In the year 2063, eight high school students and a kid are flown out to Planet Camp, tasked with surviving on their own for a few days. But shortly after arriving, an ominous glowing orb warps them to an unknown quadrant of space, nearly 5,012 light years away. Now, the only way back home is a slow, dangerous trek across the universe—a journey that’ll test them in ways Planet Camp never could.
The worst episode of "Astra Lost in Space" is "Planet Camp", rated 7.8/10 from 119 user votes. It was directed by Masaomi Ando, Yoshinari Suzuki and written by Norimitsu Kaiho. "Planet Camp" aired on 7/3/2019 and is rated 0.1 point(s) lower than the second lowest rated, "Star of Hope".
Nine students embark on their first trip to outer space, to attend a five-day "Planet Camp" on an uninhabited planet. The moment they arrive, however, a mysterious sphere transports them to a different part of the galaxy.
Director: Masaomi Ando, Yoshinari Suzuki
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho
Disaster narrowly averted, the group land on Planet Shummoor, the second planet of their trip. Finding resources proved to be a challenge, but every member of the group was optimistic that things will work out — except for one.
Director: Norihiko Nagahama
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho
The team reach the first planet on their interstellar trip, Planet Vilavurs. Though the planet itself seems comfortably inhabitable, the novice explorers have much to learn about space survival, and about each other.
Director: Yusuke Shibata
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho
After surviving another dangerous setback, the team are able to resume their trip. Meanwhile, back home, the students’ parents meet to discuss the fate of their children.
Director: Yoshinari Suzuki
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho
The team meet Polina, an astronaut hibernating inside a ship identical to the Astra. Together, they work on a way to get off of this planet.
Director: N/A
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho
Spirits are raised and friendships are forged after the nine students successfully complete their first visit to a foreign planet. However, they are reminded that danger still lurks — in outer space, and from within the group.
Director: Yohei Fukui
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho
Ulgar threatens to kill Luca, revealing the previously unknown connection between the two, as well as secrets about Luca himself. Kanata attempts to piece the information together, but another disaster strikes.
Director: N/A
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho
As the Astra and Team B5 approach their next planet, Aries notices that Charce’s story doesn’t add up. The team confront Charce about his past, which he has kept secret until now.
Director: Yoshihito Nishouji
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho
Some peculiar medical readings raise Zack’s suspicions about the true relationship between Funicia and Quitterie. Studying this, the team discovers the common link between the team members — the reason someone wants them all dead.
Director: Yohei Fukui
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho
The truth is revealed about the killer, which leads to numerous discoveries about the history of the world. Can the team overcome the final obstacle and return home safely?
Director: Yoshihito Nishouji, Yusuke Shibata
Writer: Hikaru Sakurai
The team is on its way to the final planet. Polina is determined to find out how it is possible that the children are from a different planet, and Kanata closes in on the enemy within.
Director: Shota Hamada
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho, Hikaru Sakurai
The entrapment was successful, and the team finally corners the killer amongst them. What drove the killer to do what they did, despite developing such a close bond with the rest of the team?
Director: Yoshihide Yuuzumi
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho, Hikaru Sakurai