Show cover for El amor no tiene receta

The Worst Episodes of El amor no tiene receta

Genres:Action & AdventureSci-Fi & FantasyDramaFamilySoapComedy

Every episode of El amor no tiene receta ranked from worst to best. Explore the Worst Episodes of El amor no tiene receta!

Paz Roble, a kind, hard-working and honest woman from whom her husband, Fermín, takes her newborn daughter. Fermín has a large debt with some lenders...
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  • Desde que mi hija no está, mis días son eternos

    #1 - Desde que mi hija no está, mis días son eternos

    Season 1 Episode 20

    Aired 3/15/2024

    Fermín manages to get Luna out of the hospital without the authorities discovering him, Paz is already waiting for him in the taxi to take the minor. Kenzo blames Filipa for her children hating him, so he warns her that she will fight for custody of them. After doing a live broadcast, Gala begins to receive messages about her weight, she questions her friend if she looks fat. Ginebra meets with the mothers who have missing children, she bursts into tears confessing that she is sure that her daughter died.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • ¿Puedo besarla?

    #2 - ¿Puedo besarla?

    Season 1 Episode 21

    Aired 3/18/2024

    Lupita gets upset with Paz when she finds out how Luna was taken from the hospital; she assures her that she will blame herself when the authorities find her whereabouts. Esteban opens his heart to Lupita and confesses that he is beginning to fall in love with Paz, so he wants to talk to her to find out her feelings. Nandy can no longer hide her feelings from her and she reveals to Kenzo that she is in love with him. Esteban confesses to Paz that they both deserve to live, so she can't leave without giving him a kiss.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Tan solo de escucharte me siento tranquila

    #3 - Tan solo de escucharte me siento tranquila

    Season 1 Episode 22

    Aired 3/19/2024

    Paz is determined to face any obstacle that may arise now that she has agreed to be Esteban's partner. Gala reveals to Esteban that Rubio not only hurt her mother, he also messed with Paz, she confirms that that man sent her to the hospital. Ginebra is willing to give her all the money Filipa needs in exchange for her helping her in her money laundering business. Fermín assures Paz that her daughter will soon be at her side, she reveals that she imagines that Luna is the daughter they lost.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Humberto me robó el cariño de mi padre

    #4 - Humberto me robó el cariño de mi padre

    Season 1 Episode 23

    Aired 3/20/2024

    Lupita complains to Mireya for having gone to a hotel with Mauro, she reveals that she is willing to help her sister Paz. Esteban arrives at the house where he grew up to meet his father. Porfirio, upon seeing him, is filled with hatred and chases him away. He confesses to Paz that his cousin Humberto stole his land and the affection of the man who gave him life. Filipa forbids Nandy from entering the women's bathroom, Kenzo comes to her defense and suggests that Elvira take an inclusion course for all the company's workers. Esteban is eager to give Paz a kiss, but she asks him to be discreet; Elvira surprises them in the kitchen.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • ¿Qué haces aquí Mireya?

    #5 - ¿Qué haces aquí Mireya?

    Season 1 Episode 24

    Aired 3/21/2024

    Ginebra arrives at Esteban's house to give Gala, Bosco and Eder some gifts, they are impressed with the details. Gala gets upset with her grandmother when she sees the way she refers to Paz and asks her to respect her. Mireya continues to help Paz, however, in her search to gather evidence she puts herself in danger when she is discovered by Mauro. Elvira gets upset with Esteban for having left the company without telling her and asks Paz for an explanation for leaving with him.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • No voy a fastidiar a Paz, la voy a eliminar

    #6 - No voy a fastidiar a Paz, la voy a eliminar

    Season 1 Episode 25

    Aired 3/22/2024

    Ginebra listens to Paz's conversation and questions her if the girl they found is her daughter. Gema thanks her aunt for all the support she is giving her so that Salo's family business remains closed, Lupita begs her for a little compassion. Ginebra confesses to Mauro that she will never forgive Berenice for growing up surrounded by luxury and with a family, while she suffered on the street. Upon confirming that Paz is in a relationship with Esteban, Ginebra warns Filipa that she plans to destroy her new enemy.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


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    The 20 BEST Episodes of El amor no tiene receta

  • ¡Te quiero Paz!

    #7 - ¡Te quiero Paz!

    Season 1 Episode 26

    Aired 3/25/2024

    Ginebra confesses to Mauro that she has no mercy to get Paz out of her way, since she had no remorse when it came to her sister Berenice. Paz asks her family to hide Luna, the little girl remembers that her mother's name is Ginebra and wants to meet her again. Paz makes up a story for Ginebra so that she can't enter her house, she suspects that she is hiding something about her from him and begs her to help him put up posters of her daughter all over the neighborhood. Paz denies having a romantic relationship with Esteban, but Ginebra asks him to tell her the truth since sooner or later things will come out.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • ¿Samara está viva?

    #8 - ¿Samara está viva?

    Season 1 Episode 27

    Aired 3/26/2024

    Paz warns Esteban that he has seen strange attitudes in Gala that could indicate that she suffers from an eating disorder. Ginebra goes to the neighborhood party and meets Sam alone; Despite wearing a mask, she seems strangely familiar to him. Sam discusses with Paz her desire to question Ginebra to find out how she ended up living on the streets. Ginebra remembers her encounter with 'Chema' and realizes that it could have been Sam, deducing that Paz has her hidden, and she confronts Mauro about it.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Si quieres puedo ser tu hija María

    #9 - Si quieres puedo ser tu hija María

    Season 1 Episode 28

    Aired 3/27/2024

    Ginebra remembers when she saved Mauro's life as a girl, he is grateful, but she warns him not to dare betray her. Paz confesses to Lupita that it is in her hands that Luna's wish comes true, so she is determined to return her daughter to Ginebra. Mireya tries to convince Paz not to return to Luna with Ginebra since she fears something bad might happen to her. Fermín shows regret for what he did in the past and takes advantage of the fact that he is with Luna to ask for forgiveness.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Luna va a seguir con nosotros

    #10 - Luna va a seguir con nosotros

    Season 1 Episode 29

    Aired 3/28/2024

    When Bosco finds out about the relationship his father has with Paz, he calls him a “hypocrite” for hiding their romance from him. Ginebra confirms that the girl who escaped from the hospital is Sam, Mauro tries to reassure her by assuring her that Fermín is going to investigate if Paz is involved. Elvira gets upset with Esteban when she finds out that he started a relationship with Paz and warns him that she is not going to allow the cook to take Berenice's place. Monica reveals to Paz that Ginebra and Mauro put something in her drink to make her confess the truth, but she is sure that Sam is in danger with them.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • A Ginebra le soy leal

    #11 - A Ginebra le soy leal

    Season 1 Episode 30

    Aired 3/29/2024

    Upon hearing her real name, Luna remembers the hard times she lived with Ginebra and reveals to Paz the achievements of her mother. Ginebra assures Elvira that Paz is a dangerous woman since she suspects that she may be behind Sam's disappearance. Elvira threatens Esteban with firing him from the company if he refuses to hire Paz as the house cook, he does not fall for her blackmail and is willing to leave with his children. Mauro warns Mireya that if she or Paz don't let them find his niece Sam, he is willing to end his entire family.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Paz y su familia van a vivir con nosotros

    #12 - Paz y su familia van a vivir con nosotros

    Season 1 Episode 31

    Aired 4/1/2024

    Suspicioning that Paz may have Samara, Ginebra threatens Fermín with harming him so that he reveals the truth; He manages to convince them that Paz does not have her daughter. Fobo tries to comfort Elvira with a hug, she asks him not to show her affection since she does not want to confuse him and even more so now that she does not accept Esteban's relationship with Paz. Fermín does not want Paz to be happy with Esteban, so he proposes to Ginebra to join forces to destroy them. Elvira objects to sharing her house with Paz's family, Esteban warns her that he is not going to allow them to leave, but Ginebra surprises them with her announcement.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Tu presencia me está ayudando

    #13 - Tu presencia me está ayudando

    Season 1 Episode 32

    Aired 4/2/2024

    Ginebra dreams that she is experiencing a romantic moment with Esteban, but it is clear that he only loves Paz. Ginebra causes Paz to break some fine glasses, Elvira does not hesitate to humiliate her and warns her that Esteban is going to end up leaving her. Esteban gets upset with Ginebra taking Bosco to jail to confront Berenice's criminal, Elvira comes to her defense and asks him to respect her since she is part of her family. Kenzo assures Nandy that her presence is being of great help to him, so he takes her hands and surprises her with a tender kiss.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Huyamos juntos con nuestra hija

    #14 - Huyamos juntos con nuestra hija

    Season 1 Episode 33

    Aired 4/3/2024

    Confirming that Paz and Sam are in danger, Fermín proposes that they flee with their daughter and thus form the family they had dreamed of. After the proposal to escape together, Paz assures Fermín that she does not plan to separate from Esteban since she loves him. Ginebra, with the help of Mauro, manages to tap Paz's phone and after a call, confirms that Sam is alive and her now enemy has her. Mauro warns Ginebra that if she denounces the only ones who will go to jail will be Nandy and Kenzo, she agrees with him and prepares a plan against Paz.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Tu vida me pertenece

    #15 - Tu vida me pertenece

    Season 1 Episode 34

    Aired 4/4/2024

    Fermín meets Ginebra again and she confesses her intention to take 'Monito'; he refuses because he is his daughter's best friend and could get him into trouble with Paz. Humberto becomes present in Esteban's life and he feels envy when he sees the relationship he has with Porfirio. After inviting him to stay for a few days, Humberto proposes that he prove that he can manage the land and thus he will disappear forever. Ginebra plans her revenge against Elvira with Mauro. Paz begins to suspect Nicoliti's intentions and her fear takes over when he asks to meet her. Ginebra asks for help to find her daughter and through hints causes Paz to fear being accused of taking her away.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Paz, ¿quieres ser mi novia?

    #16 - Paz, ¿quieres ser mi novia?

    Season 1 Episode 35

    Aired 4/5/2024

    Given Gema's warnings, Salo keeps his word and ends his fake romance with Gala. Questioning him about her decision, he lies about her feelings. Fobo gets closer to Elvira again, but she confesses that she has suffered a lot and that her heart has been broken since Berenice's departure. Esteban plans a romantic night with Paz and in the middle of a romantic date he asks her to take the next step in their relationship. Ginebra and Mauro use the microphone and fake a conversation about how much they miss Samara. Mireya hears everything and they doubt Nicoliti's innocence.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Ahora eres mía y tú mío

    #17 - Ahora eres mía y tú mío

    Season 1 Episode 36

    Aired 4/8/2024

    Esteban surprises Paz with a dinner, he is romantic by giving her the recipe for love and they both let themselves be carried away by the love they feel. Jero is responsible for confirming to Gala that Salo does not love her since he cheated on her with Gema. She is disappointed and assures him that she prefers to be alone. Ginebra accepts in front of Paz that she is interested in Esteban and warns him that her happiness will not be for long. Upon meeting Rubio again, Lupita warns him not to dare hurt her daughters; he does not doubt her by threatening to harm her family.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Te extraño mucho Paz

    #18 - Te extraño mucho Paz

    Season 1 Episode 37

    Aired 4/9/2024

    Esteban asks Paz that there are no secrets between them and questions her about her sudden change of phone number and begs her to be honest so that he can defend her. Elvira cannot believe that Fobo is in love with her even though she knows her flaws. Paz manages to take Lupita to the hospital in an emergency; The doctor assures her that her mother's life is in danger. Luna bursts into tears upon learning that Lupita's life is in danger, so she begs Paz not to take her away from her life.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Esteban me enamoré de ti

    #19 - Esteban me enamoré de ti

    Season 1 Episode 38

    Aired 4/10/2024

    Lupita confesses to Paz that Rubio was the one who attacked her on Fermín's orders, she confronts him, but he denies everything. Mauro hears that Mireya is starting to have feelings for him, so she plans to use it to her advantage. Paz confesses to Esteban that she is jealous of Ginebra since she revealed to him that she is interested in him, Esteban makes it clear to her that he has no feelings for her. Ginebra accepts in front of Esteban that she is in love with him and warns him that we have to wait to see what happens with her relationship with Paz.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • ¿Cómo pudiste traicionarme?

    #20 - ¿Cómo pudiste traicionarme?

    Season 1 Episode 39

    Aired 4/11/2024

    Paz and her family are detained, she reveals to Esteban that she had Ginebra's daughter under her protection, but everything has an explanation. Esteban reproaches Paz for her lies and assures her that she confronted her children and Elvira for defending her love, but in the end they were right. Ginebra manages to meet with her daughter Sam and assures her in front of the police that she longed to hear her voice, since she spent many days mourning her absence. Paz, left alone in prison, is attacked by her security personnel and they warn her that she is going to pay dearly for what she did.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Aquí la única mala eres tú

    #21 - Aquí la única mala eres tú

    Season 1 Episode 40

    Aired 4/12/2024

    Esteban confronts Mauro when he learns of the plans he had against Sam. Ginebra makes it clear to Esteban that Paz and her family wanted to keep her daughter Sam and for this reason they caused the accident so that she would forget her past. Esteban finds out that the lawyer he appointed for the case of Paz and her family has given up, so now there is no one to defend them. Paz comes to Sam's defense and assures Ginebra that she is the bad guy for all the harm she did to Sam; Ginebra slaps her.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Ginebra es la que debería de estar en la cárcel

    #22 - Ginebra es la que debería de estar en la cárcel

    Season 1 Episode 41

    Aired 4/15/2024

    Mauro assures Sam that he loves her and is incapable of harming her. She makes it clear that she only trusts Paz's family, so she asks him to help them. Esteban shows Kenzo some documents that make him suspect that Ginebra is responsible for Sam's disappearance. Ginebra slaps Filipa for stealing her attention and reveals that she helped her have another child just so Kenzo would stay by her side. Paz regrets having involved innocent people in Sam's affair and blames herself for Dr. Monica's death.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Necesito que Paz se declare culpable

    #23 - Necesito que Paz se declare culpable

    Season 1 Episode 42

    Aired 4/16/2024

    Humberto offers Esteban his help as a lawyer to get Paz and her family out of jail. He gives him documents to prove his girlfriend's innocence. Gala gives her father a spy doll to give to Sam, with the intention of checking if Ginebra and Mauro harm him. Ginebra prepares her “favorite dinner” for Sam, but the little girl assures Paz that she prepared some pancakes with fruit that were delicious, Ginebra gets upset. Humberto introduces himself to Paz and is shocked to see her beautiful eyes. Esteban asks him to focus on helping her get out of jail, but he makes an announcement that could change her life.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Háblame de tu pasado

    #24 - Háblame de tu pasado

    Season 1 Episode 43

    Aired 4/17/2024

    Gala reproaches her grandmother for being a closed-minded woman since she has no doubt that she also made mistakes in her youth. Humberto assures Esteban that he needs malice to face this situation, so he proposes to seduce Ginebra. Esteban tells Ginebra that he wants to verify that the woman he has proven to be is who she really is, so he asks her to tell him about her past. Esteban assures Ginebra that he is getting closer to her to understand her since if he is innocent, he would like to know the truth.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • ¡Eres mi hija!

    #25 - ¡Eres mi hija!

    Season 1 Episode 44

    Aired 4/18/2024

    Elvira can no longer hide her secret and reveals to Ginebra that she is the daughter she lost years ago and for that reason she wants her to be the president of her company. Esteban confesses to Paz that in order to help her, he needs to seduce Ginebra, she gets upset because she has feelings for him. Ginebra warns Paz that she will make sure he pays for all the damage she did to him, she assures him that she is innocent and she will prove it with evidence. Esteban and Gala witness Ginebra's evil against Sam and confirm that Paz always spoke the truth.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A



Worst Episodes Summary

"Desde que mi hija no está, mis días son eternos" is the worst rated episode of "El amor no tiene receta". It scored N/A/10 based on 0 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 3/15/2024. This episode scored NaN points lower than the second lowest rated, "¿Puedo besarla?".