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#1 - Hanen og Ægget
Season 1 Episode 1
Aired 2/27/2009
Brothers Adam and James Price cook "the way our father cooked it" and tell stories from growing up in an actor's home, where food often played the main role. See i.a. the brothers' recipe for Coq au vin, hear why you need to be able to sing "A little elf traveled" in order to make a perfect omelette, and find out what secrets are hidden behind the dish "Farmor's Egg". Behind today's dessert: tarte Tatin with cinnamon ice cream, there is also a small internal rivalry: Was it the older brother or the younger brother who first bought an ice cream machine for 5,000 kroner?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#2 - De gamle mænd og havet
Season 1 Episode 2
Aired 3/5/2008
Things go fishy for brothers Adam and James Price. There is Bornholm fish soup as our father made it on the menu, and the brothers also throw themselves into making mussels in four different ways. Along the way, there will be time to tell stories from growing up together in an actor's home, where food often played the main role. Hear i.a. about Adam's first pet, the lobster Helene, and get the answer to whether you can crush lobster shells in a blender.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#3 - Silence of the lambs
Season 1 Episode 3
Aired 3/12/2008
With an eminent sense of timing, the brothers Adam and James Price have sacrificed a small Easter lamb, which is resurrected during the program in both a Turkish, Moroccan and Danish version. However, the lamb is not the only one who has to make sacrifices in today's programme, where both the younger brother and older brother are taken to school by the other. Also get the story of how Poul Reumert succeeded again and again in sneaking into the many recipes of his childhood home.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#4 - Grease
Season 1 Episode 4
Aired 3/19/2008
Brothers Adam and James Price embark on a menu that will make any health freak run away screaming with high knee lifts. All dishes in today's program are prepared in - boiling oil. James gets the opportunity to shine with his fryer, a device with many buttons and lights (which little brother Adam has no equal), and deep-frying is done in both Spanish, Japanese and Italian. Farmer John Price, via his participation in Lørdagshjørnet anno 1977, helps the sons to the family classic, Bouef sauté Stroganoff.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#5 - Italiensk for letøvede
Season 1 Episode 5
Aired 3/26/2008
Brothers Adam and James Price dish up a number of Northern Italian classics. Making a Tiramisu gives Adam the opportunity to demonstrate his latest superior acquisition of kitchen equipment, and he also presents viewers with a decadent version of Risotto Milanese. There are crostini for the slightly hungry viewers, and those interested in psychology get a small insight into James' distinctive and significant relationship with his electric speed chopper.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#6 - De indre værdier
Season 1 Episode 6
Aired 4/2/2008
Brothers Adam and James Price demonstrate that it pays not only to watch the food on the hair, so to speak. Beneath the surface, there is a lot of good food hidden, for those who dare. Who should e.g. think that behind the equally legal medical term "thymus glands", there is a delicacy hiding on the menu of gourmet restaurants? Also meet a famous liver or two when making politically incorrect foie gras and somewhat more correct "Fegato Veneziana". Stomach and brain are also prepared anecdotally.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
The 20 WORST Episodes of Spise med Price
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#7 - Bearnaise special
Season 1 Episode 7
Aired 4/9/2008
Sovs, såås or sauce. Dear child has many names, and in today's broadcast, brothers Adam and James Price throw themselves into one emulsified sauce after another. Not only is "plenty of butter" used, as the well-known TV chefs Conrad and Aksel would have suggested, but also copious amounts of eggs and oil when the brothers conjure up homemade mayonnaise, hollandaise, béarnaise and a few other members of the sauce family. Mackerel, salmon and grilled beef steaks only play secondary supporting roles as "side dishes" in today's broadcast.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#8 - An offer you can't refuse
Season 1 Episode 8
Aired 4/16/2008
The brothers Adam and James Price strike a blow in the pasta dough, and conjure up an almost mafia atmosphere when they dish up a series of pasta dishes for the viewers and each other. Get, among other things, an almost secret recipe for a fish lasagna, which Adam works hard to sponsor. It really gets daring, too, when James makes the "whore's sauce" (puttanesca) and little brother responds again with authentic tinned food. James also trumps the brothers' arms race once again with an unprecedented (and almost unused) adult-sized kitchen appliance.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#9 - I tykt og tyndt
Season 1 Episode 9
Aired 4/23/2008
Brothers Adam and James Price have gone to the kitchen to separate the sheep from the goats. Even though sheep and goat are pretty much the only types of meat that are not part of today's main course. The French country classic, "Cassoulet", is a real mountain stage in all kinds of meat preparations. James thus gets the opportunity to demonstrate how to confit duck leg as well as show a home video with the dubious title "James makes sausages". Without going too much in the way of brother's all-day project of a men's dish, Adam succeeds in creating a bit of counterbalance in the form of a number of delicious, albeit "cheesy" dishes of the type that, above all, do not cost too much appetite: a warm salad, a granita and Peruvian "ceviche".
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#10 - Blær
Season 1 Episode 10
Aired 4/30/2008
In the provisionally last program in the series, brothers Adam and James Price have decided to blow themselves up - to the best of their ability. And they get hard work, since they have chosen to send dinner invitations to their absolute harshest critics: namely each other! They must take turns serving a dish to each other in a measured time, and have the dish approved as a genuine "bladder". Nerves are high and honor is at stake when Adam and James really roll out. The jokes start with a joint attempt in the genre: "decapitation of a champagne bottle".
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#11 - Den slanke linje
Season 2 Episode 1
Aired 3/4/2009
Many have praised the Price brothers for using much fat in their dishes (maybe just a little TOO much!), and Adam and James sign off in this program with a decidedly slimming menu. At least as far as the imagination now goes, when you have to do without "plenty of butter". Hear i.a. what the famous "risk cure" in the Price family is all about, and which of the men do the most sports. Along the way, there will also be time to make some quite endearing, photogenic and even edible dishes.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#12 - Sulten i Provence
Season 2 Episode 2
Aired 3/11/2009
"Hungry in Provence" The Price family no longer has a small apartment in the south of France, but DR's TV chefs, Adam and James Price, in return get many opportunities to show off their kitchen French when they present the viewers and each other with a number of Provençal classics . Adam takes a huge revenge in the brothers' internal arms race and even entices James to test what happens to his French pancake batter when it is exposed to a 350 degree oven.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#13 - Van Helsings natmad
Season 2 Episode 3
Aired 3/18/2009
"Van Helsing's Supper" In today's programme, the main role is played neither by the Price brothers nor by the vampires who, against all odds, can be spotted on the screen during the broadcast. Today's protagonist, on the other hand, is Allium Sativum, also known as "The Stinking Rose", or the garlic if you like. It can be prepared and used in countless ways and is not only tasty, but downright healthy! And Adam and James don't hold back. Both brothers fortunately belong to the group of people who basically do not smell after eating garlic, but it is still recommended not to sit too close to the TV screen. And by the way, there are taste tests of an American garlic ice cream. Bon appetite.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#14 - Ka' de li' østers
Season 2 Episode 4
Aired 3/25/2009
Pro et contra oysters, that is the question, but not the only important question of the day. Shell, shell not - is another pressing issue of the kind, and it is answered with a resounding yes when the Price brothers go to the beach and fish for creatures with their own armor and shell. We are probably not revealing too much by stating that not all participating animals escape alive from today's edition of Eat with Price when the fishing trip ends in the kitchen. Here you also get answers to the questions: Which animal do crab claws come from? How do you avoid peeling fjord prawns and which shellfish are excellent as an ashtray?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#15 - La dolce vita
Season 2 Episode 5
Aired 4/1/2009
2½ liters of cream, 2 kg of sugar, 300 grams of marzipan, 200 grams of nougat, 1 kg of butter, 24 egg whites, 1½ liters of vanilla ice cream, 400 g of chocolate, 500 grams of raspberries and a cup of water. That is essentially the recipe for today's programme, when Adam and James Price take cruel revenge for growing up in a home where sweets and sweets were banned. To demonstrate the natural relationship they have since acquired with the sweet life, they take us on a journey through all kinds of pastry cakes, homemade cakes, starter desserts, main course desserts and sweets. By the end of the road, both viewers and the Price brothers will be glued to the screen.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#16 - Tihvertifald, Kylling
Season 2 Episode 6
Aired 4/8/2009
Brødrene Price's food program this time balances very badly between the child-friendly and the decidedly child-unfriendly, when the Danes' national bird, the dinner chicken, is treated lovingly. Along the way, e.g. a couple of genuine legless birds add body to a round of aesthetic "playing with the food". If you hold out until the bitter end, there will, however, be good inspiration for the housewives m/k who have grown tired of seeing the evening's protagonist in the familiar role of curry chicken. Why not indulge in a Chicken Pepitoria, a Pollo Sorpresa or a surgically well-executed ragdoll chicken in laurels?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#17 - Some like it hot
Season 2 Episode 7
Aired 4/15/2009
The fact that cooking is a matter of taste is hardly lost on anyone. It does, on the other hand, the strength of some of the countless brought and relatively unknown chili fruits that the Price brothers test in today's program. This also gives a good reason to test each other in the small TV kitchen on the prairie: Because which cowboy chef wins the duel to be able to handle the strongest mouthful? There will be sweat on the forehead in indecent amounts when Adam and James guide the viewers through a series of strong and ultra-strong classics from both France, Italy, the USA and India. Along the way, however, there is also just enough time to take a stroll around DR-Byen and help a colleague from the weather forecast to get warm.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#18 - Kære lille mormor
Season 2 Episode 8
Aired 4/22/2009
After several decades, when the gastronomic course has been set in the direction as far away from the Danish soup pots as possible, food "as our grandmother made it" is once again finding its way to Danish dinner tables and menus. The Price brothers are jumping on the Grandma wave and serving battered meat to bad boys and boiling coffee in the best Madam Blå style. At the brothers' own grandmother's house, Christmas food was served all year round for the weekly Sunday lunch, and in this program the two chefs openly compete to make a grandmother's classic such as tartlets with chicken in asparagus as difficult as possible.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#19 - To lys på et bord
Season 2 Episode 9
Aired 4/29/2009
Scoring! The Price brothers have accepted the challenge of creating the perfect romantic dinner and are rewarded with female company of exquisite quality. Nothing is left to chance when a 4-course menu is put together, and when the table and the home must be at least as neat as the guests. Here again you have to resort to cheating, not just a little - but a lot. On today's occasion, Adam's cleaning help, Janna, has been enlisted, so that the brothers can concentrate fully on getting the gastronomy up and running. However, not everything goes according to plan.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#20 - Battle of Brothers
Season 2 Episode 10
Aired 5/6/2009
Knife and fork, pots and pans can't always do it. When the Price brothers go into the kitchen, a lot of extra equipment is often needed. We have often seen them conjure up cold meat, stir-fry and ice cream machines, with speed choppers, mini choppers and blenders. It has also happened that they have behaved more acoustically and weakly between tatin pans, pizza ovens and bonfire pots. To return again to the more peculiar with fryers, vacuum packers and electrified cold smoking ovens and industrial-sized pasta machines. But the big question in the program series (and in life as such) is of course: who really has the most stuff?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#21 - Brunt og Brændt
Season 2 Episode 11
Aired 12/16/2008
The Price brothers are ready with gifts for both the viewers and each other when they open the oven door to the Price Family's Christmas traditions, both the weird and the very weird. There are homemade kitchen tips and chips, and an almond gift that kicks Christmas ass beyond the usual. The stuffed turkey, which is the star of the Christmas menu, does not stress the gentlemen any more than there will be plenty of time to serve a lot of handmade snack along the way.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#22 - Napoleon Special
Season 3 Episode 1
Aired 3/9/2010
There is a war in the kitchen, though not between the Price brothers - but between a few of the dishes they make. It is covered with gastronomy with a historical dimension - and all dishes hide a story about Napoleon Bonaparte. A few famous cakes bear his name, the classic Søtunge Walevska is named after Napoleon's mistress, and finally the Battle of Waterloo is recreated when Napoleon's livery, Chicken Marengo is up against Beef Wellington, named after Napoleon's court man, the Duke of Wellington. The astute viewer will also sense that at least one of the chefs has an unusual Napoleon geek.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#23 - Den Heldige Kartoffel
Season 3 Episode 2
Aired 2/16/2010
"A potato is a potato" And yet not. There are countless varieties of potatoes, and there are even more uses for the underground tuber. In this episode, the Price brothers deliver a few surprising tips about potatoes. Among other things, a few useful potato chip tips if you want to take on the snack industry. They bake a cake containing boiled potatoes and also manage to reveal the shocking secret behind the term "gourmet mashed potatoes".
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#24 - Nordisk Mad Grand Prix
Season 3 Episode 3
Aired 2/23/2010
The fact that the Price brothers ended their career as pop carpenters with the ignominious 2nd place at the Danish Melodi Grand Prix 1988 has not got them down completely. Now they are coming strong again, this time competing in a (home-composed) Nordic Food Grand Prix with tastings and favorites from primarily Norwegian and Swedish cuisine. However, there will also be room for a single Danish classic before the tension over the title of "Nordic Master in National Dishes" is unleashed. Along the way, some new nuances and spices are added to the concept of fair play.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#25 - Den sidste Nadver
Season 3 Episode 4
Aired 3/30/2010
It is both high-pitched, spirited and nutritious when the Price brothers give their take on the world's most famous meal. In any case, Luther is covered up with (more or less) biblical dishes, in a menu that mixes Jewish, Christian and Middle Eastern traditions in an exemplary manner. The sacrificial lamb is prepared in street food fashion, and the Easter Bunny only gets out of the kitchen by sending in a stand in the form of the classic, rabbit in Dijon mustard. Today's Da Vinci mystery: did the painter Leonardo also include dirty eggs on his version of Jesus and the disciples' Easter table?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Best Episodes Summary
"Hanen og Ægget" is the best rated episode of "Spise med Price". It scored 8.9/10 based on 7 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 2/27/2009. This episode scored 0.1 points higher than the second highest rated, "De gamle mænd og havet".