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#1 - Teenage Idol
Season 2 Episode 5
Aired 10/1/2004
Hector begins another plan to rule the world, by recruiting the help of a giant stone idol that is alive. The idol isn't exactly what he expected; it's only 15 in idol years! He says that he'll only help Hector if he gets a date with Major Doctor Ghastly. Ghastly refuses, so Hector dresses up as Ghastly and seduces the idol to help him, but the idol's parents come and forbid him from helping Hector or dating Ghastly.
Director: Robert Hughes, Juli Murphy
Writer: Maxwell Atoms
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#2 - Hector, King of the Britons
Season 2 Episode 9
Aired 10/22/2004
Hector wants to rule Britain so he goes to Great Britain to find Excalibur, but the Lady of the Lake won't give it to him even after he does many things to prove himself worthy. When he finally steals Excalibur he finds out that the King has no power in Britain. In the Amusing ending, the "Lady of the Lake" steals the sword back by banging him over the head two times after Hector asked for "two lumps" {of sugar} in his tea.
Director: Brian Sheesley
Writer: Maxwell Atoms, Phil LaMarr, Grey DeLisle, Armin Shimerman, Vincent Waller, Rosalind Ayres, Greg Ellis
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#3 - The HCCBDD
Season 2 Episode 2
Aired 1/8/2004
Hector is depressed that he hasn't been able to take over the world yet, and feels he's missing something. Then Major Doctor Ghastly creates the HCCBDD, which she intends to show Hector the following day. Then that night, Hector's arch-enemy, Estroy, comes over for a "slumber party" with Ghastly, with the intention of stealing the HCCBDD. Estroy tricks Ghastly into showing him where the HCCBDD is. Estroy is then thrown away into the pool of dolphins and sharks. The HCCBDD is later revealed to be Hector's birthday party, something Hector wasn't expecting.
Director: Phil Cummings, Shaun Cashman
Writer: Maxwell Atoms, Brett Varon
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#4 - Ultimate Evil
Season 2 Episode 3
Aired 10/15/2004
Tired of consistently failing at his attempts to rule the world, Hector orders General Skarr to make Boskov into a vicious, mean, bear. Boskov in his new stage manages to take down Cod Commando and the entire army of Spork single-pawdidly, but when General Skarr pushes Boskov too far, Boskov starts attacking Hector and Skarr for mistreating him. Can Dr. Ghastly find a way to remedy this situation?
Director: Shaun Cashman
Writer: Maxwell Atoms, Alex Almaguer
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#5 - No No Nanook
Season 2 Episode 4
Aired 10/1/2004
Hector recruits the help of every arctic misfit in a plan to freeze the earth by fluctuating the magnetism of earth and make everywhere on earth a freezing pole. He succeeds despite Cod Commando's efforts, but all gravity on the earth has gone! Everything floats up to space and Hector is abducted by aliens. Luckily for Hector, the aliens all have exposed brains and a stomach you can see, and Hector is accepted into their group.
Director: Phil Cummings, Juli Murphy
Writer: Mike Diederich
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#6 - The Mother of All Evils
Season 2 Episode 1
Aired 1/8/2004
Major Doctor Ghastly buys a huge trojan bear resembling Boskov using Hector's 32 billion dollars. Hector's blind mother stops by to visit Hector, except she doesn't know Hector is only a brain and a stomach inside a bear. She then accidentally goes inside the Trojan bear, thinking it's the bathroom, and drives off in it towards the White House. Hector goes after her and meets with the "President". The "President" then tells Hector's mother who Hector really is, which Hector was afraid of her knowing. But Hector's mother isn't surprised and accepts Hector for who he is.
Director: Robert Hughes, Juli Murphy
Writer: Maxwell Atoms, Alex Almaguer
The 20 BEST Episodes of Evil Con Carne
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#7 - Gridlocked and Loaded
Season 2 Episode 6
Aired 10/15/2004
Hector has a plan to steal gold from a ship, but they get stuck in traffic and are frustrated because they might be too late. In the car they argue and get restless. They discover a button which transforms their car into a robot. when they finally got there they discover Tony the annoying Grunt, whom Hector fired earlier, robbed the boat before them.
Director: Juli Murphy, Steve Socki
Writer: C.H. Greenblatt
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#8 - Fool's Paradise
Season 2 Episode 7
Aired 10/15/2004
Hector, Ghastly and Skarr all go on vacation, but the only one who is relaxed on this vacation is Hector. Ghastly is annoyed by Estroy's romantic advances, and Skarr is just having a bad vacation.
Director: Phil Cummings, Juli Murphy
Writer: C.H. Greenblatt
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#9 - Jealousy, Jealous Do
Season 2 Episode 8
Aired 10/22/2004
Hector gets a new secretary who is actually a Swedish spy trying to steal Hector's secret plans. She flirts with Boskov completely oblivious to the fact that Hector can tell her the secrets, not Boskov. Meanwhile, Major Doctor Ghastly is jealous of Hector and the secretary's relationship. At the end Cod Commando steals the secret plans posing as a guard.
Director: Robert Hughes, Juli Murphy
Writer: Maxwell Atoms, C.H. Greenblatt
Season 2 Ratings Summary
"Teenage Idol" is the best rated episode of "Evil Con Carne" season 2. It scored 10/10 based on 1 votes. Directed by Robert Hughes, Juli Murphy and written by Maxwell Atoms, it aired on 10/1/2004. This episode is rated 0.0 points higher than the second-best, "Hector, King of the Britons".