she tried to leave her. Having lived alone at Arashigaoka Academy, Yurika was eventually befriended by Reia, becoming close to her and giving her a pendant as a sign of her love. However, she felt betrayed when Reia eventually gave birth to Kureha, and a few years later, Yurika killed Reia after she gave her pendant to Ginko. Back in the present, Kureha, who had heard Reia's pendant was taken by the bear who killed her, is shocked to find Ginko wearing it. The next day, Yurika reveals to Kureha that Ginko and Lulu are bears, claiming they were the ones who killed Reia. Later, the Judgemens call Kureha, Ginko, and Yurika to the rooftop, where Yurika tries to coerce Kureha into killing Ginko, who denies killing Reia but is willing to be shot if it will satisfy her. Just as Kureha is about to let down her aim, thinking about all the things Ginko has done for her, Lulu appears and tells Kureha about the crime that Ginko had committed concerning Sumika, prompting her to take aim again.

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: N/A


  • Free for All

    #13 - Free for All

    Season 1 Episode 7

    Aired 8/17/2023

    This farce concerns the shocking methods by which Lupin attempts to steal the Penultimate Night, and how he attempts to match wits with Holmes. A certain detective looks to thwart Lupin in her own way, and so appears in a most unexpected location.

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: N/A


  • Sealing the Homunculus

    #14 - Sealing the Homunculus

    Season 1 Episode 47

    Aired 9/4/2004

    Wrath believes that Sloth is his real mother. Sloth battles Shou Tucker. Ed realizes that Al has been tricked by Tucker.

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: Sho Aikawa


  • The Flame Alchemist, The Bachelor Lieutenant & The Mystery of Warehouse 13

    #15 - The Flame Alchemist, The Bachelor Lieutenant & The Mystery of Warehouse 13

    Season 1 Episode 37

    Aired 6/26/2004

    While he investigates Mustang, Lt. Havoc orders his man Falman to find him a girlfriend. Later, Mustang must investigate the haunted Warehouse 13.

    Director: Shingo Kaneko

    Writer: N/A



Shingo Kaneko Ratings Summary

"New Year's Solo Camper Girl" is the best rated episode directed by Shingo Kaneko. It scored 9.3/10 based on 3 votes. It was written by Jin Tanaka. It aired on 1/14/2021 and is rated 0.3 points higher than their second-best episode, "Izu Camping!!! Birthdays!".